
Chapter 1888

Final-089 Destroy the World: Time lapse ratio!


Izual is just Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, and Shi Lei thinks Izual doesn’t provide an effective solution.

However, Izual responded clearly: “Yes, Sir. System searched for an effective solution!”

Shi Lei gave a slight glimpse and then hurriedly asked: “What solution?”

Izual shows the processing scheme on the Virtual Transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor. The processing solution provided by Izual turned out to be Extend Time!

That’s right!

Shi Lei read it three times and showed the information on the LIPLens-type Information Processor Virtual transparency screen, which is the Extend Time.

Time is the most ruthless!

How to change the time?

If you can change the gravity, you can naturally change the time, but… Wait for Wait!

Shi Lei suddenly wakes up, he also has Supernatural Force, and is the power of Space Control. If you change the nature of space, maybe you can change the time?

“Izual, how is Extend Time?” Shi Lei asked.

Since Izual proposed a solution, then Izual should have a complete solution.

“Sir, Extend Time’s solution, it is necessary to forcibly strip the Partial Space, completely cut off the contact between Partial Space and Host Material Plane, thus completely gaining control of the Partial Space. Then, forcibly change the time lapse rules inside the stripped Partial Space, pull The time-loss ratio of the big Partial Space and Host Material Plane.” Izual introduced.

Subsequently, Izual introduced it in more detail. “Want to forcibly strip the Partial Space and force a change in the time lost ratio, it takes a lot of energy. If the time of Partial Space and Host Material Plane goes, I want to achieve 5 than 1. If you need to maintain one hour of Host Material Plane time, you need to consume about one ton of N235 Metal. Also, you need to use the Silver-winged Crown to open the N235 Metal Fourth Phase Application Plan and force the Partial Space to be stripped.”

It is now Xia Nation Time, which is close to two in the early hours of July 15. Ling Yumo’s end point is 7:00 am on July 18, also in other words, Ling Yumo and 77 hours.

It takes fifteen days to make Despair Gene Toxin antidote. According to the time ratio of 5:1, Ling Yumo’s time is almost just right.

Shi Lei is worried about another accident, if it really has any unexpected twists and turns. There is too little time left for Ling Yumo. Therefore, Shi Lei asks: “Izual, if the time-lapse ratio is increased to the extent of 10:1, how many N235 Metals need to be maintained?”

Partial Space that was forced to strip. It takes a total of fifteen days, or 360 hours, if the time ratio of Partial Space and Host Material Plane reaches 10:1.

Then. Host Material Plane time, only 36 hours!

So come. The time left for Ling Yumo is quite abundant, and there is more or less room for change.

Izual explains: “Sir, if you increase the time lapse of Partial Space and Host Material Plane. The consumed N235 Metal will be promoted large section. In the proportion of 10:1, maintain the Partial Space time lapse ratio Host Material Plane one hour , need to consume N235 Metal 4 tons.”

In the proportion of 5:1, maintaining the Partial Space time loss ratio of the Host Material Plane for an hour, only 1 tons of N235 Metal.

The time lapse ratio is twice doubled, and the Power Source consumed is promoted four times!

Total disproportionate consumption is promoted!

“Izual, how many N235 Metal do we have left?” Shi Lei asked.

It takes 4 tons of N235 Metal for an hour and 36 tons of N144 Metal for 235 hours. According to N235 Metal in the case of the Fourth Phase Application Plan, 7 percent of the mass is converted into energy.

10.08 tons of 235 Metal and 100% will be converted into energy.

According to the reference energy equation, how much energy is converted into 10.08 tons of material under the calculation rule of E=MC2?

Only with such a huge amount of energy can it force the Partial Space to be stripped and change the time-lapse ratio of the Partial Space!

“The remaining stock of N235 Metal is 36.7 cubic meters, and the total weight is 209.19 tons, which meets the requirement of 10: 1 time lapse ratio.” The sound of Izual ice-cold unfeeling is now in Shi Lei’s ear, but it is like the sound of nature!

Shi Lei hā hā laughed, “Good! Izual, immediately simulate the concrete implement method!”

“Yes, Sir!” Izual responded to Shi Lei and then began experimenting with simulations through the resources provided by IWNMiwang.

Shi Lei passes the LIPLens-type Information Processor contact Jian Wushuang.

“Boss, I haven’t thought of a solution for the time being, you can rest assured, I will…” After the voice communication was connected, Jian Wushuang immediately reported to Shi Lei.

However, Shi Lei interrupted Jian Wushuang, “Wushuang, I have already thought of a solution. You immediately make an antidote to Despair Gene Toxin!”

