Greece to roman road

Chapter 122 Declaration of War

Amid tensions between the Ottomans and Greece, Prime Minister Trikupis made an emergency visit to Serbia and Bulgaria.

Unsurprisingly, the results were discouraging, with both countries taking a lukewarm attitude toward a three-nation alliance or a separate alliance with Greece.

Serbia suffered heavy losses in the last war and was almost defeated by the Kingdom of Bulgaria. At this time, Serbia's eldest brother, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, did not allow such an alliance to appear (in 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the two countries Before falling out, they were allies)

The attitude of the Bulgarians is more subtle. This is due to the location of Bulgaria. The territory of Bulgaria, especially after acquiring the province of Eastern Rumelia, directly threatened the core territory of the Ottomans-Constantinople.

In this case, now that it is allied with Greece, Bulgaria will inevitably bear the main pressure from the Ottoman Empire when the war breaks out. However, Bulgaria is not clear about the strength of the Ottoman army at this time.

It is uncertain how effective the Ottoman army would be, aided by a large number of German officers.

There is also the international environment. At this time, the major European countries are still inclined to maintain the stability of the European situation. For example, at the Berlin Conference in 1881, all major countries made it clear that they would maintain the current situation in Europe without the unanimous consent of other countries. , prohibiting all parties from unilaterally changing the ownership of the European territorial map.

Both countries have a cold attitude toward Greece's request for alliance.


November 15, 1896, Syntagma Square, Palace, Conference Room.

Greece's top military and political officials gathered together to discuss current state affairs.

Trikupis first told everyone that the Balkan Alliance plan was bankrupt.

"In any case, the matter on Crete cannot be delayed any longer," King George said solemnly.

"Greece's economic contraction has not changed, and the Ottoman Empire's trade discrimination is the main reason," Trikupis said with a tired expression.

Just after returning from a visit to Bulgaria, I received a notice to convene a royal meeting, and there was no chance to rest at all.

"There is no reason to delay any longer."

"Under the current situation, with every day of delay, Ottoman's preparations will increase, while Greece will do the opposite," Constantine said.

"The Ministry of Armament's material reserves have been completed. 20 million rounds of ammunition and 1.5 million artillery shells are currently stored in the military supply warehouse," Arms Minister Giannis said.

"Also, the fleet departing from Matadi, Congo this morning has arrived at the port of Piraeus."

"A total of 40,000 indigenous soldiers have been stationed on the outskirts of Athens."

"The two battleships Congo and Banning are ready to perform maritime missions at any time," Constantine agreed.

Constantine believed that since this war was inevitable, it was better to take advantage of this powerful opportunity - Italy was trapped in the Ethiopian War, without any concern for the situation in the Balkans, especially the Balkan Adriatic region.

King George looked around at everyone, as if he was asking, but also seemed to be answering: "We have no choice, right?"

"From now on, Greece's military power can use any means to safeguard Greece's interests."

On November 16, with the authorization of the king, Greece sent an army of 2,000 men to land on Crete.

It was also on that day that the Ottoman ambassador to Greece, Nemiars, came to see King George.

The ambassador was received by King George I, accompanied by Crown Prince Constantine and Prime Minister Trikupis.

Nemyasr, wearing a Turkish robe and holding a red mailbox, solemnly came to the king.

Seeing the king sitting on the throne, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Prime Minister on his left and right, the ambassador took out the ultimatum from the red mailbox in his hand and solemnly read out:

"As sultan; son of Muhammad; brother of the sun and moon; grandson and spokesman of God; ruler of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, Upper and Lower Egypt;"

"Emperor of emperors; King of kings;"

"The extraordinary knight who never fails; the steadfast guardian of the tomb of Jesus Christ; the true, chosen believer of the Lord; the hope and comfort of MSLs; the great guardian of Christians."

"—I advise you, King George of Greece, to stop using military force to interfere and harass my territory, Crete."

"You have three days to make the right choice"

Nemiars finished reading, bowed, and came forward, holding the ultimatum in both hands.

Constantine stepped forward, concluded the ultimatum, and handed it over to King George.

Holding the ultimatum, King George looked solemnly and said to Turkish Ambassador Nemyars: "What a pity, Mr. Ambassador, it is another cruel war."

After the meeting, Constantine quietly came to the study room in the palace, his mind went blank, and he sat there silently without saying a word.

With a "squeak" sound, Queen Olga of Greece opened the door and walked in. She stood behind Constantine, looked at Constantine who was in deep thought, held his shoulders with both hands, and said: "Constant Ding, you are the heir to the Schleswig-Holstein-Zonderburg-Glücksburg dynasty in Greece. Therefore, you must be tenacious and lead everyone to victory. No matter what, you must not show it in front of everyone. Come in weakness"

"All Greeks are looking at you, expecting you to lead them to victory. You are their leader and the center of attention."

"Don't let everyone down"

Looking at her son who was about to lead the army to the front line of Thessaly and Macedonia, Queen Olga encouraged him.


With Greece issuing a general mobilization order, the war officially broke out.

On the morning of November 17, all Greek newspapers had nothing but the bold and bold word "war" on their front pages.

News of the outbreak of war between the two countries spread throughout Europe.

At the Ministry of Defense Building, King George signed his name on the document of the General Staff's combat plan-"Project Athena".

After that, in front of everyone, he announced loudly: "Appoint Crown Prince Constantine as the commander of the Thessaly Army, with full authority to command the Thessaly Army to fight against the Turkish army."

The Thessalian Legion is the main military force of the Greek army. Currently, there are two main legions in Greece, Epirus and Thessaly.

Among them, the Epirus Army has only one division with 12,000 men.

The Thessalian legions accounted for most of the armed forces of the Greek Army.

Although he had anticipated this, Constantine still felt a heavy, almost breathless pressure at the moment of the appointment.


On November 18, Constantine came to the Athens train station and saw only a dark crowd at the train station. There were scenes of reluctant relatives separated everywhere: women came to see off their sons and husbands, and train cars In the window, soldiers who had been urgently recruited leaned forward, looking for familiar voices in the crowd.

"Woo woo" the whistle sounded melodiously, and the train to war officially set off.

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