Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 540: The Emperor is worried, Xu Fu calculates

Chen Jiu was standing on the golden bridge, just breathing across the sky, and the thunder of destruction severely damaged the gods of the heavens and the mighty powers. When the heavens and the mighty opened his eyes again, the void only left a shadowy shadow, and the rainbow light disappeared. Between heaven and earth.

Jinqiao descended to Leyi Palace, and Chao Xiaoyu was dressed in plain clothes and wrapped in silver, which was extremely enchanting.

Beside Chao Xiaoyu, there was Shen Luoying in a red shirt, just like the scorching sun.

Behind him, the mountain lord of Baigushan stood behind the two women, and the little fox Bai Rui stood beside Shen Luoying.

As for Feiyan, Yu Youyu and others, the speed of reaction was too slow, and Chen Jiu has not been found to return.

The great powers of the heavens knew what Chen Jiu's battle that day. Although there was a supreme power to rescue Chen Jiu, but under that explosion, the demon prince’s heavenly star battle array, Chen Jiu had No one knows what the situation is without being alive, not even the emperor who claims to be the world's most powerful.

Therefore, after Chen Jiu's accident that day, the gate of Le Yu Palace was closed tightly.

Unexpectedly, after three months, the familiar golden bridge would rise again.

"Taibai, you are back, where did you go, how did you come back?" Shen Luoying was still like that, like a child, she didn't know how to restrain her emotions. Before Chen Jiu landed, she flew up.

Looking at Shen Luoying who was leaping over, Chen Jiu couldn't push him out. He had no choice but to open his hands and hug Shen Luoying. He felt the softness and greasiness in his arms. He saw Chao Xiaoyu kill people. Chen Jiu shuddered, letting go of his salty pig's hands.

The threatening in Xiao Yu's gaze diminished slightly, but she wanted to call her like Shen Luoying, hugged by the crowd, her face was thin and she couldn't do it.

Watching her good sister hug Chen Jiu. Even if Chao Xiaoyu was unwilling, he couldn't say anything.

The Lord Baigushan lowered his eyes, pretending not to see this scene. In my heart, he secretly said: "The Lord is young and romantic, and likes beautiful women the most. It seems that we will have to spend some time in the future to recruit some beautiful talents for the owner so as to please the owner."

If Chao Xiaoyu Shen Luoying knew this idea, he would have to tear down the bone frame of the Bone Mountain Lord.

"Hey, you come down first" Chen Jiu put away the golden bridge and landed on the ground.

Shen Luoying looked at the people around him, flushing, and let go of Chen Jiu.

With a soft breath, Chen Jiu glanced at Xiao Yu. Look at the two great mountain owners under his command, and nod in satisfaction: "Let's go in and say."

"Boss, you are back" Yu Youyu ran out of the backyard after feeling Chen Jiu's breath.

Chen Jiu nodded, "Where is Feiyan?"

"Feiyan is in retreat, he retreats after you leave, and doesn't know what happened to you" Yu Youyu said.

Nodded, Chen Jiu took the lead to walk into Le Yu Palace, sat down on the main seat, and looked at the crowd and said: "This time, the seat is too big and the ship capsized in the gutter. If you go, bring some helpers, too. There will be no such thing."

Chen Jiu is missing. But there is no need to worry about the small actions of the two great mountain masters under his command. Although Chen Jiu is no longer there, the human emperor is pressed there. Facing the infinitely majestic human emperor, few in these heavens dare to challenge its majesty.

"If the Lord of the Mountain brings his subordinates this time, he will definitely be able to eradicate the Earth Clan. The Earth Clan has a lot of ways, and the earth is immortal and mysterious. If you can take it over. It will definitely increase the strength of my Le Central Realm." Bai Bone Mountain Lord to.

Chen Jiu nodded: "Yes, this time the seat is big. You immediately send your disciples to secretly explore the whereabouts of the local people. This group of mice is not dead, and this seat is uneasy."

"Subordinates obey, my White Bone Mountain spells are quite mysterious. The place where there are bones is the place where my White Bone Sect's eyeliner is, and it will definitely satisfy the adults."

Chen Jiu looked at Yu Youyu after hearing the words: "What's going on in the capital?".

That day, when Chen Jiu conquered the White Bone Temple, the Emperor suddenly changed his mind. Something must have happened. The Emperor was caught off guard and had to change his original intentions. Chen Jiu was very curious about what could make the Emperor change his plan.

