Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 703: Gamble

? Seasons change, reincarnation is intertwined.


   The spring of recovery of all things has just passed, and the vibrant summer has just arrived.


  Countless millet grows wildly, vying to absorb the power of the stars and nourish themselves.


At this time, the **** of agriculture has already felt a little bit of trouble, and he was about to manipulate the tactics, but saw that the Nandou and the Beidou were intertwined again. This is a bitterness to the **** of agriculture. The growth of all things naturally follows the laws of heaven and earth, but at this time, the world and the stars All are under the control of Zhou Tianxing Dou. The midsummer has just arrived, and Gu Zi has not yet grown up, and the footsteps of autumn have hurriedly walked along with the spirit of killing.


   The fruitless autumn took away the vitality of all the seeds, withered life prematurely, and no roots remained for the coming year.


   "Winter, all things kill" another order, the next moment all the seeds are refined by the power of the four seasons of heaven and earth, the face of the farmer is gray, and a winter's killing power spread from his body.

   deserves to be an ancient great formation, power is really extraordinary."


   The next moment, that bit of blood turned into a sharp sword, with the aura of grains, and the wishes of thousands of people, instantly cut through the starry sky and escaped.


   "The God of Agriculture" exclaimed, and a **** stepped forward to hold him.


   "With the trust of the negative mountain god, his subordinates are really not the opponents of the heavens and stars", the **** of agriculture whispered.


   "It's okay, everyone can see that your efforts are not a battle." The Shouyang Mountain God waved his hand, a divine light enveloped the God of Agriculture, and the next moment a trace of strange power escaped from the God of Agriculture.


   "The power of the four seasons is the power of the reincarnation of all things intertwined with the heavens and the earth. I did not expect the Demon Emperor to comprehend the great formation of the heavens and stars to this point" Shouyang Mountain God sighed.


  The God of Agriculture is restrained by the power of the four seasons. The power of the four seasons forms a dimension in the God of Agriculture, which continuously rotates and obliterates the body of the God of Agriculture. Had it not been for the efforts of the Shouyang Mountain God, I was afraid that it would not be long before this farm **** would be completely worn to death by the power of the four o'clock.


   "The combat power of these demon kings is itself a good player of the first class. It is difficult for the heavens to find an opponent, and coupled with the formation of a large formation, how can people who wait for idle will get benefits" another **** stood up and said.


   Shouyang Mountain God was silent for a while. A white jade silicon appeared in his hand: "This is the mountain and river silicon, let's see how this constellation breaks through his great array of stars."


   "The earth moves and the mountains shake" Shouyang Mountain God's divine power permeates the mountains and rivers silicon, and the next moment the 100,000 mountains continue to shake slightly.


  Mountains and rivers silicon, as the name suggests, provides an overview of the power of the mountains and rivers in the world, but now that humanity is prospering, there is no king soil in the world, and the shore of the earth is not a king. Although this mountain river silicon has that power, the Shouyang mountain gods dare not use it.


   is now beyond these 100,000 mountains. It doesn't hurt.


   The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, naturally accompanied by the unstable base of the big array, the heaven and the earth's vitality swayed from the array, and the heavens and the stars were shaken.


   "So amazing" the gods admired.


Over there, the demon kings in the great formation of the stars have suffered a lot at this time. The great formation of the stars and the heavens used the great formation of the stars to build the great formation. There was no such thing as a formation base. It was just the master demon of the great formation. The emperor is not here. Snakes can't do without a head, and there is no one unified control of the heavens and stars. However, they were in separate formations, and failed to bring out the power of the heavens and stars.


   In the time of a stick of incense, the stars of the heavens are about to be broken, the next moment a divine light pierces the sky and falls into the big formation.


"Shouyang Mountain God, deceive people too much. Really, I am afraid that you will not succeed?" The demon king stood in the center of the stars with a gloomy expression. At this time, all the demon kings in the Zhoutian star battle array saw the demon king personally Master the backbone, instantly suppress all turbulence.


   "Your Majesty can finally give up to see you." Shouyang Mountain God looked at the turbulent aura of the Demon Emperor's body, his eyes narrowed slightly.


   "Hmph. You are immortal, what is the matter if you ask the emperor to come out? If you wait to trespass into my 100,000 mountains, if you don't give the emperor an explanation today, we will never die." The demon emperor's tone is harsh, and his murderous intent is unconcealed.


   "Have your majesty ever been to the star of Ziwei Emperor?" Shouyang Mountain God opened the door.


