Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 374 Dumbledore’s Army (Part 1)

Harry and his team's formation of a Defense Against the Dark Arts study group was nothing new to the Order of the Phoenix.

From Professor McGonagall's words, they learned that it seemed that the Order of the Phoenix had known about the actions of a group of people represented by Harry a long time ago.

This surprised Harry. Even though they were extremely careful, they still showed their flaws in front of several adult wizards.

"Oh, that's nothing unusual."

That night, Sirius was waiting for them at the same place at the same time, but this time Louis also joined the discussion.

"I mean, you should be more careful about where you choose to party." Sirius' voice sounded a little happy, and he laughed, "You guys did it at the Pig's Head Bar before."

"Yes, but that's better than the Three Broomsticks." Hermione argued, "It's always overcrowded and unsafe."

"Then the Pig's Head Bar can guarantee that no one will be eavesdropped?" Sirius said, "You still have a lot to learn."

"So someone from the Order of the Phoenix eavesdropped on us? Who is it?"

"It must be Mongottens." Louis said from the side, "But George and I didn't see where he was sitting when we entered."

"It is indeed Mongodons." Sirius explained, "This guy's anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong. Despite his short stature and wretched appearance, his years of experience in reselling magic items has allowed him to develop the ability to observe in secret. I caught him before when I was an Auror, but I suffered a little loss at his hands."

"But what was he doing in the Hog's Head?"

"Of course I'm keeping an eye on you Harry, and keeping an eye on your safety," Sirius added quickly.

"Then I'm still being followed?" Harry said angrily.

"Yes, but we support you in becoming a Defense Against the Dark Arts team." Sirius' tone contained no emotion or sadness, "Most people in the entire Order of the Phoenix support it, and they will not stop you from doing anything."

"That's not me, that's Louis," Harry corrected.

"No matter who it is, I think your action is right." He said, "Of course, if my words are heard by Molly, she will be angry."

"Mom doesn't agree with us doing this?" Ron asked, seeming to be very deliberate.

"She thinks this is an insignificant matter. If you continue to persist, you will definitely be expelled. This is not the result she wants. She also said that you will have a lot of time to learn how to defend yourself in the future. But not now. Although she thinks she has no right to interfere with any of you, she just asks you to remember that you are the people she cares about most."

Louis knew that Mrs. Weasley did not support Umbridge's views, but was too worried about her children and did not want to lose her future because of a small thing.

After talking with Sirius, Harry and the others were more determined to hold this party, not only because they wanted to resist Umbridge, but also because they wanted to contribute some strength to resist Voldemort's forces in the future.

On Saturday night, after all the Quidditch training was over, several students began to return to the castle one after another.

Since Umbridge took charge of the school's discipline, the night curfew has become stricter, and once they are found wandering inside and outside the castle, what they face will not only be as simple as deducting house points.

Therefore, the members of the study group became more cautious when gathering. Fortunately, Louis had the Marauder's Map to better monitor the location of each member and Umbridge's location.

He, Hermione, and Astoria were the first to arrive at the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor. After almost three years, there were not many changes in the Room of Requirement. But for Astoria, who came here for the first time, it was still extremely novel.

"I hope they can arrive soon. In this weather, to be honest, why do we need to conduct Quidditch training?" Hermione looked at the door with some worry.

After about a few minutes, the door to the Room of Requirement opened, revealing the Gryffindors, including George, Fred, Ginny and Neville.

"Oh this bad weather, I really don't know what Angelina is thinking." George complained, his whole body was wet.

"You have to work hard if you want to win the Quidditch Cup, George." Angelina appeared from behind them. She didn't look much better than the twin brothers, but her expression was quite excited.

"I envy Louis, why don't the substitutes train with us?" Fred protested.

"Because he doesn't have to play at the end of the game." Angelina glanced at the boy next to her, "If you were at Louis's level, I wouldn't let you train."

"Okay, okay, we didn't come here to discuss Quidditch today." Hermione quickly interrupted them, "Is there anyone else? Where are Harry and the others?"

"The two of them are in the back." Ginny explained happily. "To be honest, Hermione, the method you came up with does work."

She waved the golden coin in her hand in front of several people. It was the magic gold Galleons used by Hermione to notify the message. The address of the Room of Requirement and the method of entering were scrolled on it in real time.


As soon as she finished speaking, Harry and others appeared at the gate again.

As more and more people came into the Room of Requirement, the entire room began to expand. Almost every time a group of people came in, the size of the room invisibly expanded a little, and then there were all kinds of glass, electric lamps, fireplaces, and a lot more The training dummies are constantly changing and it never seems to feel crowded.

“This place is absolutely amazing!”

"Yeah, we have everything, everything."

"There are also all kinds of books." George said, "It's a pity that there is no food. If I had known better, we would have gone to the underground kitchen to get some."

"This is the perfect place for the Room of Requirement," Louis explained. "It can satisfy all your needs, except of course food, because food is subject to the influence of magical laws and cannot be created out of thin air."

"But even this is already great." Harry praised, he never knew there was such a thing in school.

"Strange, George, do you think we have been here before when we were hiding from Filch, but it doesn't seem like this," Fred said.


"It's amazing." Qiu Zhang appeared next to Lewis at some point, "I think I finally understand why you have achieved such success at such a young age."

"What's the meaning?"

"If there was a nice place like this where I could sneak in some practice, I think I could probably do that."

Of course he knew that the girl in front of him was joking, but Qiu Zhang's potential was relatively high. Although he was already sixteen years old, for most of the little wizards here, he could beat Cedric all over the floor. Apart from her and Louis, there were almost no people looking for teeth.

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