“I don’t know how much my strength can be improved by today’s battle with Goliath.” Walking slowly, on the way back from the human, Inuyasha thought silently in his heart.

Favor, in the case of Goldfinger’s uncontrolled situation, is an important means for him to improve his strength.

Otherwise, judging from his situation as a half-demon, it would definitely take a very long time to improve his strength.

Although youkai have a very long lifespan, they also have the disadvantage that it takes a lot of time to improve their strength under normal circumstances.

It can be known from the situation of the killing pill.

Sesshomaru, who has lived for hundreds of years, did not become a big youkai until he experienced the battle of Naraku and broke his obsession.

Of course, Naraku’s kind of relying on devouring his own kind to improve his strength is another matter.

In contrast, although human beings do not live long, their strength can improve rapidly.

Some talented people can reach the peak in just a few decades and threaten the level of the Great Monster.

Just like the witch Suiko and Kikyo.

This is something Inuyasha does not want to see.

It’s too time-consuming.

His situation is much better than that of monsters, because he has obtained spiritual power from the system side, and he can rely on cultivating spiritual power to improve his strength, and the cultivation of spiritual power is much faster than cultivating demon power.

But spiritual power is still too slow for Inuyasha, and it will take at least ten years or even decades to make his spiritual power comparable to the level of the Great Youkai.

And this point falls on favors when Goldfinger signs in with chance, rewards with chance, and has no regularity.

At the pointing gaze of the pedestrian, Inuyasha increased his speed.

However, not long after walking, Inuyasha’s steps stopped, and he looked back in the direction of the sky.

“Is it my delusion? It looked like someone was watching me in that direction. Looking at the tower that appeared in his field of vision, Inuyasha frowned to himself.

However, the next moment, Inuyasha had a flash of light, thought of something, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

“Probably not.”

Inuyasha thought of one thing, that is, the original protagonist Bell was targeted by some god.

I remember that it was called Freya, a Norse god of beauty, who was a bus character in Norse mythology that Inuyasha knew.

Inuyasha remembers that the protagonist was targeted because of the sudden glimpse of Freya on the Tower of Babel, saw the protagonist’s soul light, and then became out of control fascinated by the protagonist.

“Fortunately, I have experienced modern life, and my soul has long been polluted and tattered, and I should not be targeted… Forehead. Although he remembered this incident, Inuyasha felt that his situation should not be targeted, after all, his situation was clear, so he muttered silently, but muttered, Inuyasha’s voice gradually decreased.

Because Inuyasha could feel that the gaze that passed down from the sky became hotter and hotter.

This made Toku Inuyasha can’t help but admit his fate, he seems to be targeted like the original protagonist.

“Whew… What a super hassle. Staring quietly at the Tower of Babel high in the air for a long time, Inuyasha exhaled heavily, uttered a silent word, and then turned around and continued to rush to the position of the station.

Although I don’t know the development in the original work, Inuyasha has a hunch that if he is targeted by such a character, his future development will definitely appear as a moth.

As Inuyasha continued to walk towards the station, above the Tower of Babel, on the highest floor, in a huge floor-to-ceiling window room, a plump and tall figure was standing quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his hands tightly protecting his body.

“That golden soul is really addictive.” The hot breath exhaled, and immediately, a soft voice came out of the mouth of this figure, and the figure trembled, as if it had experienced something.

This figure is none other than Freya, the beautiful god in Inuyasha’s mouth, Inuyasha’s guess is not wrong, the person who spied on him just now is this beauty god Freya.

At this time, in this huge room, there were other beings besides Freya, the goddess of beauty.

At the gate, a stout figure was standing quietly in front of the wall, like a bodyguard, motionless.

Oralie’s strongest adventurer, the first member of Freya’s family, and the title of Ota the Fierce.

At this time, Horta’s expression did not change after seeing the behavior of his lord god, and he calmly spoke: “Lord Freya, do you need me to do it?” ”

“No, no need, Otta.”

“There is an incredible possibility in that child, the future will definitely bloom even brighter than now, and your intervention will only destroy that child.”

“Just let that child grow up slowly, and then I will make that child my possession.” The beauty god Freya turned around, tapped Zhu’s lips, and said with a charming expression.

“Yes, Lord Freya.” When Ota heard this, he didn’t think much about it, answered lightly, and then stopped talking.

Ignoring Otta, Freya turned around again, her gaze fell to the ground again, staring deadly, and muttered in a low voice in her mouth: “What a dazzling light, that child’s future is absolutely limitless.” ”

Inuyasha was in this extremely hot gaze, the corners of his mouth twitching, and he rushed all the way out towards the abandoned church.

“I really want to go up and question that guy and stare at me like this.”

“However, that guy is a god, I can’t afford to mess with it now, so forget it.”

“If you like it.”

While Inuyasha was still on his way, the three of Tianne, who were stationed relatively closely, had returned to the Dusk Pavilion, the residence of the Loki clan.

As soon as they returned to the Dusk Pavilion, the three were directly called away.

Naturally the ones who shouted them away were the high-level of Loki’s clan, the main god Loki and Finn, the three giants of Loki’s clan, Heavy Jaigris, and Nine Devils Riveria.

“Ace Carbon, you actually acted with a man, Loki I am very envious, ah no, I am angry.” As soon as she arrived at Finn’s office, Ace had an extra pendant on her body, it was Loki, the main god of Loki’s family, and this squinted look was bursting into tears.

However, whether it was the party Ace or the others present, they ignored this guy.

No, Ace did not ignore it, and was trying to break free from the exploitative behavior of her unscrupulous lord god.

“Tione, Thiona, tell me, information on the adventurers who are acting with you.” Finn the Brave said with a faint smile on his face to Thiony.

“Well, it reached your ears so quickly.”

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