Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 171 I choose, I want them all! (Completed in 6k days, please vote)

She was an elegant lady, her facial features revealed the meaning of intelligence and coordination, her long flaxen hair spread over her shoulders, and her white robe was worn loosely on her body. She did not deliberately highlight her softness and plumpness as a woman. Looking from a distance, The figure with her hand holding the scroll is more like a scholar than a goddess.

"Aren't you in Olympus? How did you come to my temple?"

Calm words echoed in the temple, deep and blue eyes swept over the daughters on the field, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

"And why has the breath changed?"

Hearing these words, the Muses breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, the Mother Goddess didn't mean to exclude them.

After getting this exact answer, the Muses stabilized their minds, plucked up the courage, and truthfully told their mother, Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, what they had experienced along the way.

After listening to the chirping stories of her daughters, even Mnemosyne, who was always in a peaceful mood, could not help but change her face slightly.

"Have you broken up with Apollo?"

"It's not because he went too far!"

Erato shook his fist and accused indignantly, and the other Muses nodded in agreement.

Looking at these young and energetic daughters, the goddess of memory closed the book and asked expressionlessly.

"It seems that you are not afraid of Apollo's accountability?"

"No, not afraid..."

Hearing their mother's unkind tone, the Muses braced themselves and responded.

"Then why are you coming to me? According to Styx's oath, the Titans cannot easily interfere in the affairs of Olympus."

The goddess of memory spoke calmly, looked deeply at the daughters in the temple, and continued to ask.

"So, do you want me to find you a satisfactory main god to serve you? Jealous Hera? Slick Hermes? Irritated Ares? Hephaestus who only knows how to blacksmith? Or should I say Athena who can’t even protect herself?”

Obviously, Mnemosyne was not unaware of some things on Olympus, but she had never said anything about them.

Under the mother's expressionless question, the muses were even more speechless.

How could they not know that compared to the other eleven main gods of Olympus, Apollo was already the best choice at that time.

In order to allow the God of Light to take more care of them and not force them to do things they don't want to do, mother Mnemosyne also gave Apollo the power of the [Oracle] in the divinity of memory and language.

But after so many years of living together peacefully, they finally messed up things due to impulse.

If I had known...

"It's not their fault!"

Just as the hearts of the muses were gradually overwhelmed by regret and confusion, with a sonorous response, Lorne stepped forward and spoke righteously.

"This happened all because of me, so I am willing to take responsibility for it!"

Seeing the tall figure standing in front of them, and hearing the sworn assurance, the Muses were extremely moved, and their hearts seemed to be melted, immersed in warmth.

Lord Dionysus, he is really...

However, unlike the daughters of the Five Mysteries and Three Paths, the Memory Goddess looked at the immature god who spoke so brazenly in front of her, and sneered and shook her head.

"You? What can you do?"

"I can persuade Apollo to keep the secret..."

The meaningful murmur made Mnemosyne, who didn't care much at first, suddenly raise her eyebrows and become a little interested.

Upon seeing this, Lorne immediately struck while the iron was hot and revealed his strategy.

"It is not a glorious thing to be abandoned by one's own god. Fortunately, only I, the nine muses, and Apollo were the insiders at the scene. According to the character of the god of light, he must not be willing to expose his own ugliness. , not to mention that I was wrong first..."

Hearing this, the muses nodded in agreement.

Then, Lorne spoke smoothly.

"Theoretically, as long as the Muses and I don't publicize this matter, no one will know about it easily. By then, although several Muses have cut themselves off from Apollo, they will still appear to be the gods of light. The gods of Olympus, who know nothing about this, will not easily break the balance."

After hearing Lorne's plan, the Muses suddenly felt enlightened, and the problem seemed not as serious as they imagined.

However, the goddess of memory behind the desk saw through the problem at a glance.

"Apollo would agree?"

"The direction is wrong. I am the least affected in the whole incident. He is the one who wants to keep the secret, and keeping secrets always comes at a price. If he doesn't want to be abandoned by the subordinate god as the main god, everyone will be in trouble. If everyone knew it, he should know how to do it."

Lorne raised his head and looked at the goddess of memory, smiled, and then added.

"Furthermore, I have always had a good relationship with Lady Artemis. I will let the hunting goddess persuade her brother. After all, the competition among the gods is so fierce, and he has just offended many people, so he should also You don’t want to make their situation in Olympus difficult because of your loss of power, do you?”

The goddess of memory who listened carefully considered it carefully and nodded slightly.

That's right. Under the coercion of an evil person, keeping secrets together and pretending that nothing happened is a beneficial outcome for everyone.

But the problem is-

"Aren't you afraid that he will hate you to the core?"

Mnemosyne looked at the new god in front of her and asked quietly.

She knew the character of the Greek gods very well. Even if she could endure her anger for a while, she would never let it go behind her back.

After such an incident, Apollo was so forced that he had to knock out his teeth and swallow it mixed with blood.

Her daughters of the Muses were able to pluck themselves out, but the God of Light still had to hate the boy in front of him to death.

In response to the Memory Goddess's inquiry, Lorne puffed out his chest and looked calm.

"If Apollo is to blame, let him come to me."

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the muses behind him, showing a heartwarming smile.

"Besides, I promised to take good care of them. This is my responsibility..."

——Lord Dionysus!

