Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 586: The whip of thunder punishment, the heavens can be shocked

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The ancestor of the drought roared, and the tooth that drilled out of his palm gradually gave rise to bloodshot eyes, and the bloodshot eyes filled the whole tooth in the breath. The rich blood filled the world, and the eyes of all living beings gradually turned red.

In the next moment, the ancestor of the Dryman laughed and said: "You only think that my ancestor is a powerful way of walking, but you don’t know that Dryman is the highest level of zombies. The **** avenue is my true housekeeper ability. ".

After speaking, in the shocking eyes of the heavens, an endless blood mist appeared in Yongzhou. It was not a vision created by the ancestor of the drought, but the blood of the common people.

The blood of the people in Yongzhou was like water droplets dripping on the fire, instantly turning into water vapor, drilling towards the tooth in the hands of the ancestor of the drought.

"Damn it, stop him" Chen Jiu roared, if the ancestor of Drought Yan really succeeded in casting the spell, there would be no living creatures in Yongzhou.

"Roar~~~" Tianlong roared, the Dragon King of the Four Seas had a big mouth, and the endless sea water formed a water curtain, which cut off the supernatural powers of the ancestors of the drought.

Ordinary currents are naturally separated from the magical powers of the ancestors of the drought. The Four Seas Dragon King's water curtain is real water that has been sacrificed and refined by the dragon clan secret method.

Chen Jiu's eyes flashed with golden light, and the center of his eyebrows flickered with lightning.

The sky did not know when the clouds were overcast, and thunders shuttled through it.

At the next moment, Chen Jiu stretched out his right hand, and a thunder light came from nothingness, deriving from nothing.

Lei Guang stretched, about one meter and five meters apart. The long whip with thunder light appeared in his hand.

This whip is not an ordinary whip used to drive livestock, but a long-striped weapon used in warfare in ancient times. There are twenty-four quarters, and each quarter corresponds to a solar term.

The long whip is swarthy. The purple thunder and lightning flashed, majestic.

"Thunder Penalty Whip".

Chen Jiu waved the whip of thunder punishment, the clouds moved, and the endless thunder and lightning fell down, pierced through the sky, and instantly gathered in front of the whip of thunder punishment, forming a ball of thunder and lightning, which cut through the void in a moment. Through the void, came to the front of the ancestor of Hanyan.

The "Thunder Penalty Whip" shocked the heavens. This is what the ancient might have changed color for. The ancient Thunder God held the Thunder Penalty whip to punish the heavens, and the mighty power among the heavens changed color for it.

In the ancestral court of the "Thunder Punishment Whip", the Demon Emperor suddenly stood up. As the emperor of the Demon Race, he naturally knew something about the Thunder God.

If a monster monk is transformed, he will inevitably go through heavenly punishment. Now the ancient gods have disappeared, the heaven and the earth are in disorder, and the monks of the demon race rely on the laws of heaven and earth to operate on their own.

Now if there is a monk who can control the punishment of heaven and earth. In particular, this monk is still the enemy of his own monster race. If the monster race monk crosses the catastrophe in the future, this guy will do a little bit of manipulation, fearing that the monster race will become extinct.

Terran, the sun and moon in Wang Mingyang's eyes rose up in his eyes, intertwined, and mysterious.

"The whip of thunder punishment is really terrifying. I didn't expect the treasure of the ancient Lei Di to be born. The peace between the world and the earth will soon be broken. I don't know if there are those powerful forces to be deployed."

After speaking. The sun and moon in Wang Mingyang's eyes disappeared, and the atmosphere gradually returned to calm.

In a certain corner. Xu Fu fiddled with some bottles and cans, suddenly raised his head, speechless for a long time.

After a long time, Xu Fu put away all the bottles and cans: "Forget it, although this Thor is hateful, but it is really difficult to deal with. Now the important matter is important, and there is no more trouble."

Barbarians, the emperor's eyes flashed strangely black, and then closed his eyes: "This thunder punishment is the common enemy of all species in the heavens, and it is the road of punishment between heaven and earth.

All the heavens and hundreds of races were surprised, or feared, or fleeing away in the void, closing the gates.

Gradually, the sect was not calm, too educated, Li Mingyuan’s eyes flashed like a wave of eyes: "Last time the Thunder God’s mansion was missed by this son, next time I won’t be so lucky, I’m too educated. At that time, when Thor came to me personally, the Supreme Guru might not sell his face. Do you really think that you can run wild with Thor's weapon?".

The shocking battle over Yongzhou caught the eyes of all forces in the heavens.

As the first race in the heavens, the human race has nothing to do with it.

