Chapter 77 You don’t even want to call me sister!!

“These years… You must have suffered a lot, right? ”

Hearing Holly’s question,

The long spoon stirring in Bai Chengze’s hand suddenly slowed down a lot,

At the moment, he was confused, and he didn’t understand what kind of emerging pick-up routine this was.

He glanced back at Holly,

Holly is wearing a loose knit shirt, a light jacket with pure cotton texture, and plain trousers, which looks very Japanese,

Step on a pair of white canvas shoes.

Let people feel that this is a clean and especially warm person at the first glance,

It feels like Yui Aragaki, sweet and gentle.

Bai Chengze turned around and continued to stir the tomato and brisket, he shook his head and replied truthfully, “It’s okay.” ”

Holly broke the onion with both hands,

She pursed her lips and slowly spoke, “What are you doing?” ”


Bai Chengze paused,

He didn’t know how to answer that question.

You can’t tell people you’re a gang boss, right? Even if the chairman of the group is too ostentatious,

So, he tapped the cutting board with one finger and casually said, “I’m a cook now.” ”

This sentence is ambiguous,

Because now he is indeed a chef at this moment.

However, the speaker has no intention, the listener has intention,

Holly suddenly laughed out a snot bubble,

“I didn’t expect you to learn to cook and become a chef, and you were a complete idiot before…”

Bai Chengze turned his head a little hesitantly and looked at Holly very seriously, “Miss, you are a little rude.” ”

He also couldn’t understand what this Holly sister in front of him was smoking,

As soon as I came up, I talked to him about some things that were not there, and made him foggy.

And Holly, after hearing Bai Chengze’s words, her smile gradually froze.

She lowered her head, picked the onion in her hand, and said, “You don’t even want to call me sister…”

Bai Chengze was speechless for a while, not knowing what the other party was doing.

Holly continued: “Is there anything you don’t like over the years? ”

Hearing this,

Bai Chengze knocked on the edge of the pot with a long spoon and frowned: “If you want to say that you are not satisfied, there is nothing more than the effort to talk to you, the bottom of the pot is paste.” ”

Tomato brisket is an extremely laborious dish that requires constant stirring to prevent sticking to the pan,

Just an oversight, Bai Chengze felt that something stuck to the bottom of the pot, and some mushy taste reached his nose.

This made him feel a little frustrated, and OCD flared up instantly.

Bai Chengze held Holly’s shoulders, gently pushed her outside the kitchen, and then took the onion in her hand and said to her calmly and seriously: “If I stew the vegetables, we won’t have to eat them at night, understand?” ”

Holly nodded in a trance.

Bai Chengze returned to the kitchen, gently closed the sliding door, and closed himself inside.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Holly could no longer control it, she wiped her tears and sobbed,

After all, Nali is her own sister, and quietly came to her side and handed over two tissues.

She hugged her arms and said coldly, “I’m still not sure if it’s him, why are you so emotional?” ”

Holly’s body trembled, and her voice was a little hoarse,

“I just saw his back, and I thought I couldn’t be wrong,” she pressed the corner of her eye with a tissue, “I just don’t know why he is so indifferent, he actually called me miss, oh my God…”

“Why did you forget your main task,” Nelly frowned, “The most important thing now is to confirm the identity first, your responsibility is to find a way to see his one… Understand? ”

As Nali spoke, she gestured in her hand,

After that, she let out a long sigh, as if complaining that her sister was useless.

The crying Holly suddenly perked up, “I will definitely be able to do it!” ”

Then, she held her head high and walked away like a war ten.

Looking at her back, Nali shook her head helplessly.

It was raining heavily, but inside the house was very warm.

The fireplace was filled with firewood and burned vigorously, and the wood made a small crackling sound from time to time.

On the sofa, a group of women and Teacher Gu’s family talked and laughed, and Teacher Gu’s wife had some Alzheimer’s,

But a few enthusiastic women still amused Mrs. Gu very happy, like a child, with a smile on her face.

Teacher Gu was happy to see his wife, and he was happy to see it.

And Gu Ziyun and his classmate and best friend Myung-hee watched TV in the living room.

Just when the group was lively,

Bai Chengze came to the living room holding a large cauldron,

The tomato brisket in the pot exudes a tempting aroma and steaming white smoke.

Gu Ziyun’s best friend Mingxi stood up, happily came to Bai Chengze, and sniffed the aroma in the pot sharply, “Uncle, you are very good at cooking!” ”

(Note: “Uncle” is a common nickname for men who are slightly older than themselves in South Korea, not uncles in generation, generally one or two years older, can be called like this)

Myung-hee is Gu Ziyun’s classmate and best friend, a very lively, enthusiastic girl, and also has a good heart, although some love stinky beauty, but flaws are not hidden.

She often came to Gu Ziyun’s house to spend the night, and the two slept in the same bed, which was very intimate.

When Bai Chengze saw Mingxi, he did not feel disgusted, but he was very happy to see this cheerful little girl.

“Awesome, huh?”

He showed off proudly while smiling and placing the pot on the table.

A group of people came around.

Only Zheng En’ai quietly, taking advantage of everyone’s lack of attention, walked away by herself.

Her mind is very delicate, for fear that her existence will cause conflict,

So I chose to sacrifice myself a little and avoid it for the time being.

And Bai Chengze frowned slightly when he saw her quietly leaving.

In his impression, Aunt Love is a very outgoing and cheerful person, and she doesn’t know what is going on today, but she seems so withdrawn?

He doesn’t look very gregarious.

However, Bai Chengze didn’t think much about it.

He beckoned everyone to gather around for dinner, and everyone responded positively.

