
Chapter 505

hk494 new policy, digital account!

Dream Entertainment In the face of the invasion of Nanchao Nation and Wo Sang Nation Hacker, Shi Lei personally ordered the disqualification of Supercomputer Swallow, obtained all the “sex” capabilities of Supercomputer Swallow, and launched a counterattack plan!

Countering plan, Wo Sang Nation and Nanchao Nation, suffered huge losses. Thus, the Cyber ​​Security forces of both countries are involved in the Hacker information of the investigate invasion.

Although Izual controls Supercomputer Swallow, there is no trace left, but this does not hinder the Cyber ​​Security Agency of the two countries, who associates with Dream Entertainment.

In fact, it is a fool, you can also think of Dream Entertainment!

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, Cyber ​​Security Department, secret office location. [

Kurai Nipaku of Cyber ​​Security Department is “the sun”, and as one of the three person-in-charges of Wo Sang Nation Cyber ​​Security, he is under great pressure.

From the beginning of Mr. M in Wo Sang Nation, the big earthquake did not exist; then Earthquake Hacker EQ, which masked the real big earthquake, caused a serious loss; and ‘Uriel’ controlled Futenma Base, attacked Kadena Air Base and Naha Base, as well as the Ginowan marine refinery; now an unknown Hacker, which makes Wo Sang Nation more than 80% of the residential area, interrupted Power Supply, and also caused the entire Tokyo Prefecture The public transportation information system was cleared.

These troubles have made Kurai Nipaku’s political career dim and will come to an end.

In Kurai Nipaku’s Office, First Security Team is Oda Shizuna, sitting opposite Kurai Nipaku. Oda Shizuna has become a real-name Vice-section Head in the Cyber ​​Security Department.

“Section Head, we didn’t track the behind-the-scenes Black Hand that controls Supercomputer Swallow. But I think, I’m afraid I can’t get away with Dream Entertainment!” Oda Shizuna expressed his thoughts.

Kurai Nipaku just nodded lightly, “Oda, this thing. I will hand it over to you!”

“Section Head, I” Oda Shizuna still wants to say something, but was interrupted directly by Kurai Nipaku.

“Okay, go out! I want to be quiet, since you suspect that it is related to Dream Entertainment, then investigate Dream Entertainment. Mr. M does not mean that Shi Lei betrayed him, Shi Lei since he dared to betray Mr. M, maybe he There is a new backing. You seize the opportunity, investigate Dream Entertainment. Know how to do Right?” Kurai Nipaku asked casually.

Oda Shizuna flashed a dissatisfied god in his eyes, but Kurai Nipaku had a higher position. He could only stand up and take a ceremony and quit Kurai Nipaku’s Office.

Outside the Kurai Nipaku Office, Oda Shizuna is light snorted, secretly in the heart said with a sneer : ‘Kurai Nipaku. I see how long you can hop, and so many things happen in succession. You have nothing to do. Your good days, it’s time to get to the end! ‘

Nanchao Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Agency also launched investigate, investigate Dream Entertainment and the invasion of Nanchao Nation Hacker for Dream Entertainment.

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei sat in front of Number One Server and reviewed feedback from Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website and Official Gamer Forum. Make sure that the server does not have any issues.

After the official Gamer Forum service was restored, the numerous Gamer Signed In Official Gamer Forum first checked the Brave’s World Closed Testing Invitation Code to ensure their own Closed Testing Invitation Code. Not robbed by Hacker.

In the Gamer Forum, some of Gamer, who wants to drown the fish, posted a post indicating that the Closed Testing Invitation Code in their account was lost.

However, for such a situation, Shi Lei had expected that, directly in the Official Gamer Forum, using the identity of the administrator, posted the top post.

Since this time, the Shuangqing City Police Department, the experience/meeting with the “suicide” type of explosion, has already passed the Shuangqing Television Station full channel forecast, so every day, sixty-three zeros, did not adhere to the principle of the routine major event, but detailed Reported.

“Everyone, everyone is good at night.” The news anchor of the day six or three zeros reported the situation: “This news report, the bombing of the Shuangqing City Police Department did not cause numerous personnel casualties. As of this broadcast of the news. Only one person died and one person was missing.”

Shi Lei’s brow wrinkled slightly and continued to look at the news every day.

“In the bombing of Shuangqing City Police Department, Shuangqing City Police Department First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua, bravely dragged the ferocious kidnappers and won valuable retreat time for colleagues. In the end, Comrade Dai Guanghua, due to public service “The news anchor screamed, it is clearly that Jian Shuang took the initiative to kidnapDai Guanghua, when became Dai Guanghua, bravely dragged the sword double?

Shi Lei looked at the reports in the news. The original frowning brow, go, couldn’t help laughing.

