Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 553: Taizong wanders about impermanence

The emperor nodded: "If that's the case, then you can rest assured, you can figure it out, don't be put together again."

"Don't worry, this time is just an accident. Who would have thought that the Sihailong King was unexpectedly surprised and caught the emperor by surprise. People are not as good as the sky," the demon emperor said in a low voice.

"That's good, the emperor is waiting for your good news." The emperor vanished and disappeared.

The Demon King's expression was gloomy: "Daochang Xu, please prepare."

Xu Fu nodded, began to take a bath, and then turned to the altar of the Yaozu and lit a stick of incense. The incense was one foot thick and ten feet high. After being lit, the flame showed white brilliance.

Xu Fu’s eyes flashed with white light: “I don’t know how many years I have practiced the Fangxian Dao technique in the poor way. What I visualize is the black and white impermanence of the ecstatic messenger. With the help of this soul-absorbing incense and the sacrifice of the ancestral blood of the monster, the emperor will never escape. This robbery".

The demon emperor nodded: "There is Mr. Lao, this emperor will protect the law for his husband and protect his body."

"If you have work, don't forget your majesty's promise."

"Good" Demon King nodded.

Seeing this slap on the top of his head, Xu Fu saw a deep hole on the top of his head slowly open, and two figures in black and white popped out.

One of them wore a black hat on his head and wrote: "I'll catch you".

Another white figure wore a white hat and wrote: "You are here too".

This black-and-white figure is the legend, the famous ecstatic messenger of the underworld is black-and-white impermanence, one holding a crying stick and the other holding an iron chain.

After the black and white figure popped out, there was a rule in the dark, the power of order came, and it was instantly contained in the body by the black and white impermanence.

"The power of the law of the underworld," the demon emperor exclaimed, the underworld disappeared in historical time and space and was buried in the depths of time and space. This underworld law was also hidden by the power of heaven and earth. At this time, the eyelids of the demon king trembled, and he didn't expect Xu Fu to attract these laws. This Xu Fu's identity became a mystery in the eyes of the Demon Emperor at this time, even the nail-headed seven arrows that were lost in ancient times. It can be seen that the determination of its identity is not simple.

At this moment, Xu Fu's body saw sweat on his forehead, and the Yin God carried the Yin Judicial Principles, and his burden was not small.

This yin justice comes, and black and white impermanence becomes true black and white impermanence, becoming a part of the law of heaven and earth.

The power of humanity can resist all the power of the heavens and the mana of all races, but it will not reject the power of the heavens.

It's the ancient times. The great powers are very afraid of black and white impermanence. No matter how high your cultivation level, as long as you have not become a strong taboo, you cannot resist black and white impermanence, or the power of the law represented by black and white impermanence.

In the middle of the human race, go to the capital, the emperor's dragon gas is transpiring.

The Emperor closed his eyes tightly, closed his eyes and meditated. He was considering how to find the place back, but he was put out by the dragon clan. This is definitely the inverse scale of an emperor, things are beyond control, this is what the emperor hates most.

Don't know why. His mind suddenly throbbed, and a dangerous force descended on him. He wanted to fight back, and he wanted to open his eyes to run mana, but at this time his eyelids seemed to be heavy, and mana lost its sensitivity.

In a trance, a chain appeared in the endless darkness, instantly shrouded in the human emperor, a white figure holding a crying stick and hitting the human emperor. The emperor's soul escaped from the body and was escorted by Xu Fu's black and white impermanence. Flew towards the hundred thousand mountains in a muddle manner.

One hundred thousand mountains, the huge incense has burned more than half. Xu Fu's face was bloodless, and the essence of his body seemed to be evacuated, ruddy like a baby's face full of wrinkles, like a decayed old man.

Suddenly, Xu Fu opened his eyes, and those eyes flashed with strange brilliance. Even the Demon Emperor, who was a strong man in the heavens, was taken aback at this time. Cold and ruthless, with endless darkness, the Demon Emperor saw in his eyes. To a road, a road of no return.

"Thirty breaths, my black and white impermanence can only withstand the time of thirty breaths. After 30 breaths, the law of heaven and earth must be withdrawn from my black and white impermanence, otherwise my law will be broken by the law of heaven and earth."

Xu Fu's voice is hoarse, like a broken gong, which is very unpleasant.