"The whip of thunder punishment" the ancestor of the drought screamed, and then the whole body burned with raging flames, the next moment the earth and mountains melted, the volcano erupted, the ground fire rushed out, vented and high in the sky, rushing out of the clouds.

"Fire travels to the world" the ancestor of the drought roared, and the flames enveloped him.

Thunder and fire, thunder and fire are not separated, to a certain extent, fire and thunder have something in common.

The power of thunder and punishment surged in Chen Jiu's hand, and the sky was densely covered with dark clouds covering the entire Yongzhou.

The next moment, he saw Chen Jiu's tactics change, the whip of thunder punishment instantly turned into a thunder light, and it shot out through the blazing flames in the heart of the earth and hit the real body of the ancestor of the drought.


The heavens trembled, and the next moment the ancestor of the drought flew out, and the raging flame in the center of the earth lost its suppression and rushed towards the distance.

"Frozen the fire in the heart of the earth, wait for the king to capture and kill the ancestor of the drought" Chen Jiu commanded, and the dragon kings of the four seas in the sky led in unison, casting spells to suppress the flame in the heart of the earth.

With the whip of thunder punishment in his hand, Chen Jiu turned into a rainbow light, came to the ancestor of Hanyan, and struck down.

The ancestor of Drought Yan was physically strong. Although Chen Jiu's blow was implemented, it seems that the ancestor of Drought did not suffer any harm.

The ancestor of Drought Yun's palm was instantly covered with scales, stretched forward, and blocked Chen Jiu's thunder punishment whip in front of him.

Thunder light surged, and the scales on the palms of the ancestors of Drought Yan were like flesh jumping on an iron rod, sizzling, and there was a burning smell.

"What a powerful thunder light" Drought Yan ancestor turned into a flash of fire and plunged into the earth.

A blue light flashed in Chen Jiu's eyes, and the whip of thunder punishment was quietly held in his hand: "Ancestor Drought, how awe-inspiring you were in the Forbidden Sea back then, why are you here now, but you have become a dog of the mourning family, even facing the king? There is no courage to fight."

"Nonsense, ancestor, I just don't have a weapon to take advantage of. If you have a weapon to take advantage of, how can you be my opponent, just relying on the triumphant villain of the ancient Thunder God and strange treasure." Han Yan ancestor is here. Under Tian Da-neng's gaze, he really couldn't stand Chen Jiu's fierce general, his figure flashed, appeared in the volcanic crater on the ground, and the lava under his feet was surging, which was terrifying.

"A weapon in hand?"

Chen Jiu looked at the whip of thunder's punishment, and it was really no different from the real weapon. If it weren't for the details, Chen Jiu also thought the whip of thunder's punishment was a physical treasure.

"You old fellow must be clever and eloquent. You have lived for countless years, and I have only cultivated for thousands of years. How can we compare, I don't believe that you old fellow has no decent treasure in these countless years. ".

Chen Jiu is indeed wronged by the ancestor of Drought, and this ancestor of Drought was also a resounding power in the ancient times, but was sealed by others during a great battle, and the weapon was knocked down in the endless void. How can he find it for a while get.

After the ancestor Hanyan finished speaking, he touched his mouth, and the next moment the ancestor Hanyan fell into his hands with two sharp teeth.

"Well, I think you are the Lord of the Great Zhou, I just want to teach you a lesson. Today, since you are seeking death by yourself, then you will be fulfilled by doing it yourself. See if this Thunder God's whip falls in your hands, and there is something like the ancient Thor Vaillant".

After speaking, the ancestor Hanyan pulled his palm, and his teeth instantly turned two feet. With a whistling sound, he stunned his soul and called Chen Jiu.

" The thunderbolt between the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth change color, the whip of thunder punishment collides with the teeth of the ancestor of the drought, the heaven and the earth seem to be unbearable, making a scalp tingling sound, squeaking Yeah, shaky.

Chen Jiu was in a daze and took three steps back.

The teeth of the ancestor of the drought are the magic weapon of his life. It is boundless and has all kinds of weirdness. Chen Jiu’s thunder whip touched that tooth a little, and he felt his blood boil, the pores all over his body enlarged, and the blood seemed to be It must fly out through the pores.

Fortunately, Chen Jiu's three souls and seven souls are hidden in the inner world. Before fighting, he was in a trance, almost caught the tricks of the ancestors of the drought, and suffered a great loss.

"Good good, good method, it really made this king see" Chen Jiuleng smiled coldly. (The novel "Da Yin Xian Chao" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign at the top right "add friend", search Pay attention to the official account "qdread", hurry up!) (to be continued)


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