"I haven't heard any news from Shangjing," Yu Youyu shook his head and said with certainty.

Chen Jiu looked at Chao Xiaoyu: "What do you think of Confucianism?"

Chao Xiaoyu closed his eyes when he heard the words, and after a long time he said, "What about Confucianism, you already have an abacus in your heart, so why bother to ask me".

Chen Jiuyi was taken aback, then looked outside the hall: "Confucianism is no longer the Confucianism it used to be."

Going to the capital, the Emperor of the Emperor had the Sword of Heaven hanging on his waist, with the seal in his hand, constantly running the mana, giving birth to one of his seven souls.

Marui, an old slave, was loyal and loyal to protect the law, with a worried expression on his face.

After a long time, the emperor stopped his movements, and after receiving the work, Ma Rui said: "How is your majesty?".

The Emperor shook his head: "Although I took that step, it was under the suppression of the laws of heaven and earth, I did not dare to fully use the mana. After all, the three souls and seven souls are too important to be derived in a short time."

Speaking of this, the Human Emperor smiled: "Don't worry about me, I am a strong rebirth from a drop of blood, and can be resurrected with a drop of blood. The demon emperor's conspiracy and tricks are no good for me, it is a big deal."

"The other party tried so hard and didn't know what price it paid to take away your majesty's spirit. I was afraid that the next hand came too fast and your majesty could not prepare. This is the general trend of the central government, and there are many forces to calm and appease. Do it well, it's too hasty".

The emperor heard Marui's words and remained silent for a long time.

"If I suddenly fall asleep, this dynasty will be taken care of by you," said the emperor hesitatingly: "Ping Tianwang is worthy of use, so don't suppress him, let him go, after all. The blood of our royal family, as the land has changed drastically today, also needs a strong royal person to deter the heavens and the hundreds of families."

"Old slave obeys the decree" Ma Rui bowed.

In the one hundred thousand mountains of the demon race, Xu Fu is still in the same posture, that seal, where he is sitting, silent, eyes closed, wandering around.

The vitality of heaven and earth fluctuated, and the demon emperor appeared in front of Xu Fu: "Master Dao, the emperor is here."

"Have seen your Majesty, has your Majesty prepared all the spiritual objects and ancestral blood needed by the poor Dao" Xu Fu opened his eyes and did not get up.

The Demon King nodded, and with a move of his palm, a package appeared in his hand, and the sound of the collision of the bottles in the package kept on.

"All of the ancestral blood is here, the same is not lacking, the same is a lot. As for the spiritual relic, although a lot of it has been stolen by the little thief Chen Jiu, my demon clan's background is still there, but it is barely gathered. Take a long count."

Xu Fu nodded, took the package, and then slowly opened it.

The goal is a fist-sized jade bottle. These jade bottles are made of high-quality spirit jade, and are blessed by the Demon Emperor himself to prevent the blood power from passing away.

In which jade bottle, there may be heavenly dragons hovering, roaring, golden wings hovering, and powerful ancient monsters roaring in the sky, even if it is just a drop of blood, they have infinite magical powers and infinite power.

Xu Fu nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, yes, your Majesty has bothered."

"Since the Daoist Chief is satisfied, let's cast the spell quickly so that the emperor falls asleep."

Xu Fu heard that the corners of his mouth slightly cocked: "Your Majesty thinks my chances of success?".

"Less than 50%, after all, the human luck dragon is too powerful, even if it is a taboo strong man, he dare not take the edge." The demon king didn't believe Xu Fu too much.

Xu Fu nodded: "Your Majesty, this is a big truth, but I don't know if your Majesty wants a 100% certainty, or 90% A golden light shot in the eyes of the demon king: "You have a way? ".

"There are ways, but you need to make a little sacrifice" Xu Fu said, twisting his beard.

"Is there any way, come here quickly" Demon King said.

"How is the relationship between the Sihailong Clan and the One Hundred Thousand Years Dashan Demon Clan?" Xu Fu did not say a way, but asked an unrelated question.

Seeing that the Demon King hadn't even thought about it, he was about to speak, but Xu Fu said, "Your Majesty, don't fool me. To be honest, everyone is sensible."

The demon emperor took a deep look at Xu Fu, and then said: "Although these four sea dragons are of the same origin, they have their own homes, and their powers are like the princes of the human race. Respectful to the ancestral court, but deep down in my heart may not be the same as the monster race. (To be continued)




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