
Chapter 1832

Final-033 Evolution/Evolution !


Shi Lei has been reluctant to use the self-explosion method. In the final analysis, the exact as stated results are too serious!

Mirror Science and Technology Group and Organization are fundamentally different. To put it bluntly, Organization is simply a bag of Organization. Even if the reputation of Organization is bad, you can change a Sockpuppet anytime and anywhere, and you can hop out stir up winds and rain.

Is Mirror Science and Technology Group OK?

Of course not!

Mirror Science and Technology Group is a well-known enterprise group, rooted in Xia Nation, all kinds of data procedures papers complete, if Mirror Science and Technology Group has made any evidence of make trouble out of nothing, definitely will be bad luck.

Don’t think that Shi Lei formerly detonated two Second Generation Raiders in the Secret Base of Li Jian Nation State of Nevada, Organization, and thought that Shi Lei was really unscrupulous.

In fact, Shi Lei is not at all daring!

In particular, the Second Generation Raider has exploded once, and the powerful Nation of the whole World has collected the explosion of the Secondary Generation Raider.

If Shi Lei restarts the explosion process of Second Generation Raider, it is properly censored by the powerful Nation of World and the Li Jian Nation bombing.

Li Jian Nation will sell Shi Lei and Mirror Science and Technology Group at all costs!

It is because of the serious consequences that Shi Lei has not made up his mind to use self-explosion, but tries to solve Chaos Serpent in a more secure way.

The Supernatural Force mastered by Chaos Serpent is too strong, and Shi Lei is not prepared to worry about the consequences.

As the saying goes, after I die, which one is flooding?

Splitting Skies Mark N235 Metal, if you choose self-explosion, will produce at least 2.2 billion tons of TNT explosion effect.

Although the explosion of N235 Metal. No nuclear radiation will occur. However, the explosion effect of 2.2 billion tons of equivalent, even if the explosion occurred at a high altitude above 200 kilometers, the effect is absolutely amazing.

Think about the explosion effect of 2.2 billion tons of equivalent, exploding at an altitude of 200 kilometers. What effect will it produce?

The violent explosion, the high heat and strong shock waves generated, will ravage the high altitude of 200 kilometers. Ultra-high Temperature and strong shock waves can cause high-altitude drastic changes, destroying the ozone layer and the dissipation layer at high altitudes.

According to the explosion effect of 2.2 billion tons, the width of the mushroom cloud will reach at least 200 kilometers, and the High Degree will even exceed 400 kilometers.

In this width range, the destruction of the ozone layer can be very severe. At the same time, a violent explosion can also destabilize the atmosphere.

In short, the positive center of the explosion area, after the explosion of ultraviolet light, will rise to an exaggerated level. Simultaneously. Taking the explosion area as the center, it radiates thousands of kilometers outward, and even all kinds of extreme weather conditions occur.

And because the Splitting Skies Mark exploded at an altitude of 200 kilometers, it exploded with a strong shock wave. It will also impact the outer space environment.

All the satellites near the Splitting Skies Mark can’t escape the end of Destroy. Satellite is after Destroy. It will also cause a series of reactions.

For example, the fragments of satellite float in outer space, which in turn hit other satellites, causing damage to other satellites. This is a chain reaction of a disgusting cycle. Slightly not handled well, even the numerous satellite will be destroyed by Destroy.

But what does it have to do with Shi Lei?

Shi Lei currently faces life and death!

Splitting Skies Mark is ready to self-explosion, as long as Chaos Serpent once again demonstrates the special ability of ‘twilight’, Izual will automatically detonate the Splitting Skies Mark when approaching the Splitting Skies Mark.

Tao Wenxian listened to Shi Lei’s choice to detonate the Splitting Skies Mark, which was finally sighed in relief. He said swearingly: “This damn Chaos Serpent, Splitting Skies Mark’s self-explosion, can always kill him!”

Raphael affirmed: “Of course! The explosion of Splitting Skies Mark is absolutely earth-shattering, and Chaos Serpent can’t stop it!”

Only Jian Wushuang frowns, did not publish any confident language.

Shi Lei noticed the expression of Jian Wushuang and asked: “Wushuang, is there anything wrong with it?”

Jian Wushuang shook his head, said with a bitter smile : “Maybe I care more!”

“What do you think?” Shi Lei asked. “In this case, Wushuang, you don’t need to have any scruples!”

“Boss, don’t know if you have discovered that the power of Chaos Serpent is not a one-off, he seems to be growing fast?” Jian Wushuang guessed.

Shi Lei really didn’t find it!

Not only Shi Lei did not find, Tao Wenxian and Raphael, also did not find!

