Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 566: Lei Chi appeared in the battle, the one finger that spanned time and space

In the depths of Lei Ze, Chen Jiu was bathed in thunder and lightning, and Chao Xiaoyu and others were firmly protected by Yin and Yang fish.

"Since we have already benefited, why don't we go?" Chao Xiaoyu stood on the Yin Yang fish, looking worried, and the Bone Mountain Lord was also entangled.

No matter that everyone was not entangled, Chen Jiu received one of Thor's three treasures. In this thunder, he would surely become the target of the crowd. Everyone seemed to have seen a **** fly, and screamed.

Shaking his head, Chen Jiu looked at the mighty Lei Ze, and felt the constant pulsating mana in the distance: "It's not right, Thor has a treasure called Lei Chi. This Lei Chi is one of the few treasures in the world that combines offense and defense, or was taken away by Lei Shen. , Or it’s hidden in this Lei Ze, we haven’t traveled through Lei Ze, maybe this Lei Ze is hiding Thor’s treasure."

After speaking, Chen Jiu suddenly felt excited: "Yes, I said I always felt something wrong, and now I finally find the reason."

As he said, Chen Jiu waved his palm, and a black lightning shot out, instantly sinking into the thunder and Ze.

A mournful wailing sounded through Lei Ze, and then the Yin Yang fish under Chen Jiu's feet flashed, and instantly rushed out of Lei Ze, his eyes showed a feeling of revenge: "Hmph, I finally found you, what Lei Ze The secret realm, and the Thunder God’s palace, are you guys who are doing a ghost. Waiting for me to refine your body and see how I concoct you, causing this king to lose two treasures. The crime deserves a million deaths."

The yin and yang fish flicked and fell to the ground towards Xiaoyu and the others. Chen Jiu ignored the people, but stared at Lei Ze tightly. In the shocking eyes of everyone, the sky was the most mysterious. Lei Ze was trembling, he was hit by the Shattered Thunder. Divine Thunder destroys everything, and there is nothing in this world that cannot be destroyed.

The world rumbling, thunderstorms. One interest, two interest and three interest, after one hundred and seven interest. The huge Lei Ze turned into a small tripod the size of a fist, shining with endless thunder, and a world of thunder continued to emerge from the tripod.

"Lei Chi" Chen Jiu thought, his sleeves covered the sky and the sun. Before everyone could react, he had already put the Lei Chi away.

Before the Thunder Pond riot, a strange force threw everyone out, and it was the time to get dizzy. Chen Jiu took the lead.

In an instant, everyone's mana surged and they were about to move.

Chen Jiu's face was calm, but his eyes were like knives. Everywhere he passed, everyone bowed their heads, their hearts tingling.

With a cold "hum", Chen Jiu led the crowd about to turn around and leave, only to see the demon emperor prince appearing in front of Chen Jiu surrounded by stars.

"Lord, can't you leave like this?".

The gun shot a bird, although I don't know this sentence. But everyone knows what it means. Although the demon crown prince has made the head bird, everyone still feels jealous. But the treasures are tempting, and if you can win the treasures, there will naturally be sects to protect them.

The jade **** Xiao, the **** of abundance, came to behind Chen Jiu gracefully: "Lord, Lei Chi has a great relationship with my **** Xiao Tian Lei Dao, and I also ask the prince to keep Lei Chi, and I will thank my **** Xiao Tian Lei Dao in the future. ".

"Lord, please let me out." Two members of the Wu clan stopped Chen Jiu to the right.

There were people in front and back, and people on the right. Chen Jiu's only way to survive was on the left.

"Ninth brother. This thunder pond is a treasure between heaven and earth, and I should give it to the emperor. I also ask the younger brother to consider the overall situation and give the thunder pond to brother for safekeeping."

The sound fell. Chen Jiu's pupils shrank: "Prince."

Chen Jiu didn't know when the prince came here. Next to the prince was Wang Mingyang's disciple Li Ru.

Chen Jiu looked gloomy and looked at Li Ru: "What do you mean by Mr. Ming Yang?".

Li Ru smiled without saying a word, and Chen Jiu was even more angry.

"Huh, a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs, this king wants to see what you are good at, prince, you can remember, don't let this king escape, otherwise we have to settle this account in the future." Chen Jiu gritted his teeth. To the prince.

Li Ru frowned when he heard the words: "Bold, dare to speak to the prince like this, without father or mother, without growth or young, the crime is extremely sinful, and he is not quick to punish him."