“But, it takes 15 days for the antidote to naturally ferment, I…” Jian Wushuang said in a distressed manner, but was interrupted again by Shi Lei.

“The fifteen days, I will deal with it! You just make the antidote, acccomplish all the operations. No issue Right?” Shi Lei asked.

Jian Wushuang would like to say that there is no issue, but there is indeed an issue. “Boss, I am afraid there is an issue. The artificial chemical that takes 15 days of natural fermentation time needs to be prepared first, then accomplish to make the antidote.”

“Damn!” Shi Lei cursed, “Then you are ready for all the work, and will hand over the artificial chemicals you need, 15 days, I will solve it! How long does it take to make that artificial chemical? time?”

“I have already made it, it only takes fifteen days!” Jian Wushuang responded to Shi Lei.

“I will come right away!” Shi Lei ended the voice communication and went to the training of Jian Wushuang, asking Izual about the specific situation.

For example, when Shi Lei forces the Partial Space to be stripped and maintains the Partial Space High-speed Time Flow, what state will Shi Lei be in?

According to Izual’s explanation, during this time, Shi Lei’s spirit will be in the High Degree state, and must not be disturbed or suspended.

In addition to the necessary replenishment of water, Shi Lei can’t do anything, only maintain the stripping of the Partial Space, and control the power of the Space Control to ensure the time flow of the Partial Space.

“Izual, when I deal with antidote, I forbid anyone to bother me, take the initiative to tell them about my situation, arrange a life service robot, feed me when necessary,” Shi Lei said.

“Understand!” Izual responded.

“Bring the Silver-winged Crown over to me!” Shi Lei told again.

When Shi Lei walked outside the Laboratory door where Jian Wushuang was located, two life service robots, carrying the Silver-winged Crown, were waiting for Shi Lei.

Shi Lei put on the Silver-winged Crown and only felt that a path of unspeakable power was integrated into the body. Wearing the Silver-winged Crown and walking into the laboratory of Jian Wushuang, Shi Lei directly asked: “Where is the artificial chemical?”

Jian Wushuang looked at the Silver-winged Crown eccentrically, then pointed to the ten test tubes on the test bench, which contained a dark blue liquid in the test tube.

“These are exactly as stated. After fifteen days, they will fade away from the dark blue color and become completely transparent. This is also the standard that it has no natural fermentation for fifteen days. If it does not reach fifteen days, blue will not be able to Completely exhausted; if it is more than fifteen days, the liquid will turn red.” Jian Wushuang explained.

Shi Lei nodded and picked up the test tube holder with ten test tubes on the test bench. Then he said, “Wushuang, you have all the other materials and steps, and after a day and a half, I will give them back to you! ”

Jian Wushuang Although he does not understand what Shi Lei will do, Jian Wushuang fully trusts Shi Lei. Even if Shi Lei’s orders are unreasonable, Jian Wushuang is still implement.

“Okay, Boss!” Jian Wushuang replied affirmatively.

Shi Lei left with a test tube holder and found a free rest room through Izual and Shi Lei. Two life service robots followed Shi Lei and prepared to provide the most basic feeding for Shi Lei when they were ready to retreat at Shi Lei. Water service.

In the rest room, Shi Lei waited for N235 Metal to be sent. N235 Metal is stored in Shuanghu District and it takes about an hour to transport more than 100 tons of N235 Metal from Shuanghu District.

Hour in an hour, a total of 150 tons of N235 Metal in place, 144 tons more than the expected 6 tons, which is an extra insurance measure.

Shi Lei first placed the test tube holder with ten test tubes, carefully placed on the table, and then asked: “Izual, how should I implement?”

Izual displays all the implement steps in the Virtual transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor. Shi Lei follows the Izual’s prompt and starts the implementation step by step.

First, by the power of Space Control, a spherical space with a diameter of one meter is stripped. Subsequently, the stripped space is shrouded in a test tube holder. As in the test tube holder with ten test tubes inserted, ‘load’ into the space that is stripped out.

Next is the most crucial step!

The space that will be stripped out is completely connected to the Host Material Plane, thus completely isolating the stripped space and forming a completely independent space.

If the gravity has not changed, only the completely independent space is possible to change the time lapse ratio.

Shi Lei controls the power of Space Control according to the steps given by Izual, and the Partial Space that is stripped out in an orderly manner, gradually disconnects from the Host Material Plane.

It took about an hour for Shi Lei to completely break the contact between Partial Space and Host Material Plane. For the next 36 hours, Shi Lei will concentrate on maintaining Partial Space.

For such a long time, for Shi Lei, whether it is spirit, perseverance, and body, it is a test, just see if Shi Lei can persist!

(To be continued~^~)

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