The Demon King was taken aback when he heard the words, and then it became clear that this was after all the impermanence visualized by Xu Fu, not the true impermanence.

Looking at the impermanence of Xu Fu's black and white, there is a dark shadow in the middle of impermanence. From his face, he can see that he is the emperor.

A bead flashed in the hand of the demon emperor. It was his natal dragon ball that he had worked so hard to sacrifice for countless years. It was even stronger than that innate spirit treasure, and it had a hint of eternal immortality.

At this time, there was a slight fluctuation in the space, and the Demon Emperor didn't lift his eyes: "You are finally here, thirty breaths, only thirty breaths time."

"Work together to cast spells and hit his soul."

"Wait a minute" saw the two of them about to cast a spell, but heard Xu Fu's broken sound.

"What's wrong?" Barbarians said.

"Although my Yin God has the rules of the Hades, the soul of the Emperor is also protected by the rules of the Hades. If you attack, you can’t be backlashed by the rules of the Hades. Then you will either die or be injured. It was in vain".

Seeing time flow by bit by bit, the demon emperor said impatiently: "What can be done?"

"You inject mana into my body, and I imitate the eighteen dungeons, and use the power of purgatory to slowly wear away its soul."

There were only twenty-eight breaths left in the time, and two breaths of time had passed for the time to speak. Now there is no choice but to listen to Xu Fu. The two emperors looked at each other, feeling quite useless, but there was no way.

Two streams of mana are continuously injected into Xu Fu's body, Xu Fu's body is like a bottomless pit, and he will not refuse the mana of the two emperors.

The sky gradually became dim, a gloomy force filled the 100,000 mountains, and then expanded towards the distance.

Then, in the shocked eyes of the Demon Emperor and the Barbarian Emperor, watching the space slowly twisted, a simple and solemn palace slowly emerged.

The palace was black, exuding a solemn and solemn atmosphere, which made people shudder. Even though the palace in front of me was an illusory hell, the cold breath still made people stand tall.

In which palace’s plaque is written the words “Tongue Hell”, and there is a stone stele on the left side of the palace. The stele reads: “Instigate discord, slander people, slick your tongue, argue with each other, lie and deceive, be Suffering from eighteen layers of hell".

The next moment, I saw the chain in Black and White's impermanence's hands, which became infinitely longer and stretched, with a clattering sound, and the Emperor flew out instantly and fell into the tongue-out hell.

Bai Wuchang turned into a little demon, opened the Emperor's mouth, grabbed his tongue with pliers, and pulled it down little by little.

These eighteen layers of **** are illusory, and the little ghost is naturally fake. Although he never really broke the human emperor’s mouth and pulled out his tongue, the human emperor in the chaos felt the sharp pain and didn’t know it. Xu Fu's exercises are so profound that it makes people feel like actually experiencing it in person.

Time was passing a little bit, and seven breaths passed outside, but the emperor in the tongue-pulling **** didn't know how many times he suffered from tongue-pulling, and the soul became dim a little bit.

The next moment, the space was distorted again, and the palace changed shape in that distortion.

The palace plaque became a **** of scissors.

There is a stone stele beside the **** of scissors. The stele says: "If there has been no fruit, the person who speaks should suffer from the scissors."

In fact, the Hell of Scissors is specially set up for those women who are not obedient to women in the The emperor is a man. How can he suffer from the Hell of Scissors? .

This **** was transformed by Xu Fu. If the Emperor wants to suffer from the **** of scissors, he must suffer from the **** of scissors.

After the four breaths, the **** was changing, and a plaque was hung above the palace, inscribed: "Iron Tree Hell".

Those who separate their flesh and blood in the world and abet the master, brothers, and sisters of their husbands and wives should suffer from the iron tree hell.

Chen Jiu didn’t know how the Emperor Human came to this throne, but the great power present has lived for countless years. The great change of the Human Race three thousand years ago shocked all the forces of the heavens, and the blood flow of that battle drenched the entire capital. Royal palace.

Perhaps the sin of the emperor is too great. The air pressure of the real dragon in the human world has always been controlled by the real dragon. Now that he is free from the aura of the real dragon, the iron tree **** in the dark has actually dropped a projection, and Xu Fu’s iron tree **** projection is merged into one. It has solidified a lot, and even the iron tree **** has become much clearer, and the iron tree is even more flickering, making people feel chilly. (To be continued)



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