
Chapter 543

hk532 once you see a gentleman, give a ‘Chrysanthemum Smile’ !

Izual is the Mid Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. It doesn’t need the rest of human yyng, it can twenty four hours of uninterrupted work.

Therefore, Shi Lei instructed Izual to query the data about Gao Boyang, then intelligently analyze, merge similar items, merge similar information, and analyze key information.

Izual’s High Grade Logical Thinking Module and Human Emotion Imitation Module can do these things.

“sr, about Gao Boyang’s information, has been retrieved, after intelligent analysis, there are a total of four information left, please check it on the screen.” Izual responded to Shi Lei’s inquiry.

Shi Lei sits in front of the Number One Server and once again mourns the benefits of the lpLens-type Information Processor. Unfortunately, the transparent display technology is not closed, and the temporary implementation of lp’s Transparent Display version. [

Just wait for the hu technology version to see if you can reach the final requirements.

Looking at the four on-screen information, Shi Lei gradually smiled.

First Item information is the life biography of Sand Lord Gao Boyang. Apart from the name and age, the other is basically some legendary thing. Even the Nation’s personnel of Sand Lord Gao Boyang is not conclusive.

Shi Lei is still from the mouth of Ouyang Xiang, only to know that Gao Boyang is a Xia Nation person.

Second Item information, describes the sphere of influence of Gao Boyang in the Yellow Triangle Region. These informations are basically reported through all kinds of news reports, then intelligent analysis, integrated superposition, and analysis.

If you use manual analysis of this information, I am afraid it will take a lot of time, but Izual only used it for a few hours.

Third Item information There are some opinions that indicate that Gao Boyang is quite capable in the Yellow Triangle Region. Not only has a private Armed Might of more than 300 people, but also collaborates with some General of Myanmar.

Shi Lei took a closer look at Third Item information. In the heart secretly sighing, wanting to win the Great Drug Lord Sand Lord Gao Boyang, really not easy.

Sand Lord Gao Boyang has long lived in the Sand Lord Villa, which usually gathers over 100 private Armed Mights. If the assault Sand Lord Villa, then the other side has the advantage of geographical advantage and people, can easily resist the attack. And you can also call Armed Might scattered everywhere, to attack inside and outside, to annihilate Shi Lei’s invasion.

Shi Lei thought for a while and didn’t find a good way to attack Sand Lord Villa for a while, so he gave up temporarily. Then check out Fourth Item information.

Fourth Item information has more opinion!

The Fourth Item information specified by Izual is the logical calculation of the High Grade Logical Thinking Module.

Fourth Item information indicates that Great Drug Lord Sand Lord Gao Boyang is a gay guy!

That’s right, it’s gay guy!

Gay guy who specializes in chrysanthemum!

According to First Item intelligence information collected by Izual, Gao Boyang is only 39 years old this year. In the circle of the Great Drug Lord, it is still a very young one.

Gao Boyang’s wife. The name is Wang Qiuyang. It is nine years younger than Gao Boyang. It is also a drug dealer. In the process of drug trafficking, he met Gao Boyang and then married Gao Boyang.

There is a special existence in the power of Gao Boyang. That is Gao Boyang’s worship of brothers Wang Jianxiao.

Wang Jianxiao is one year younger than Gao Boyang. In the power of Gao Boyang, he is almost a second leader, and his status even surpasses Wang Qiuyang. [

Why is this happening?

the reason is. Wang Jianxiao has a nickname called Juhua Xiao.

When you see Jun, Juhua Xiao!

Wang Jianxiao exactly as stated Gao Boyang’s good friend, Gao Boyang is attacking, Wang Jianxiao is defense, the so-called offensive and defensive is love, Gao Boyang and Wang Jianxiao’s relationship, also use more detailed explanation?

Because of this, Wang Jianxiao’s status is even higher than his wife, Wang Qiuyang.

Izual got this information, exactly as stated, and hated dissatisfied wife Wang Qiuyang, registered the social website, and in the personal Weibo, took the Private Journal and wrote it.

Among the networks, the so-called Private Journal is actually dupe.

What only the author can see, what outsider method to view, is simply fart. Network secret , those who put secret in the network, really do not know what to think.

However, fortunately, there is a social network of this thing, otherwise Shi Lei will not get such a critical information.

In view of the relationship between Gao Boyang and Wang Jianxiao, Shi Lei quickly built a conspiracy in his mind, a conspiracy to catch Gao Boyang.

Gao Boyang has long lived in Sand Lord Villa, but Wang Jianxiao is not. Wang Jianxiao has a more feminine hobby, that is, she likes to go shopping, but also likes to go shopping in Wang Qiuyang.

The same wife, Wang Qiuyang, was originally dissatisfied with Wang Jianxiao, and Wang Jianxiao was favored by Gao Boyang. She could only accompany Wang Jianxiao to the street.

This piece of information, also in the Private Journal, was retrieved by Izual.

Shi Lei is trying to use the information of this information to arrange traps to capture two people. If you catch ‘once you see a gentleman, give a ‘Chrysanthemum Smile’ ‘Wang Jianxiao, then Gao Boyang is not hooked?

In order to preserve the lives of good friends, Gao Boyang should walk out of the Sand Lord Villa!

After thinking about it, Shi Lei smiled on his face. “Gao Boyang, Gao Boyang, you are dead!”

“l铆ng l铆ng l铆ng ~”

Cell phone calls The bell rings, the Caller ID is Gu Yun, Shi Lei presses the answer button, Gu Yun’s voice is passed over.

