Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 114 Confrontation with Peter (Part 2)

"Do you think I look like a ghost?"

Peter Pettigrew twitched the corner of his mouth, and Ron's words directly suppressed what he wanted to say.

"So you didn't die back then?"

"No, kid." Peter nodded quickly, "Back then, the traitor Sirius wanted to kill me, and he did not hesitate to use extremely powerful black magic. If I hadn't used a secret method to escape the disaster, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to appear here now. In front of you. Of course, this secret method cost me a little bit."

"But everyone said you were dead." Lewis looked puzzled.

"I'm hiding, kid. I'm hiding." Peter was trembling all over. "You know, Black is desperate to kill me because I know his secret, the Dark One who must not even be named. The boss learned a series of powerful black magic in order to kill me."

"You mean, Voldemort?"

"Don't mention that name!" Peter Pettigrew suddenly shouted, tears flashing in his eyes, "I'm sorry, but that man is so terrible. Black turned to him, not only James, but even the entire Order of the Phoenix. Betrayed."

Louis knew about that dark time. During the days when James and Lily died, Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix also disappeared. There were even members of the Order who were tortured by the remaining Death Eaters and turned into madmen.

"But why is this, why did Black betray his brother?" Louis held the wand and did not relax at all.

"I don't know, kid." Peter Pettigrew shook his head. "Perhaps it is to pursue power. Watching the Dark Lord become more and more powerful. Perhaps he feels that only by following the Dark Lord can he show his value."

"Okay, but why did you suddenly appear now, or in a place like this? And the only way to the Forbidden Forest is Hogwarts." Louis asked rhetorically.

"Because I want to save you." Peter Pettigrew said, and he slowly stepped forward, "Black's target is not just me, he also wants Harry to die and fulfill the wish that the Dark Lord failed to complete. And I, as a Harry's parents' best friends naturally want to protect him."

"I'm asking you how you came to Hogwarts?" Louis was not interested in what he wrote, directed, and acted. A man who betrayed his good brother thirteen years ago is now so shameless that he still pretends to be innocent. It was pitiful to frame Sirius, or even expose Lupin before. You know, the three of them were Peter's best friends when they were young.

"Actually, I am an Animagus." Peter Pettigrew took a deep breath and finally admitted, "My Animagus form is a mouse, and of course I will always be with you."

"You mean, you're Scabbers?" Lewis winked at Ron.

"Yes, that's right, I have been hiding in the Weasley family for twelve years." Pettigrew licked his lips, "But I really didn't expect that you would have so many interactions with Harry later."

The next words were directed at Ron. He narrowed his eyes after receiving Peter Pettigrew's affirmative reply. It turned out that what Louis had said to him before was true.

The fact made him unable to accept it for a while. The pet he had raised at home for twelve years turned out to be an Animagus.

Ron couldn't help but tremble when he thought that the person he held on his chest when sleeping every day was not a mouse but a wretched uncle in his thirties or forties.

"Trust me, kids, I'm really here to help you."

Peter Pettigrew's earnest persuasion didn't seem to convince Louis, and he even began to wonder if he had been exposed too early. He originally thought that after he caught Sirius Black, he would give the Dementors a big gift, and then he would return in glory and become a hero in the eyes of everyone.

But something went wrong when he used the Marauder's Map to deal with Sirius in the Forbidden Forest. The Marauder's Map can naturally detect the location of wizards in Hogwarts, especially after the update, the range extends to the Forbidden Forest.

However, this does not include the pet cat. He and Snape discovered Black's hiding place, and during the battle with him, the yellow ginger cat slipped away, although his black magic injured the stupid cat. , but it will definitely attract attention within the school.

Therefore, he set up a trap here, but he didn't expect that the people chasing him into the Forbidden Forest were actually two second- and third-year students.

It's not like he hasn't thought about cooperating with Louis. Hogwarts students are more passionate and impulsive, especially the Gryffindors, just like James and Sirius. As long as they seduce them, they will naturally believe what he says. .

But Louis seemed different from them. He was always doubting, which was very similar to Dumbledore.

He had heard Dumbledore's conversation with James and mentioned things about himself. It was precisely because of this that Dumbledore never allowed him to have access to the internal secrets of the Order of the Phoenix. On the surface, he had deceived Dumbledore. Lido was delivering a message to the Dark Lord.

Peter Pettigrew suddenly felt that if Louis said he didn't believe it, he would immediately eradicate him. If such a person cannot be an ally, he must not cultivate an enemy with powerful potential for himself.

He hid his wand behind his back, which was Sirius's wand, and wondered whether to use the Oblivion Curse or Avada Kedavra to deal with the two children.

"We believe you, Mr. Peter." Louis said suddenly, and these words stunned Pettigrew and Ron.

"So, what do we do?"

"Oh, it's very simple." Peter Pettigrew grinned, showing his eight crooked teeth, and his smile was extremely ugly. "You just need to help me hand over Sirius Black to the Dementors."

"Oh? So Mr. Peter caught Black?"

"That's natural." Peter Pettigrew waved his hand, as if he looked very unconcerned, completely different from the previous one.

"But in this case, the dementors don't seem to have an impact on Blake. Otherwise, how could he escape from prison?"

"That's because Black is also an Animagus," Peter Pettigrew said. "Animals are not affected by Dementors."

"Of course, after catching Blake, the great credit will naturally go to both of you. That represents a supreme honor. Think about it, you are the boy who protected the savior and will be praised by thousands of people."

"That's a good suggestion." Louis smiled, "However, unfortunately, you ignored a very important point, Mr. Peter Pettigrew."

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