At the end of April and the beginning of May, something big happened. It could be said that things changed.

Originally, it was just a change of team management, but because another company launched so-called free reading, China Literature Group was eager to change in order to consolidate its "monopoly" position.

In fact, China Literature’s contract was already unsatisfactory long before, but why are so many authors jumping in? It’s because of its strong traffic strength. After all, China Literature is backed by TX, and the capital is still there. The extreme outburst these days is nothing more than the grievances accumulated by the author over the past ten years, just in time for the change of literature, plus the exposure of copyright ownership in the contract.

Today I don’t want to argue about who is right and who is wrong. Everyone has their own opinions. I want to tell the story between me and Yuewen.

The origin of the acquaintance is that two years ago in 2018, I was attracted by the historical novels of the Three Kingdoms and decided to enter the online literary world. What I originally wanted to value in the development of Yuewen was its strong traffic, .asxs., and Chuangshi were all under my command. The Internet literary world in 2018 has been relatively peaceful. The first novel I published on Chuangshi was fortunate enough to be appreciated by Chuangshi. I struggled with the contract for a long time, but I finally signed it.

This is my first novel. The editor treated me well, and the recommendations came with me. Especially at the beginning, I gave the app a high recommendation. But maybe it’s because I haven’t read much historical novels. The writing style and plot of that book are very similar to those of the same novel. The types are so different that the subscription and collection data are extremely poor, and it can be said that no one cares about them.

Almost 500,000 words have been updated, and the time has come to 2019. This year, the online literary world has undergone great changes. First, a certain platinum master mentioned free reading, which caused many authors to be dissatisfied. Then, in the second half of that year, the limelight was tightened. All kinds of books were banned, and history books were particularly hard hit. The first book was blocked with 60,000 words in it, so I had no choice but to stop updating it. This was the first time I caught up with the turmoil.

In September 2019, influenced by the small broken website, I started to publish this book. Soon, this book was favored by .asxs. Although the results of this second book are much better than the first one, the journey has been bumpy.

When the contract was first signed, the editor was forced to change. Although the second editor Danqing recommended it to me, his approach made people feel uncomfortable. First, they didn’t give me any notification when it was put on the shelves, which resulted in the book’s first order being 0. Secondly, I’ve been using my mobile phone to write code for a long time, and the Writer’s Assistant APP never showed my remuneration from the beginning to the end. I used QQ to contact me. But never got any response.

Now I have encountered this kind of thing again. It is about the same time that my book has more than 400,000 words. I have been thinking about it for the past few days, so I have not updated it. But don’t worry, this book will not be abandoned like before.

In the past, many authors have been denouncing the issue of copyright ownership. The biggest concern in this regard is actually the IP of the work. As a fan fiction author and a transparent author, there is nothing wrong with this kind of thing. IP adaptation is not my turn for the time being. The biggest concern is actually the income from manuscript fees. I also hope that China Literature can give more consideration to the feelings of the underlying authors on this matter.

Okay, having said all that, I just want to give a summary of recent events. There is no text update today, so I want to sort out my thoughts and create some momentum for today.

There will be two or three updates tomorrow. .

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