鈥淏oss, we have arrived in Nanyun Province.鈥?Gu Yun reports: 鈥淚t takes about two to three hours to get together with Mid Captain Li.鈥?/p>

“Well, I know, you meet before Li Zifeng. We take the airplane directly at noon.” Shi Lei responded.

“Okay, Boss, we are waiting for you at the border.” Gu Yun replied respectfully.

“Pay attention to Safety, don’t accident.” Shi Lei groaned, then said a few things, hung up the phone, and called Zhou Cheng, let him take the remaining six Squadrons of the Ruling Security Company, first come to Shuanghu District, then go to Airport together. [

At 10 o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei took advantage of the Rongcheng Military District’s military officer’s card and Gun License to successfully take two pistol rides on the airplane. The rest of the Ruling Security Company did not bravely carry weapon.

Going to Nanyun Province with Shi Lei, and Dawn Metal Exoskeleton. With the military certificate of the Rongcheng Military District, Shi Lei easily handled Dawn’s consignment business.

First Class Cabin to Nanyun Province flights. Only Shi Lei and Zhou Cheng, the other six Squadron’s twenty four, all took the Economy Class.

Zhou Cheng sat next to Shi Lei with an excited look in his eyes. He whispered: “Boss, what purpose did we have in the past?”

Shi Lei chuckled. “We used to see Old Friend.”

鈥淥ld Friend?鈥?is associated with Li Zifeng, and Zhou Cheng immediately responded, 鈥淵e Feng?鈥?Zhou Cheng asked briefly.

鈥溍坣!鈥?Shi Lei closed his eyes and nodded.

Zhou Cheng did not ask, but also learned Shi Lei yyng. Close your eyes.

From Shuangqing City to Nanyun Province, the flight is about the same as Capital City, which is about two hours.

Nearly two hours later, the plane landed at Xishuang City in Nanyun Province. Exiting through Xishuang City, though not the most recent route. But it is a very safe way, and is very close to the Yellow Triangle Region.

Ruling Security Company is located in three Squadron in Xishuang City. Gathered in the airport terminal. Reception of Shi Lei and the six Squadron of the Ruling Security Company.

In addition to Liu Dazhuang in Capital City, all personnel of the Ruling Security Company are gathered in Xishuang City.

Stepping out of the terminal, Shi Lei asked Li Zifeng next to him, 鈥淶ifeng, how is the situation now?鈥?/p>

Li Zifeng said: “Boss. We have a firm foothold in Xishuang City for the time being. The traffic situation in Xishuang City, we all figured out and planned six corresponding evacuation routes. At the same time, we also developed more than ten small hoodlums. For the goes offline. Let them help us explore the information of each aspect.”

Shi Lei is quite a mny nod, which is the difference between Li Zifeng and Liu Dazhuang. Liu Dazhuang has the courage of the generals and can become a fierce rusher.

But Li Zifeng is a handsome man with courage and skill!

At the time of Xishuang City waiting, if Liu Dazhuang is dispatched, I am afraid that it is exactly as stated eat, drink and be Merry. And Li Zifeng, is not considered to win first. First consider the worst possibility of the matter, and develop a corresponding strategy to prevent things from going to the worst degree and have the corresponding rescue measures.

鈥淵es, it鈥檚 done very well! Stayed in the issue, did you arrange it?鈥?Shi Lei asked again.

“Boss, it has been handled properly. All the rooms in a guest house have been packaged. Although there are a few rooms left, but for the uniform of the personnel, I decided to pack them all.” Li Zifeng spoke while watching Shi Lei.

Shi Lei once again mny nodded, Li Zifeng is very cautious. “Well, do a good job, lead the way ahead!”

Outside Xishuang City Airport, a rented bus, waiting for Shi Lei and others. This is also the arrangement of Li Zifeng, using a car to pick up and prevent multiple cars from picking up the issue of unconnected traffic.

Li Zifeng’s rental guest house, located on the edge of Xishuang City, is just over 30 kilometers from the border, fully meeting their border crossing needs.

In the guest house, Shi Lei uses the Notebook Computer to contact the Punishment Merc Warsquad in the Yellow Triangle Region Dekin Town.

鈥淵e Feng, we are now at Xishuang City, what is the situation on your side?鈥?/p>

Ye Feng’s voice is encrypted by Izual’s data, passed to Shi Lei’s Notebook Computer for decoding, and then converted to speech information.

“Boss, the situation is not very good. In the sphere of influence of Sand Lord Gao Boyang, there is an army of about 500 people.” Ye Feng’s voice asked bitterly.

Hearing the military’s information, Shi Lei did not feel qgu, Izual has analyzed the information about the military.

“How about the Army’s Equipment?”

An army of about 500 people, if the Equipment is not too strong, according to Shi Lei’s plan, he is not too afraid.

“Boss, the Army’s Equipment is not very good, it should be a non-Government army, Equipment is not a unified system weapon. Without the existence of heavy weapon, perhaps with a soldier rpgrocket launcher, this is a big trouble.” Ye Feng analyzed Respond.

Shi Lei snorted, what is the big trouble with the soldier rpg?

The Steel and Iron can deal with the thing!

“Okay, Ye Feng, listen, I will tell you a plan, you follow this plan implement.” Shi Lei started to give Ye Feng, telling how to catch Wang Jianxiao, how to

(To be continued…)

Ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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