Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 509: Help from the Half-Blood Prince (Part 2)

"I will award this bottle of elixir to the person with the best performance in class."

Slughorn placed the potion in the most conspicuous place in the classroom for the students to appreciate, and as a reward, this kind of thing almost never happened in the classroom they knew.

Not to mention the magical elixir that is almost impossible to buy on the market. This suddenly aroused the desire and atmosphere for knowledge in the classroom.

"A small bottle of Fortune Elixir can bring you good luck for the day." He said nonchalantly, "But I must remind you that the Fortune Elixir is a prohibited item in any competition and exam, so get it People who use this thing can only use it on a regular basis, and then look forward to that lucky day that will become less ordinary. I guarantee you that this will be an unforgettable day. "

The blessing elixir controls a kind of luck, which is more like a hint to your own heart. It will unconsciously guide you to develop in a good direction. Of course, this kind of lucky magic itself cannot bring about an increase in magic power. If you force it Doing things beyond your capabilities will not bring good results.

Slughorn was indeed a unique teacher. He understood what his students wanted in their hearts, and almost all the students present were enthusiastic. This was a phenomenon that had never been possible in Snape's teachings in the past.

Louis was not very interested in taking the elixir. After all, the benefits of the lucky gold coins were greater than the elixir, but he was very interested in the potion itself.

As Slughorn said, mixing luck potion is a very troublesome process, because manipulating luck itself is a delicate technical task, and even a small mistake will have irreversible effects on the potion itself. .

More importantly, he has never studied this potion at close range before, so being able to obtain the Fuling Potion and conduct research on it is also a very valuable thing for him.

"So." Slughorn's eyes swept across every student present. When he saw the anticipation in the students' eyes, he knew that his goal had been achieved.

"How can I get this prize? It's very simple. Please turn to the tenth page of "Advanced Potion Making". It explains how to prepare the Hell Living Decoction. The time limit is one hour. Within this hour, see who can make it. The potion that comes out is the best, so I will give this bottle of elixir to whoever it is.”

In an instant, the whole classroom was filled with the sound of books turning. Everyone began to act attentively, and no one said a word.

Louis had demonstrated how to prepare Hell's Living Potion in front of Snape before, so he was relatively more familiar and unhurried, while others were not so lucky.

The first step of processing the grass roots is relatively simple, but when it comes to sleepy beans, it is almost difficult for most people.

The smooth-surfaced sleepy beans are easily affected by friction when they are cut with a silver knife, so many people spend a lot of time on this step.

Hermione made the fastest progress. Just when others were picking up the sleepy beans, she had already squeezed the juice into the crucible.

"What is this all about?"

Harry stared at the book in front of him distressedly. The book that Louis gave him had a lot of things scrawled and rewritten on it. The handwriting was so scrawled that it was almost unrecognizable. He even wondered if this was what Dumbledore was using to deal with Dukatan. Drama.

"Do as the book says, Harry."

Louis just said this to him indifferently, and he focused on the other people in the class.

He saw Slughorn wandering around Malfoy's area, and Draco Malfoy obviously wanted to get close to the old man, and seemed to be chatting with him about his grandfather.

But Slughorn was not very fond of the Malfoy family, and he stopped talking to him after making a polite reply.

Harry was a little annoyed by Louis' indifferent attitude, and what made him even more angry was that the original owner of the book had a slightly rebellious character.

He seemed to disagree with every step expressed in the book. For example, for the method of processing sleepy beans, this guy actually used a blade to squeeze them.

Harry's progress was lagging far behind others, and cutting with a blade would definitely waste a lot of time. In desperation, he began to try the improvement strategies in the book.

"I'm sorry, Hermione, but I can lend you your knife."

"What? Oh, take it."

Hermione was staring at her crucible in distress. According to the book, the liquid should have turned blue at this time, but her crucible was still dark purple.

Harry hesitantly squeezed the sleepy bean with a razor blade, but to his surprise, the bean immediately oozed out a large amount of juice.

He immediately poured the bean juice into the crucible, and soon the potion turned into a bluish color.

"This?" Harry looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. In an instant, his resentment towards the owner of the book disappeared, and he quickly looked at the next steps. As for the mixing method, what was written in the notes was also the same as what was written in the book. different.

Seeing Harry's hesitation and somewhat mysterious caution, Louis understood that the book signed Half-Blood Prince was beginning to work. It would not be long before Slughorn would notice Harry's progress.

However, according to Snape's newly invented method, it was indeed very fast. Hermione's liquid had not changed color after being stirred for fifteen minutes, Louis' calm preparation had begun to change slightly, and Harry only spent After nearly five minutes, more than half of the entire step has been completed.

"how did you do it?"

Hermione asked looking at Harry's cauldron.

"Stir every seven times counterclockwise, then once again clockwise."

"No, the book says to only stir counterclockwise." Hermione immediately retorted, her absolute trust in the knowledge in the book made her a little stubborn.

Harry shrugged and continued to follow the improved operations brought by the Half-Blood Prince. Amid Hermione's constant objections, his potion gradually turned transparent, which was completely incomprehensible to Hermione on the side.


. arrive! "

Slughorn pinched the spots and directed the students to stop stirring. Then he began to inspect the colors in everyone's crucibles, but none of them seemed to be very satisfactory to him, especially the colors in Ron and Neville's pots. There was a smell of shit yellow color, which made him frown even more.

Finally, he came to Louis, Hermione, and Harry's table.

Louis' potion was not completely finished, mainly because he deliberately slowed down the progress. Even so, the color in his pot was slightly better than Hermione's pale pink.

Of course, without the help of that book, Harry would undoubtedly be the most accomplished person in this classroom.

After Slughorn looked at their cauldrons, he looked relatively satisfied, but when he finally confirmed Harry's cauldron, his expression suddenly showed surprise and happiness.

"Oh, my God, Harry, you're so good," Slughorn praised loudly, drawing the attention of the entire class.

"I have to admit, the undisputed winner, you obviously inherited your mother's excellent talent, which is great." Slughorn said in a very excited tone, "Of course, Mr. Ducatan also did a pretty good job. If Given more time, you should be able to do it as well as Harry, but the most satisfying work this time is undoubtedly Harry’s.”

"Take it, I will keep my word, I will give you a bottle of elixir, please make good use of it."

Harry carefully took the bottle of potion. Although he did not rely entirely on his own strength, and most of it was with the help of the original owner of the book, he saw the embarrassed look on the face of the Slytherin student beside him. expression, he suddenly felt very comfortable inside.

However, he still had many doubts about the sudden appearance of "Advanced Potion Making" and the American transfer student beside him. He seemed to have many secrets hidden in him.

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