The news of Shuangqing Television Station is always so funny, people can’t help but want to laugh!

“About the manufacture of this bombing, the fierce sword double has not been found for a while. At present, Police has not revealed the specific situation, but I boldly speculated that maybe the sword double was exploded in the explosion. “The news anchor has a rare desire to express his own smart side, but actually said stupid things.

Even if it is blown up, it will leave the online offline. Whether it is blood “liquid” residue, or broken bones, or even pieces of clothing, more or less to leave some evidence.

‘Sword double disappeared? ‘Shi Lei thought secretly. When he saw the video of Jianshuang, he determined that Jianshuang was a “suicide” “sexual” attack, completely eradicating Dai Guanghua and replacing his life with one life.

But I did not expect that the sword double disappeared!

Could it be that the sword is still alive?

This is unlikely!

then. Outside the Shuangqing City Police Department Headquarters, there are many onlookers, some of whom used the v-machine to film the explosion of the Shuangqing City Police Department Headquarters building and upload it to the network.

Shi Lei looked at the explosion video, and simply counted for it about it. If the sword is on the 18th floor, then he can never survive.

After reading the report on the Police Department bombing every day, Shi Lei was not interested in watching other news, and hurriedly ate some bread and cow “milk”. I sat in front of Number One Server.

“Izual, Zombie Network screening integration accomplish?” Shi Lei asked with concern.

In a short time, he might not have the chance to catch a Supercomputer Zombie. Recently, the Supercomputer has been blasted. Under the control of Hacker.

Supercomputer owners across the world will be vigilant. And do a comprehensive check on the Supercomputer. I want to commit crimes at this time. The success rate can be imagined.

Therefore, Shi Lei intends to integrate Zombie Server to form a Zombie Network, temporarily protecting Dream Entertainment. Fortunately, at the latest on February 10th, Dream Entertainment’s Official Supercomputer. It will be completely completed.

At that time, Shi Lei will have a Supercomputer of its own, even if the calculation of “sex” can only be 10tflops Supercomputer, Shi Lei is quite expected. [

“Sr. Zombie Network Filtering integrates acccomplish. A total of 12 stations can be used to calculate Zombie Servers that can exceed 01tflops. The total calculation of “sex” can reach 21tflops.”

Shi Lei in the heart calculates that No. 2 Server and 16tflops computing “sex” ability, plus this 12 Platform Zombie Server, is enough to cope with the general situation.

If Emergency Situation still occurs, it can only disconnect the Physical ConNEC tion of the Data Server and the Internet.

In the Official Gamer Forum, Gamers had a big discussion about Dream Entertainment and Hacker attack. Some of them, Gamer, have become less confident about Dream Entertainment.

Shi Lei looked at the situation and decided to break out a few new news to stabilize Dream Entertainment and Brave’s World’s status.

At 8pm, Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website updated a message about Brave’s World’s.

Brave’s World announcement: About Brave’s World account Nickname issue

In response to the Hacker invasion of Dream Entertainment, the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website and the Official Forum suspension service, our Dream Entertainment apologizes, and announced the following information in advance to compensate.

1, about Brave’s World Player Nickname, will take the form of a duplicate registration. That is, multiple Gamer can establish identity nicknames. For example, ‘Dugu Qiye’ and ‘Leng Lingfeng’ in Official Promo Vid can be duplicate registration.

2, in order to avoid the inconvenience caused by Player Nickname repetition, Brave’s World’s Gamer will have a unique Gamer setting. For example, Player Nickname is ‘Dugu Qiye’, but Gamer is different. This measure can refer to the Big Penguin qq account, with the identity nicknames, but the digital account is different.

3 and Gamer are ten-digit accounts, with applications for six- and eight-digit accounts, and applications for Geely digital accounts.

4, Player Nickname, prohibit all kinds of discordant words, as well as homonyms, variants, etc. of discordant words, once found, will be dealt with seriously.

Finally, all of Game’s Gamer support the decision to repeat Nickname. After all, the only Nickname measure, applied to Brave’s World, will have a huge issue.

Dream Entertainment’s new announcement gives the Gamers some freshness, and many of the Nouveau Riche Level’s Gamer, which definitely means to apply for a six-digit Gamer, and also a Geely account.

At the same time, there are some Gamer guesses, why should Brave’s World allow duplicate Nicknames, after all, the game Nickname does not allow repetition, basically used as a Game Circle convention.

The digital setting is also one of Shi Lei’s measures, using the number of digit accounts, open and aboveboard consumption Closed Testing Invitation Code !

In addition to this measure, Shi Lei is also preparing to continue to announce some measures tomorrow, let the Gamer completely forget the incident of Hacker invasion.

(To be continued…)

Ps: Today, 0 is rewarded, and miserable starts in September.

Novel network

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