Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 312 Message from Hogwarts

The highest peak of the Werewolf Tribe is located in the north of the Scandinavian Mountains. Although this is not the highest point of the mountains, looking down, it is quite a sight to see the small mountains.

Jomus Greyback, who had just become the leader of the tribe, was standing on the top of the mountain. Two days ago, the werewolf tribe underwent a huge change. Fenrir Greyback, who was listed as a traitor, was unexpectedly elected as the new leader of the werewolf tribe. . But this guy's butt is not even hot. Another child of the Greyback family who has disappeared for thirty or forty years is back.

And he brought even more exciting news. It turned out that it was Fenrir who caused the eldest son to disappear.

"Still thinking about that?"

Behind Yoms, a young wizard walked up. He was majestic and handsome, and his slightly immature face revealed a maturity that was not for his age.

"You're here." Yoms didn't look back. "I just didn't expect that Fenrir would have such a great hatred for his father, his family, and his tribe."


Fenrir's childhood was not glorious. Although Louis did not see anything specifically, he could hear from his words that it came from the fear of his father.

"Perhaps I am also responsible. He has become such a person now..."

"Don't say that, Yomes." Louis shook his head, "Childhood memories may change a person, but what really gives him such a character is himself and this society."

"You don't need to persuade me, I'm afraid it's too late to say this now." Yoms smiled, and the smile was always a bit cruel when shown on the werewolf's face, "Let me see if there is any way to remove the mark of the War Knight on him. ”

"By the way, are you two okay?"

"They are all fine, just a little weak." Louis replied. After subduing Fenrir, Louis found from his mind the place where Messerys and Lupine were imprisoned. It was a magic prison specially made by the werewolf tribe. , used to be used to imprison wizards who opposed werewolves. It is controlled by a magic circle that weakens magic. If the wizard stays there for a long time, the body will become extremely weak.

"It's okay. You are the savior of our werewolf tribe. The tribe owes you a big favor." Yoms joked, "Really, thank you Louis. If you need anything in the future, just tell me and I will let you know." The entire horde of werewolves came to support you."

"I feel relieved with your words." Lewis looked at him, "But I really have a favor right now. I need you to help me find someone."

"Looking for someone? This is what we are good at..."

"Credence Bayerburn."

"From the Saint? I know this man." Yoms frowned and fell into a brief memory, "At that time, the Saint wanted to win over us werewolves, and the man named Grindelwald came to my father with a few people, but My father didn’t agree to them, he didn’t want to get involved in the fight about wizards.”

"What happened next?"

"Then they left. No conflict broke out at that time, but Grindelwald did have leadership qualities. His remarks at that time touched the hearts of most of the elders in the clan."

Lewis agreed. Grindelwald's charisma was rare among all the people he knew, which is why his followers still exist in the world after fifty years.

"The man you mentioned was very close to Fenrir at the time. I was quite impressed. He had a crew cut and his eyes were full of revenge."

"But, you said he is here now? Impossible." Yoms said with a hint of doubt in his tone, "We werewolves are very sensitive to the wizard's breath. If he is really here, I should be able to feel it. ."

"Oops, clan leader! Something happened... something happened!"

Yoms's words were interrupted by the soldiers who rushed over to report the news.

"what happened?"

Jooms was unhappy with the interruption, and might have gone into a rage if Louis hadn't been there.

"It's the betrayer, your brother, he...he ran away!"

"Impossible! The mental cage will limit his power, how can he escape!"

"It's absolutely true, Chief!" The werewolf who reported the news was out of breath. "The brother who went on patrol this morning saw that the chain that locked him was empty!"

"Take me there!" Yoms waved his hand. He did not believe the facts Xiao Bing said. "No prisoner in the prison of the mind has ever escaped by his own strength, unless..."

"Unless someone helps him." Louis added word by word, "He is indeed here."


Like the roar of a huge fire, Lewis and Yoms saw a raging fire burning in a house of the werewolf tribe at the same time.


Yoms was decisive, and the two of them rushed to the scene of the incident.

There were no werewolves in the house that was glowing with fire. The two culprits clearly had their target in mind.

There was a strong space fluctuation. It was Credence Bayerburn who used space magic to send Fenrir out of the werewolf tribe. When he completed this method, Louis cut off his connection with the outside space with a magic.

"You can't run away! Bayerburn!"

"Hello, we meet again." Credence Bayern smiled, facing Louis and the several werewolves behind him, as well as Meseles and Lupin, he did not panic at all.

"Hand over Raven! Bayerburn." Although Meselis was not back to her best condition, her emotions made her a little excited.

"Oh? So this is what you want." Baierben held a comatose little girl in his arms, and he threw her directly towards their place, "She is no longer useful to me anyway, pick it up!"


Louis and Yomes reacted very quickly. One used a shock-absorbing and slowing spell, and the other rushed forward and hugged the little girl. However, Lupine behind him was not idle either. He waved his wand, and a red light went straight towards Clay. Go away.

The red light hit accurately, but everyone was surprised to see that Credence's body was broken at the waist.

"It's a substitution spell. We were all put in a trap."

"Riven! Raven, is she okay?"

"She just fainted." Yoms tested her breathing and found that she was fine.

Meseles rushed forward and hugged her daughter. Seeing that she was fine, Meselis couldn't help but broke down and cried.

Baierben's body had turned into wood. He used a substitute spell to deceive everyone on the field, but his real body had probably escaped long ago.

Fortunately, the werewolf tribe and the Thunder God Society did not lose anyone. By the way, they also rescued the Thunder God Society princess Riven.

But this was not the end. Not long after Credence and Fenrir escaped, a patron saint in the form of a phoenix screamed in the sky. It hovered and landed next to Louis after a while.

Everyone couldn't help but stare at this patron saint, and some werewolves were even a little scared.

The phoenix spoke, and in Dumbledore's tone, it conveyed a message to Lewis:

"We're here, see you at Durmstrang."

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