This is a Confucian verbal criticism, just a single sentence, there are chains flashing in the air, that is the Confucian order, shrouded in Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiucang's immortal body flashed quaint traces, and the chain was disintegrated and absorbed before he was close to him: "Boy, although you enjoy the Confucian fortune, but the heat is too shallow, I am afraid I can't help it."

After speaking, Qiankun pretended Chao Xiaoyu and the others in his sleeves, and his eyes flashed with a glorious light: "Come and not be indecent, you also try this king's methods."

Chen Jiu opened up the world in the palm of his left palm, strangling all order with the power of earth, water, wind and fire. The void was flattened wherever he passed, and the sky was darkened. In Li Ru's eyes, this palm was like the mighty hand of heaven, like a hand of heaven. , Irresistible.

"Oh" a dragon chant spread, and a real dragon flashed around the prince's body, screaming for nine days, and greeted him with his left hand.

"Bang" Chen Jiu stepped back three steps, and stood still in the void: "What a terrific human luck, I didn't expect you to occupy so much human luck, but after all, you are relying on foreign objects, how can you be your opponent."

The prince's complexion turned red, and Li Ru's awe-inspiring righteousness poured into the prince's body to help him restore his blood.

Yu Shenxiao didn't know when, a bright innate **** thunder burst out from his fingertips.

"God Sky Thunder".

A cold light flashed in Chen Jiu's eyes, and a mysterious silk thread emerged in the void, gently flicking the silk thread, and the power of karma at the fingertips twisted.

"Great cause and effect magic, where there is a cause, there is an effect."

Causal reversal. Under the powerful law of causality, Jade Shenxiao was instantly backlashed by Shenxiao Tianlei, and the Shenxiao Tianlei who had attacked Chen Jiu actually went back again. It is a long story, but everything is just a blink of an eye. That’s all.

The turbid evil power of the Wu Clan burst out in an instant, and the two giants fisted like heaven and earth, with their fists wrapped in endless power, and fought against Chen Jiu.

"Absolute Zero" Chen Jiu used the celestial scripture of real water, light blue silk thread appeared in the air, the law of lifting water, absolute zero is the force that can freeze even time, of course Chen Jiu can't use absolute zero. It was that move, but it was far different from Absolute Zero, but it was enough to deal with the barbarians of two witch races.

The turbid evil air was frozen in an instant, then spread, and derive towards the void. The void where it passed was frozen, and the monks who could not dodge around were instantly frozen, turning into an ice sculpture.

The demon prince’s star-fighting power flashed all over his body, and the ancient stars in the sky echoed with the star-fighting flag banners of the heavens, and the star-fighting stars all over his body reflected each other, forming a force field toward Chen Jiu cover.

A small river entangled Chen Jiu's index finger, like a loach, a small snake.

This river has no beginning, no end, no end, no beginning.

This finger is extremely slow, but this finger surpasses the endless void.

The next moment, the demon king prince in the star force field suddenly turned the stars, but it was too late. There was no power to pass the time quickly.

A blood burst shot from the demon crown prince's left shoulder, and Zhou Tian Xing Dou could not prevent Chen Jiu's finger.

"Impossible, how is this possible?" Where the Demon Emperor Prince was dumbfounded, he seemed to be unbelievable.

Chen Jiuleng smiled coldly Take back his finger, this finger is not an ordinary finger, Chen Jiu's power of time is still very weak, unable to reverse the projection of the heavens and stars, but the time is time after all Changhe, Chen Jiu's finger traversed time and space, and directly slammed the demon prince who had not summoned the heavens and the stars.

In other words, Chen Jiu's finger traversed the long river of time and space, and hit it hard before the Demon Crown Prince had summoned the heavens and stars.

It's easy to say, but it's quite difficult to do. Reversing time and space, even if it is a taboo strong, will have to pay a great price. Even if Chen Jiu's time can only be reversed temporarily, it is not easy.

The wounds of time are working in the present, and it is no wonder that the demon crown prince couldn't believe it and looked like a ghost.

If it weren't for the treasure to protect him, Chen Jiu's finger would point to his forehead, sending him into reincarnation.

"There is nothing impossible. With this king, everything is possible. I really think that the heavens and the stars are invincible? If the world is invincible, the demon race back then will not lose the position of the overlord of the heavens," Chen Jiu mocked. (To be continued)



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