"What can you do if you have been there? What can you do if you haven't been? The emperor’s affairs are not your turn to intervene, let alone report to you." The demon emperor's eyes are constantly noisy, but he is suppressed again, like desire Volcano to erupt.


   "Yes, where you go down has nothing to do with me, but the rules of the day are related to me. The rules of the day are very important to this seat. Please also your Majesty to change the rules of the day...".


   "Hmph, dreaming, don't think about the rules of the sky, since you have eaten it in your mouth, the emperor will not vomit it, even if you lose or lose, you will not hesitate." The demon emperor said firmly.


   The Shouyang Mountain God was silent when he heard the words. The Demon Emperor’s attitude was as expected. The first opportunity was lost, and he was embarrassed and restrained every step.


Heavenly Rules, such a treasure, will not be handed over obediently in the hands of anyone. This is a major matter of racial luck. The Demon Emperor can be proved that it has the power of heaven and earth. If you really handed over the Heavenly Rules, it would be equal to giving up. After the general trend of the world, there will be no chance of rising in the future.


"You and I are both one of the great clans between the world and the earth. Your Majesty the Demon Emperor's combat power is the most powerful. If the earth is undergoing major changes today, I don’t want to conflict with your Majesty or the Demon Clan. Your Majesty bet, if you are lucky enough to win one and a half moves, then please Demon Emperor will give me the rules of heaven." Shouyang Mountain God said slowly.


   "Oh, what should you do if you lose?" The demon emperor was also very excited about this suggestion, and it would be nice to resolve this dispute in this way.


   "If this seat loses, just retreat and never get entangled." Shouyang Mountain God's body is bright and dying.


"Hmph, think beautifully, you really can’t be an idiot if you win, you get the rules, if you lose, there is nothing to lose, pat your **** and leave, you really think that the emperor is a fool." The mockery in the eyes of the demon emperor made no secret .


  Shouyang Mountain God has lived to this day, how thick his face is, he doesn't care about the words of the demon emperor at all: "What do you think?"


"This heavenly rule is a priceless treasure. You need to find an item that is equivalent to this heavenly rule." The demon emperor carries his hands on his back and is confident. As the world's top powerhouse, he has the blessing of racial luck. I haven't been afraid of anyone yet.


   The Shouyang Mountain God has been silent for a long time. If he had the heavenly rules, he would have to do so, and he would have been out of the control of the human race. The power of the incense of the human race is the source of the power of the gods and the foundation.


   "I heard that there is still a treasure in time, the name is: the moment of earth, able to control the origin of the earth, Prime Minister Shanhe, if you lose, you will send that moment to the emperor." The demon emperor's eyes flashed cunning.


   The rules of the sky are already in his hands, and if he is really in control of the earth, the heavens are already within reach.


   Shouyang Shanshen nodded: "Well, if I lose, I will find the place."


The Demon King looked at the unhesitating Shouyang Mountain God, and smiled coldly: "As the order is disordered today, it is useless to make an oath. Let's not play with that imaginary thing. Everyone is not a fool. I have something left by the ancients. The Taikoo Covenant, as long as you sign the Taikoo Covenant, we will have a final victory."


The Shouyang Mountain God did not hesitate, the light in his hand was blooming and he was about to sign this Primordial Covenant, but saw the palm of the Demon Emperor move to block the light of the Shouyang Mountain God: "But before signing the covenant, some Speak clearly".


   "Is there anything else to say, it's really long-winded" said Shouyang Mountain God rather impatiently.


"First of all, you have to find the rules of the land for the emperor, but after all, there must be a specific time. You can't let the emperor wait until the sky is old. If the earth is about to change today, the rules of the land are not far away. I will give you a hundred years. Within a hundred years, he found the moment." The demon crown prince carried his hands on his back.


   "A hundred years, well, a hundred years is a hundred years." What a conceited person Shouyang Mountain God is. From ancient times to today, he is naturally confident to suppress this little guy who is less than a fraction of his own age.


"The second point, if you can't find the moment of earth, you need to give me the origin of your Yangshan Mountain." The Demon King Lion said loudly. The origin of this Yangshan Mountain is the source of the power of the Shouyang Mountain God and the root of his life. .


   Hearing this, Shouyang Mountain God hesitated a little, and then shook his head: "This is not good, change another one."


   The demon emperor's palm moved slightly, and his tone was firm: "You have to promise me three conditions, three for no reason." (To be continued...)


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