Hearing the sworn guarantee and seeing the commitment to do what he said, the emotional muses all had red eyes and wanted to throw themselves into the arms of this male god.

Even the indifferent goddess of memory looked at the male god in front of her with a softer look.

However, Mnemosyne, who had experienced the Titanic War, still retained a lot of reason.

"Well, go ahead and do it. They will stay in my temple for now. When the matter is settled, I will send them to Olympus."

Immediately, the goddess of memory looked at Lorne in front of her carefully like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, with a smile on her face.

"Until then, I'm afraid they will still need your care."

Obviously, based on the reactions of several people, she also vaguely guessed something.

"I will do my best!"

As usual, Lorne made a sworn promise, remaining calm on the surface, but secretly slandering the goddess of memory in his heart.

What you say is beautiful, but aren’t you a master who doesn’t let go of the eagle when you see the rabbit?

To put it bluntly, she just agreed to let me explore the way, smooth things over for her Muses daughters, and attract the hatred of Apollo at the same time.

As for the future, we will talk about it later.

At this moment, after understanding Mnemosyne's intention, Lorne did not panic. He took out two books from the magic circle with a smile and put them on the table with a surprised smile.

"Your Highness, this trip is quite urgent, so I haven't prepared any practical gifts..."

As the goddess of memory, she is naturally close to books.

Before Lorne could finish speaking, Mnemosyne subconsciously opened the old cover and started reading.

Looking at the meaningful and beautiful words and magnificent descriptions in the book, the goddess of memory's beautiful eyes were filled with brilliance, and she couldn't help but turn the pages quickly, immersed in the joy of reading.

However, it didn't take long for this long-lost enjoyment to come to an abrupt end.

Because both books have reached the end.

"What's down there?" The goddess of memory looked at the large blank space behind her, feeling like she was stuck in her throat, and asked impatiently.

"No more..." Lorne spread his hands, looking very innocent.

"It's gone?" The goddess of memory, who was neither good nor bad, couldn't help but go crazy. She wanted to find out the unscrupulous author of the update and beat him up. "Who wrote it? Why didn't you finish it?!"

Lorne coughed dryly, pointed at himself and the muses around him, and smiled helplessly.

"Sorry, Goddess, if you want to wait for us to finish the manuscript, I'm afraid it will take some time."


Hearing this unexpected answer, the goddess of memory looked at the half-finished [Theogony] and [Holy Words] in her hands in surprise.

Lorne nodded slightly, finishing the scene of helplessness and waiting for the moment of bidding.

If you want me to draw Apollo's hatred and solve your daughter's troubles, you should be given some actual reward, right? Mrs?

The cunning purple eyes flickered quietly, and the invisible gaze stayed on the goddess of memory for a moment, revealing a deep meaning.

In Orpheism, which was the original Dionysian religion, Mnemosyne was one of the most important gods.

Because memory has a special and fundamental meaning for Orpheus believers. The memory here is obviously not the memory of ordinary trivial matters, but the memory of the true origin and living conditions of human beings. Remember that man has a Titanic earthly part, and that this part conceals man's divine origin and his cosmically significant birth - as the Perthelia fragment says:

"Tell them: 'I am the son of the earth and the starry sky. I am the offspring of the gods. You all know this.'"

This memory is truly inevitable and can save the souls of the dead.

Because, in Dionysianism, human beings are born from the ashes of the Titans and are born with divinity. They do not need to labor for the gods!

If you want to integrate this rebellious idea into the human soul and make it completely come true, you need to rely on the authority of the goddess of memory.

——Legend has it that Mnemosyne controls two holy springs.

One of the springs can allow the soul to retain eternal knowledge and memory, allowing all the dead to remain unyielding in life and immortal in death!

Therefore, whether it is the nine muses who tamper with history, or the goddess of memory who controls the holy spring.

——He chooses, wants them all!

At this moment, after some mental struggle, Mnemosyne looked at the two manuscripts in her hands and finally made up her mind.

"Okay, you can stay for a few days, and I will cast the [Crown of Spiritual Thought] here for you!"

Although for the sake of safety, the daughters cannot be allowed to go out on adventures, it is not a problem to give this outstanding author a part of their muse divinity and let him continue to complete these two masterpieces.

Hearing the promise from the Goddess of Memory, the evil wolf that entered the house continued to disguise itself as a harmless little white rabbit, showing a bright and sincere smile.

"Okay, it's up to you!"

The muses on the side couldn't help but be filled with joy, their eyes twinkling with excitement.

To create the [Crown of Lingsi], they need to use their divinity. Doesn't this mean that the mother has acquiesced in the mutual relationship between them and Lord Dionysus? Do you agree with them approaching each other?

After analyzing this answer, the Muses immediately cheered and swarmed forward, holding hands or grabbing the corners of their clothes. They couldn't wait to surround the [upright] and [noble] Dionysus, and excitedly took him to visit The entire Temple of Memory, chattering to him about the various collections in the temple along the way.

These dead girls...

Looking at the empty main hall and the deserted surroundings again, the goddess of memory couldn't help but shook her head, reached out and opened the two volumes on the table, and read them again with unfinished content.

A breeze passed through the hall, blowing one of the loose shoulder straps off the crystal skin, revealing the delicate collarbone and flawless white arms.

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