Li Jiaen looked at the ‘younger brother’ in front of him with some hesitation, and his expression was a little complicated.

She is illegitimate, so she did not grow up in the white family,

Before Bai Hansheng’s death, she and her sister lived with their mother, and later her mother also fell ill and passed away.

Li Jiaen and his sister Li Shuxin became a pair of sisters who were helpless,

However, Zheng Eun’ai was very kind and took the two of them back home to live with Holly and Nali.

It can also be seen from this that Zheng En’ai’s mind is so broad, and he treats the illegitimate daughter of the Bai family as if he has already come out.

The level of fraternity of his people is evident.

Li Jiaen and Li Shuxin belong to the latecomers, and it is not too long to integrate into this family,

But fortunately, there are no bad people at home, Zheng Enai, Holly needless to say,

Although Nali’s face is a little smelly, she is not a bad thing, and she belongs to a typical knife-mouthed tofu heart.

A family of five, five women living together, it is still warm.

However, because Li Jiaen and Li Shuxin came to the Bai family relatively late,

Therefore, they did not have much impression of this ‘young son who had never met’, but had only heard about it in rumors.

In terms of generation, Li Jiaen should call his brother, and Li Shuxin should call his brother.

But at the moment, the mystery of identity is still confused, and the two of them are not good at showing too much, so they can only follow the flow and follow everyone,

As if nothing happened, they sat around the dining table.

And among all the people,

Holly and Nelly are the only ones who are a little blunt,

Nali held a bowl and secretly glanced at Bai Chengze from time to time, while Holly had a serious expression and didn’t know what she was thinking.

And Gu Ziyun’s family talked and laughed, and brought out all kinds of delicious food to entertain strange guests.

A table of seven or eight people is lively,

Bai Chengze looked at the familiar faces, and he felt very happy.

He also did not expect that he could meet these people who only existed in memory here.

In addition, everyone also tasted his stewed beef brisket with relish.

From time to time, a voice of praise sounded, praising Bai Chengze’s outstanding craftsmanship.

Bai Chengze smiled and nodded in response from time to time.

A question he has been thinking about in his heart is how to find an opportunity to talk to Gu Ziyun.

How to explain your intentions to her without arousing her suspicion.

And on the other side of the table,

Holly thought about Bai Chengze’s ass, thinking about how to see what he wanted to see without arousing his suspicions.

Gu Ziyun, on the other hand, has always maintained a vigilance against these outsiders.

In her opinion, there must be demons when things go wrong,

With so many people coming to the house at once, it is obviously not a normal thing.

And she is sensitive and delicate, more considerate, more thoughtful, she has the strength and obligation to protect the safety of her parents.

And Gu Ziyun’s girlfriend Mingxi committed a flower idiotic disease, showing himself in front of Bai Chengze from time to time, and the sound of ‘Oppa’ was very intimate, which gave Gu Ziyun goosebumps.

A table of people with ghosts in their hearts, each with their own plans and ideas.

Only Teacher Gu and Mrs. Gu are pure and kept in the dark.

After eating, everyone began to move freely,

Teacher Gu was very enthusiastic to clean up the two guest rooms,

Bai Chengze said that he didn’t need a room, just deal with it on the sofa in the living room,

As for the two guest rooms, let them be occupied by five ladies.

“It’s okay,” Teacher Gu nodded, “the young man has a responsibility.” ”

Because the time is just past seven o’clock, and it is still early at 343,

So everyone went their separate ways again.

Bai Chengze came to smoke a cigarette under the canopy,

He looked at the dark mountains in the distance, undulating in the night, like the waves.

The rain is falling around us, like a clear spring.

Bai Chengze has been silently calculating how to talk to Gu Ziyun,

After all, this is the main purpose of his coming here, that is, to win over Gu Ziyun, but it is obviously not an easy thing to win over Gu Ziyun.

You can’t just come up and tell her straight to the point, ‘I want to flip the organization as much as you do, let’s go together’,

If this is the case, then according to Gu Ziyun’s suspicious personality, he will definitely regard Bai Chengze as a person in the organization and an enemy.

Therefore, Bai Chengze knew that he could not rush too much, and he had to slowly find a suitable opportunity.

He was busy outside for a while,

Then, he leaned into half of his head and shouted into the living room: “Ziyun? ”


Gu Ziyun stood up, she walked barefoot on the wooden floor, her steps were light,

Came to the door, glanced at Bai Chengze, “What’s wrong?” ”

Bai Chengze pointed not far away, “A cow ran out.” ”

Gu Ziyun narrowed his eyes, and sure enough, he saw a cow walking far away into the darkness, as if walking in the rain.

She muttered softly and clenched her small fists, “This is bad…”

And then she grabbed an umbrella.

After stretching it out, I ran barefoot into the rain,

She fluttered all the way, scooped up to the old cow, took its reins, and pulled it back hard,

And the old cow is obviously not very willing to cooperate,

It was like a big mountain, standing in place, shaking its head from time to time, as if mocking Gu Ziyun.

Gu Ziyun clamped the umbrella between his neck,

Gripping the reins with both hands, he dragged the old cow hard, and he was at a standoff with it.

Bai Chengze looked at Gu Ziyun’s appearance and felt a burst of amusement.

I’m afraid she has been disguised for too long, and now she has forgotten what kind of existence she is.

She can obviously drag the cow back to the stall with one finger,

But in front of people, she behaved like a little girl who couldn’t even unscrew the bottle cap.

Her disguise is as seamless as an undercover agent, and her proficiency is distressing.

Bai Chengze let out a long sigh and shouted at Juzifen: “Do you want me to help you?” ”

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