
Chapter 748

hk737 We dig pits, you jump!

On the 5th of May, Forty points in the early morning.

On the 38th floor of Emerald Building, Shi Lei carried two cups of instant coffee and exchanged some fresh milk. He came to the desk of Mu Shuang and put the cow’s milk coffee up.

“Mu Shuang, take a break, you are too tired!” Shi Lei sat half-sitting on the desk and looked at the tiredness on Mu Shuang’s face, saying pity.

Mu Shuang sighed, put the keyboard bracket in, pick up the cow “milk” coffee, and drink slowly, but there is no hidden anxiety between the eyebrows.

鈥淪hi Lei, we have a big problem!鈥?Mu Shuang almost dropped the cup after drinking a half cup, said to Shi Lei. Without waiting for Shi Lei to answer, she continued: “We currently hold mCompany’s Stock, a total of 100 Million nine thousand 9 Million shares, 2749% of the total share capital becomes the single shareholder of mCompany’s shareholding. The total acquisition of Stock The investment is 700 million 3 Million US Dollar, and the fraction is 20,000 US Dollar.”

Shi Lei listened quietly and responded with a firm tone: “Continue to buy, quote to fixed investors, you must win mCompany!”

Mu Shuang gave a white glance to Shi Lei, “Stupid!”

Dream Entertainment Company’s remaining investment funds exceed Twenty-three billion US Dollars. If you buy mCompany’s Stock at all costs, it is easy to acquire more than Stock.

However, this is not in the interest of Dream Entertainment. [

Dream Entertainment acquisition

The basic purpose of the Company is precisely for the sake of greater benefit. If it is too painful to buy mCompany, it will not be of any benefit to Dream Entertainment.

Shi Lei’s slogan is at all costs, but Mu Shuang is not like Cray like Shi Lei. Mu Shuang has her own ideas and eventually acquires mCompany at an acceptable price.

“Shi Lei, if we show strong, unshakable minds, and attempt to acquire mCompany, it will only cause us trouble. Remember an old saying, if you want to take it, you must give it first.” Mu Shuang’s face A confident god “color”.

Shi Lei said: “it’s up to you, I don’t understand Stock anyway.”

鈥淵es, Shi Lei, our company. Recently, is there any big project? Is there any other project besides developing Doomsday War?鈥?Mu Shuang asked.

鈥淲ell? Asked what to do?鈥?Shi Lei scratched his head. 鈥淚t seems like only the big project of 鈥淒oomsday War鈥?recently.鈥?/p>

Mu Shuang regrets: “Doomsday War doesn’t use Three Billion US Dollar. Shi Lei, I suspect that mCompany already knows about our actions. Our acquisition is exposed and other projects are needed to hide the whereabouts of Three Billion US Dollar. Otherwise 路 Our acquisition will be very difficult.”

Shi Lei turned his eyes. “It turned out to be such a thing. Mu Shuang, you can rest assured that the company will come up with an eye-catching project that will explain the whereabouts of Three Billion US Dollar.”

鈥淲hat project?鈥?Mu Shuang asked cautiously.

This is related to the investment of Three Billion US Dollar, even if it is full of trust for Shi Lei, but Mu Shuang is also the situation of Hope knowing the body, so that she can make corresponding investment adjustments.

Shi Lei explained the pLens-type Information Processor in detail, and remembered another thing, explaining: “Mu Shuang 路 I remember that I used to ask you, I don’t know the personnel of the projector-related Industry. You have a Yatu Company, but we are not in contact with Yatu Company?”

Mu Shuang was still strange about this thing, she thought that the Yatu Company was not strong enough, so she didn’t ask much.

鈥淎t that time, did the company plan to develop the Lens-type Information Processor? Shi Lei, this thing sounds a bit overhanging, is it safe to study it?鈥?Mu Shuang said worriedly.

Shi Lei didn’t say anything about it. After all, lpLens-type Information Processor, according to Dong Guoguo, can’t be studied. There is really some uncertainty. Shi Lei has some reluctance, because the gglprjetglss or hmzseries products produced by swny have implemented functions similar to the lpLens-type Information Processor. v

Since both ggle and sn have made a similar thing, why can’t Dream Entertainment do it? Their two companies have deep roots, but Dream Entertainment is not a vegetarian now. Shi Lei provides numerous resources for Dong Guoguo, plus the help of the Rongcheng Military District, lpLens-type Information Processor, which may not be possible. [

“I can’t guarantee that the Host of this project will not give me a letter.”

However, increasing the investment of funds will eventually be studied. This technology will become the foundation of our Dream Entertainment in the future and form the barrier of our Dream Entertainment system. “Shi Lei outlines the blueprint for the future.”

“Well, just use this technology. Anyway, this technology gives people the feeling that it is a waste of money research, just to block the gapof Three Billion US Dollar.” Mu Shuang nodded and asked: “Shi Lei, This technology, you will announce it tomorrow at the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website, let the whole World personnel know. No, it is best to hold a Press Conference to invite the world famous media in Shuangqing City.”

Shi Lei h膿i h膿i said with a smile : “Exactly, I used to order the Promo Vid made by Immortal Picture Company, and it has its use!”

