"What are you talking about, Severus?"

Before Louis could speak, Ron stood up first, his expression not very friendly.

Although Astoria is from Slytherin, his impression of the college and its students has changed after getting in touch with it in the past few years.

In particular, Astoria and Louis have an extraordinary relationship. Bullying Astoria in person like this is tantamount to enmity with Louis. This is the last thing Ron can tolerate.

"But she is from the Greengrass family." Severus was still objecting. "Look at her sister, who hangs out with Malfoy's gang all day long. Are you sure she won't tell the truth?"

"No one will think you are mute if you don't speak, Severus."

Louis just glanced at him coldly. He didn't have a good impression of this self-righteous third-year Gryffindor student. Now that he said this, his bad impression of him was further strengthened.

"Wiggins, I advise you not to associate with Slytherin students too much."

"Are you done? If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave." Louis interrupted him, "As long as they are willing to stand up and fight against Voldemort, I think we are all together, whether they are from Slytherin or not, Harry will gather everyone together Isn’t it because we are together so that we can have more power to protect ourselves and our friends in the future?”

"You're going to regret it, Wiggins."

Severus said this, but he did not leave here. Several other people were whispering, and it was obvious from their expressions that they did not take Louis' words seriously.

"Okay, I called Astoria here. We need to concentrate all possible forces." Hermione walked out to smooth things over. "I have a way to ensure that everyone will not be discovered. If there is any risk, we will Several are willing to bear it.”

The way Hermione said it was, of course, to cast a spell on a piece of paper. Anyone who signed it would have pockmarks on their face once someone revealed the secret.

Louis had used this method to deal with Ludo Bagman, but he felt that the punishment for pockmarks was too light. The nominally illegal actions they were carrying out now would be extremely costly if discovered.

According to what Hermione said, several other people stopped expressing their opinions. At this time, the door to the room opened again, and several familiar people walked in, starting with Luna Lovegood and her friend Rolfs. Kamander.

The Hufflepuff junior nodded friendly to him when he saw Louis. Ever since the Gryffindor Quidditch tryout, he had admired Louis' amazing skills.

Following them were Neville, Dean, and Lavender Brown, along with Arya Spinnet, a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Katie Bell, and Angelina. They seemed to be pinching each other.

What surprised Louis the most was Raven, who came in behind Colin, and Natasha from Slytherin.

"No, why are you here?"

Louis was very surprised that his sister appeared here. First-year students were not allowed to come to Hogsmeade. Although Durmstrang's exchange students did not have such a mandatory rule, as a person from Germany, she should not be allowed to come to Hogsmeade. Know the passage through Hogsmeade.

"Sister Natasha brought me here. We crawled through a long tunnel."

Raven said happily, gesturing to Louis from time to time. That long tunnel should refer to Honeydukes' secret passage.

Louis looked at Natasha on the side suspiciously. The little girl smiled at him and touched the Gaunt ring on her hand with one hand.

Looking at her expression, Louis knew that it was Elise who should be occupying her body now, otherwise it would be impossible for Natasha, that little lolita, to make such a bold move.

Louis also has a headache about Elise. Although she will no longer cause trouble for him, as a super ghost, it is always not good to share the body with a little girl.

The last person to come in was Ginny, holding hands with a taller-looking boy. Louis couldn't remember his name, he only knew that this guy should be a Hufflepuff student.

However, Louis, who goes to class with her every day, doesn't know that Ginny has begun to fall in love. Judging from the expressions of Ron and other Weasley family members, they must have hidden it for a long time.

"Everyone is here."

Hermione said as she stood up, looking around at the packed room.

"So, hello everyone."

She cleared her throat and everyone focused on her.

"Everyone should know why we are gathered here..."

"Wait a minute Hermione." Fred planned for her. He opened the door and yelled at Aberforth at the bar:

"Boss, please bring me thirty bottles of butterbeer." He was good at math and quickly counted the number of people in the room.

Aberforth glared at him, then threw the rag in his hand angrily, took the butterbeer out of the warehouse, and flew it in a pile towards their room.

"Thank you." Fred responded politely, and then he distributed the beer to everyone.

"But, I don't have that much money to pay..."

He turned his eyes to Lewis who was aside. Several other people also looked at the fourth grader strangely. Louis spread his hands helplessly and placed a few gold galleons on Aberforth's bar.

"Hermione, continue..."

"Where did I just say? Oh, right." Hermione was a little unhappy after being interrupted by Fred, but she continued, "Everyone knows the purpose. This was Harry's idea. I mean, if everyone It's a good idea if you want to practice Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Because what Umbridge teaches is rubbish, useless stuff, if you want to learn the real thing."

"That's good." Michael Corner agreed, "But I want to know that you also want to pass the ordinary wizard level exam."

"Yes, but the more important thing is that Voldemort is back."

Hermione seemed to have made a lot of determination before saying the name.

But this name caused a huge sensation among the crowd, and they didn't believe it at all.

"What evidence is there that he's back?"

"Because Dumbledore believes..."

"Dumbledore has been labeled a madman by the Daily Prophet. Why should we believe his words?"

"Who are you?" Ron interrupted him rudely.

"Zachary Smith." He responded, "Since we want to join the organization, we must know the truth. I want to ask you why you are sure that the mysterious man is back."

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