Chapter 64 I’m really beeping a dog!!

From 27% to 35% boost, a total of two pieces of equipment and two new skills are unlocked.

The new equipment unlocked at level 30 is the standard M4A1 assault rifle,

This is one of the common rifles of the US military, the main gun weapon of the regular army and special forces of the US army, and its status and performance in the US army can be said to be one of the best, even the world’s top SEALs are in use.

Level 35 unlocked armament is the M60E3 light machine gun,

This is an improved version of the famous M60 machine gun, which is characterized by dense firepower, long and accurate ballistics, can be operated by individual soldiers, and easy to use, this light machine gun is also one of the important ordnance often equipped by the US Navy.

The newly produced M4A1 and M60E3, as well as the previous ones

The current daily output of various types of equipment has reached thirty-five sets per day, as well as a certain number of adapted bullets.

In addition to these two pieces of equipment,

Bai Chengze also extracted two new Goldfinger skills, and the one drawn at level 30 was [Command Force],

The soldiers inspired by Bai Chengze will gain 1,000% morale, courage and loyalty, become fierce and invincible, and become the existence of the Ten Deaths.

Moreover, when Bai Chengze is within 3,000 meters of them, it will additionally make the surrounding soldiers burst their own potential, increasing the soldiers’ own values by 200%, which means that they will double their strength, speed, and endurance, and become “fierce men” in the popular sense. ”

With the improvement of Bai Chengze’s own integration, this sphere of influence will increase by 100 meters per level.

In other words, when Bai Chengze’s fusion degree reaches 100%, he will be able to affect a radius of twenty miles, and all his subordinates within this range will be promoted to enhanced people, which is completely equivalent to a walking iron-blooded legion.

The twenty-mile front is enough to flatten most of the thermal weapons battle.


When Bai Chengze was 35% fused, he also extracted [super memory], as the name suggests, this is a golden finger that improves the memory ability of the brain,

Today’s Bai Chengze can easily remember what he sees and reads in his heart, which can be called truly unforgettable.

With these two abilities, Bai Chengze’s overall strength and the ability of the community have been greatly improved, which can be described as earth-shaking.

After simply cleaning up, taking a hot bath, and tidying up, Bai Chengze got down from the apartment building, because he had already placed a battle post with the Kinmen Group,

So now the whole community has become tense and vigilant.

Even the downstairs in the community has a few percent more people than in the past, and they are equipped with guns and ammunition.

Sending Shi Ming’s body to Shi Dong was tantamount to announcing a war, and Bai Chengze had long been prepared and had been patiently waiting for this day.

At present, he occupies the right time and place,

Today’s Jiaodong Gang, under the recent rapid development, has become a large-scale society of more than 500 people, which is a large violent organization in the whole of Seoul and even the whole of South Korea.

Moreover, at present, the community is still expanding at a rapid rate, and fresh blood is integrated into it every day.

In terms of equipment, after a period of development, more than 200 sets of standard equipment and guns have also been produced, and nearly half of the members of the society have been fully equipped.

In addition, there is the advanced firepower of the M60, M4A1, which is being produced at a rate of 45 minutes.

In this battle, Bai Chengze was very confident that he would annihilate the Golden Gate Group in one fell swoop.

Once the Golden Gate Group is overthrown, he can ‘hold the Son of Heaven to order the princes’, because if Shi Dong dies, then the whole Gate Group will have no successor in a sense.

Bai Chengze can fully support Caiyun and legitimately pocket the entire group without any opposition.

After Shi Dongcheng’s death, Caiyun was indeed the most qualified candidate to take over the group, because it was his own thing.

If the directors disagree, let him bungee jump without cord and shut up completely.

From home to Fuyun Tea House,

Along the way, you can see many plainclothes people from the community wandering the streets, and their vigilance is extremely high.

Came to Fuyun Tea House, a group of high-level society leaders are already waiting in the tea room,

Seeing the eldest brother coming, Xu Sheng, Big Tiger, Ding Qing and more than a dozen others stood up and nodded, whispering ‘big brother’ in their mouths one after another.

Bai Chengze pressed his hand and motioned for them to sit down,

After sitting down, Bai Chengze lit a cigarette, “What is the move over there in the Golden Gate Group?” ”

Xu Sheng was the first to take the words and said: “The undercover agent we arranged over there has received news that Shi Dongchu is preparing all the manpower of the group, preparing to start on the night of the full moon, when all the thugs of the entire Golden Gate Group will arrive, and there will be a certain amount of light firepower support, it seems that he wants to move the real thing and fight with us.” ”

“You can’t let them come to Chinatown, that’s too dangerous for the neighbors,”

Bai Chengze dusted off the soot, “I will find a way to lure them to our home field.” ”

“Big brother, the home field you said is…”

Xu Sheng was a little puzzled.

“Lifeng Mountain in the south, where it is inaccessible and suitable for firefighting, so the battlefield will be located there,”

Bai Chengze spit out a wisp of smoke, and slowly inhaled the smoke into the nasal cavity, and after an epic level of passing through the lungs, he continued,

“Secretly send some men over today, first dig the trenches, arrange the site, tomorrow night there will be a large-scale gun battle, we must prepare in advance to reduce the casualties of the brethren.”

“I see.”