As early as the end of March, Shi Lei ordered Immortal Picture Company to produce Brave’s World’s new Promo Vid, but Immortal Picture Company delayed the accomplish time. Even after Brave’s World First Round Public Test, it was not finished yet! It was only after the holiday on May 1 that it was completed in slow. !

However, Shi Lei did not urge Immortal Picture Company, anyway, he requested Promo Vid, mainly to promote the pLens-type Information Processor, and to promote Brave’s World. So, the Shi Lei’s command is done as fine as possible, not in a hurry.

鈥淎nd Promo Vid?鈥?Mu Shuang looked at Shi Lei with amazement. 鈥淗ow can I not know? Is it Sword against Arrow 4?鈥?/p>

Shi Lei shook his head. “Sword against Arrow” series Promo Vid is over. This is a brand new Promo Vid, or a mini movie. The total length of time should exceed twenty minutes.

鈥淗ey!鈥?Mu Shuang didn鈥檛 ask much, 鈥淪hi Lei, confirmed, tomorrow鈥檚 press Reporter conference, no issue Right?鈥?/p>

鈥淣o issue!鈥?Shi Lei confirmed the answer.

“Okay, it’s going to implement my plan. With your support, the plan should be easier!” Mu Shuang “shows out” the relaxed god “color” and pulls out the keyboard tray on the NASDAQ license transaction market. , hang out the latest purchase order.

Xia Nation Time At one o’clock in the morning, mCompany’s real-time stock price, as predicted by Mu Shuang, rushed to the red line of 500US Dollar, reaching the High Degree of 508US Dollar.

Mu Shuang’s pending bid is still a premium buy, directly opening the price of 530US Dollar, exceeding the real-time stock price 22 cents.

Unfortunately, there are not many mStocks circulating in Freedom in the market. Together with the condemnation of the Wall Street Journal, mCompany’s Stock has become a newcomer to the NASDAQ certification transaction market.

In the market, all of the hangings were paid by Mu Shuang, and even one of them was not acquired. For this situation, Mu Shuang is mentally prepared.

mCompany’s Stock, after the opening of the market today, the amount of transactions exceeded 200 million shares, which has long attracted the attention of investors from all walks of life.

Currently, retailers, speculators, and fixed investors who own mCompany Stock, there is no opinion sold at all. They are waiting for mCompany to announce a partnership with Dream Entertainment Company, which will allow Stock to rush to higher prices.

Shi Lei was a little nervous: “Mu Shuang, how can I not receive it?”

“Of course I can’t receive it. Everyone is watching and waiting for a higher price.” Mu Shuang explained it briefly, and then continued: “Open a higher price. I will always receive it!”

After that, Mu Shuang found that in the NASDAQ license transaction market, someone has opened a higher price, an anonymous account, opened a price of 566US Dollar per share, and pulled out a purchase order for 1 Million shares. The real-time stock price in 513US Dollar has been rising slowly.

Mu Shuang pays attention to the other party’s pay, but the price of 566US Dollar has not received any one, which is simply abnormal, or media reports, coupled with market moves, allowing investors and investors to mCompany The stock price has produced the wrong blind confidence.

Mu Shuang’s mouth sneered and screamed on the keyboard, like crazy, filling out a purchase price of up to 611US Dollar per share for a total of 100 Million shares.

The Seventh Home Offshore Company, independent of the Billions US Dollar, ensured that the buy order had sufficient margin to successfully pass the NASDAQ license transaction market Audit.

The company’s real-time share price is increasing at any time, but it is currently only one 513US Dollar. The purchase price of 611US Dollar per share has already exceeded the level of 1US Dollar, which caused a big stir in the NASDAQ securities transaction market.

Other investors hidden in the dark, watching this 100 Million stock’s buy orders, sneered, they have already identified this as Dream Entertainment behind the Black Hand.

In fact, this is indeed Dream Entertainment behind the Black Hand!

These investment institutions have followed suit. They concluded that mCompany and Dream Entertainment have internal transactions. Otherwise, Dream Entertainment Company, why should we acquire mCompany’s Stock?

Is Dream Entertainment really going to buy mCompany? Don’t be kidding, Dream Entertainment Company is an Offshore Company, the background is not clear, Li Jian Nation’s “Government” will allow Dream Entertainment to acquire mCompany?

Company has provided a number of military orders for Li Jian Nation, selling mCompany to the Foreign Company, except Li Jian Nation “Government” Shithead.

Even if Li Jian Nation Shithead is gone, investment institutions will not think of Dream Entertainment Shithead, they can鈥檛 possibly not know, the acquisition

Company This kind of thing is basically accomplish.

No, they don’t understand Shi Lei’s mentality! Shi Lei knows the activities of mCompany and Li Jian Nation “Government”, and also knows the attitude of Li Jian Nation “Government” to mCompany.

Acquisition of mCompany In the face of resistance from Li Jian Nation, Shi Lei is confident.

Almost all investment institutions believe that this is Dream Entertainment’s speculation on Hot Money. Just after mCompany’s share price is higher, Dream Entertainment makes a big profit. As a result, these investment institutions followed the footsteps of Dream Entertainment and rushed to offer premium bids. In the NASDAQ license transaction market, they were covered with a buy-in for mCompany Stock.

It鈥檚 a pity, they don鈥檛 know, this is the trapthat Dream Entertainment interweaves!

銆栤埛update fast 鈭? pure text 鈭?銆?/p>

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