“Hey? You talk about it, what do you find?” Shi Lei asked, anyway, Splitting Skies Mark has set up a self-explosion System anyway, as soon as Chaos Serpent approaches Splitting Skies Mark, Izual will start Splitting Skies Mark by himself. Self-explosion System.

However, Chaos Serpent does not seem to have an attack on another Splitting Skies Mark’s opinion. Instead, he controls the ball that the Splitting Skies Mark compresses into a levitate in the air, not knowing what to think about, or what to prepare.

“Boss, I just thought about it. Starting from the first batch of Second Generation Raider, is the scope of Chaos Serpent’s attack expanding? We think that Chaos Serpent hides the strength, but I feel that it is the Chaos Serpent that is growing fast. Instead of hiding the strength.” Jian Wushuang explained his own inference.

The first batch of Second Generation Raider, basically at the distance of 1000 meters, was killed by Chaos Serpent.


This is not accurate!

To be precise, the first time two Raiders lost contact and did not know the scope of Chaos Serpent’s attack. Because the two Raiders that were attacked by first time belong to the same Little Group, there is almost no distance between them.

The two Raiders suddenly lost contact, and no one knew Chaos Serpent, at what distance they attacked them.

The second time is divided into three groups by the six Raiders of the attack, presenting an approximate triangle, which is 420 meters, 480 meters and 530 meters from each other.

According to this set of data calculations, Chaos Serpent showed an attack distance at this time, the farthest is 530 meters, and recently it is only about 300 meters. After all, Chaos Serpent can be in the middle of three sets of Raiders, attacking them simultaneously.

As Chaos Serpent attacked the Second Generation Raider more often, he showed an increasing distance from the attack, one kilometer, two thousand eight hundred meters, or even five kilometers now.

After the reminder of Jian Wushuang, Shi Lei also understood that it seems to be the truth.

“Wushuang, what do you have inferences?” Shi Lei asked.

Jian Wushuang said cautiously: “Boss, I think that the attack distance of Chaos Serpent has increased again. He seems to have been growing fast. If you follow the growth rate of his current performance, I think we should promote the safety distance to 10-15 is around km. As soon as Chaos Serpent enters this area, Splitting Skies Mark will explode!”

Shi Lei nodded and ordered Izual, modify Splitting Skies Mark self-explosion to trigger the condition.

After all, Jian Wushuang analyzed it reasonably and explained an issue. If it is said that Chaos Serpent is as strong as it is now, why does Chaos Serpent not come directly to Shuangqing City?

Shi Lei has always used Chaos Serpent as an excuse to tease him, ignoring this issue. But if Chaos Serpent comes directly to Shuangqing City and wants to tease Shi Lei, isn’t it simpler?

As long as Chaos Serpent grabs Shi Lei’s confidante, how can he swear Shi Lei, even if Shi Lei does not surrender, but in front of Shi Lei, you can swear by Shi Lei’s confidante, for the fight against teasing Shi Lei Isn’t it more cool?

It seems that it is not the same thing at all!

When Chaos Serpent first entered the final battlefield, it was not so powerful now, but grew up in the final battlefield!

Only in this case can we explain Chaos Serpent, why didn’t I come directly to Shuangqing City at the beginning, and directly swayed Shi Lei for mercy.

“Wushuang, do you think that Chaos Serpent should have grown up?” Shi Lei in the heart has a vague answer.

Jian Wushuang hasn’t answered yet, Tao Wenxian will take the lead: “N235 Metal !”

This answer coincides with the answer from Shi Lei in the heart!

Jian Wushuang doesn’t always say that the power shown by Chaos Serpent is unscientific. Is Chaos Serpent unable to support Gravity Control’s Supernatural Force with blood and flesh?

If Chaos Serpent really grew up with N235 Metal, then everything can be scientific, not only explaining why Chaos Serpent didn’t come directly to Shuangqing City at first, but also explained that Chaos Serpent has almost no energy restriction. Gravity Control Supernatural Force.

Jian Wushuang nodded. “My guess is the same as Jazz! Only N235 Metal can provide the power that Chaos Serpent needs to grow quickly and the energy needed to use Supernatural Force.”

Shi Lei smiled bitterly.

Sure enough, N235 Metal is a disaster!

Is Mirror Science and Technology Group, N235 Metal, and N235 Metal?

“Izual, I need all the data from N235 Metal, including N235 Metal and the human body!” Shi Lei issued an order to Izual.

Regarding N235 Metal, Shi Lei’s did not know the detailed information, first time found N235 Metal, and Izual issued a prompt, Shi Lei knew the existence of N235 Metal.

Then, from N235 Metal’s probing information to N235 Metal’s Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator, all are controlled by Izual.

So, really understand N235 Metal, only Izual!

Shi Lei wants to figure out, Chaos Serpent, is it dependent on N235 Metal in Evolution.

(To be continued~^~)

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