Xu Sheng nodded.

“In addition,” Bai Chengze took a deep puff of his cigarette and frowned, “Shi Dong has some diehard subordinates who will become a resistance to our takeover of the group, and these people must also be solved together, so we took advantage of the opportunity for them to pour out and did them.” ”

Saying that, Bai Chengze turned his head to Ding Qing on the side, “This matter is up to you, and it must be clean.” ”

Ding Qing smiled, “It’s clear.” ”

In the recent day, Ding Qing’s performance in the club has been good,

Because Bai Chengze gave him several times higher treatment than the original treatment in the Golden Gate Group, and made an exception to give him some rights, Ding Qing was flattered and terrified, and he has been waiting for the opportunity to repay this trust.

Despite this, Bai Chengze was still a little relieved,

He extinguished the cigarette at the bottom of the ashtray and stood up, “Tonight’s oath meeting, all the members will arrive, and I will have something to tell you then.” ”

Bai Chengze’s order was quickly transmitted, and the time came to dusk,

The Xinhui shooting range is already bustling with people,

Because of the constant training of troops, this shooting range has been bought by the Jiaodong Gang at a very reasonable price.

The Xinhui Range is built against the mountain, and one side is a towering rock wall, which is also used to set the direction of the target.

After all the members arrived, Bai Chengze came halfway up the mountain,

He looked at the crowded brothers of the society below, and made a high-pitched and passionate speech with a deep face.

Because now his memory is excellent,

So the lines of the speech are already familiar to heart,

In a set of bound lines that combine the speeches of war marshals from various countries,

The brothers under the mountain applauded thunderously, cheered continuously, whistled one after another, the original ten-minute speech, and finally spoke for half an hour,

Because for twenty minutes the audience was clapping.

When Bai Chengze’s last sentence ‘comrades still need to work hard’ landed, everyone under the mountain, without exception, was greatly encouraged,

After receiving the bonus of the encouraging buff, these people all became ten times more loyal, ten times more courageous, ten times more morale…

One by one, they were indignant and passionate, and they couldn’t wait to rush to the battlefield tonight to win glory for the community and win the first place.

And Bai Chengze did not treat everyone badly, promising that after the war, he would be rewarded for merit and deeds, ranking according to seniority.

In the chorus of ‘war and war’, Bai Chengze walked into the crowd and enjoyed the support and salutation from all directions.

The swearing-in meeting came to an end under a positive momentum.

The sun set on the horizon, and every brother at the shooting range received a Mid-Autumn Gift with mooncakes, crabs, wine, and some festival fees.

The brethren of the community returned full of joy,

Bai Chengze was also overwhelmed, looking at the sunset in the sky and intoxicated.

This is the encounter of the community, and it is also an important turning point for the Jiaodong Gang from a small community to a big chaebol.

If things go well, within a month, he will be able to use Seok Dong-chu’s wife and the precious property left by Seok Dong-chu to join the South Korean upper class and become the top one percent of the 1 percent.

Sunset, night rising, everything is ready,

Bai Chengze now has to make his final deployment, that is, successfully provoke Shi Dongchu, make him angry, and then give him an invitation to enter the urn.

He dialed Shi Dongchu’s phone,

As soon as he spoke, he gave him a whole job,

“Chairman Shi, you must not have examined Ling Gongzi’s lower body, have you?”

Shi Dong on the other end of the phone,

When he received the call, he was sitting outside the morgue of the funeral home, full of anger.

When the Jiaodong Gang sent Shi Ming’s body, they sent his severed finger and half of his tongue by the way.

Because his son’s body is not beautiful, Shi Dongchu wants to give his son a decent life,

So I spent a lot of money and found a bunch of morticians with excellent craftsmanship to sew and apply makeup to my son.

When he heard Bai Chengze’s words, Shi Dongcheng couldn’t help but be stunned, “What? ”

Shi Dongchu slowly stood up and glanced at Li Zhongjiu hesitantly.

Shi Ming’s body was sorted out by Li Zhongjiu, of course, he knew the inside information in this regard, Li Zhongjiu once again bowed his head deeply, “President, you must not be angry…”

Hearing this, Shi Dongchu grabbed Li Zhongjiu’s collar, and then helplessly let go again.

He broke into morgue 2.1 with galloping steps,

While shouting at Bai Chengze on the other end of the phone, “I will definitely smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!” ”

Come to the morgue,

He lifted the white cloth on Shi Ming’s body,

At this time, Shi Ming was still smiling, as if he was asleep, because of the makeup, his face looked much rosier, and he looked very peaceful.

Even a few of his broken fingers were carefully mended by the mortician, which looked lifelike and perfect.

Shi Dongchu slowly put his hand into Shi Mingshou’s pants as Bai Chengze said, and it was empty.

Shi Dongchu was taken aback,

Then, his tone was raised by eight degrees, “Bai Chengze, you!”……”

Bai Chengze took the earpiece away,

When the voice in the earpiece gradually subsided, he took the phone again, “Chairman Shi, you don’t want Ling Gongzi to be the same as before, right?” ”

Shi Dong was furious, feeling that a raging fire was burning him, making him want to vent irritably.

Before he could start roaring, Bai Chengze said leisurely: “Chairman Shi, in addition, I have another surprise for you…”

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