Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 269: Veela and gold coins

In the next half hour, the box they were in gradually filled with people.

Mr. Weasley kept shaking hands with people who seemed to be great wizards.

And Percy stood up hastily again and again, looking like he was sitting on the back of a prickly porcupine.

When Minister Cornelius Fudge himself arrived, Percy bowed so low that his glasses fell to the ground and shattered.

Percy, embarrassed, fixed the lens with his wand and sat blankly in his seat.

When Cornelius Fudge greeted Harry and Tiera like old friends, Percy cast a jealous look at them.

Fudge took Harry's hand as lovingly as an old father, greeted him, and introduced him to the wizard sitting next to him.

"Harry Potter, you know," Cornelius Fudge exclaimed to Bulgaria's Minister of Magic—

The man was wearing an ornate black velvet robe trimmed with gold, and he didn't seem to understand a word of English.

"Harry Potter... oh, think about it, you should know who he is... the boy who escaped from the dead at the hands of the mysterious man... you must know who he is-" The Bulgarian wizard suddenly saw The scar on Harry's forehead immediately pointed at it excitedly, and murmured loudly from his mouth.

"I knew it would make him understand," Fudge said to Harry wearily. "I'm not very good at languages, and when it comes to this kind of thing, you need Barty Crouch. Ah, I saw his family The elf gave him a seat...so thoughtful, these guys in Bulgaria are always trying to get the best seats...ah, here comes Lucius!"

Tiera, Harry, Ron and Hermione turned their heads immediately. Squeezed into the three seats still vacant in the second row behind Mr. Weasley were the house-elf Dobby's original owner: Lucius Malfoy, his son Draco, and a woman, who must have been Draco's mother.

"Ah, Fudge." Malfoy held out his hand as he passed the Minister for Magic. "Hello, I don't think you've met my wife, Narcissa? And our son, Decola."

"Hello, hello," said Fudge, bowing to Mrs. Malfoy with a smile, "permit me to introduce you to Mr. Oberanzik, Mr. Obalonsk, who is the Minister of Magic in Bulgaria. , it doesn't matter, he doesn't understand what I'm saying anyway. Let me see who else, do you know Arthur Weasley?"

Lucius Malfoy first glanced at Arthur Weasley contemptuously, then glanced at Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Tiera.

When Lucius Malfoy saw Tiera, his eyes trembled visibly, and then——

"Heh." Lucius Malfoy laughed contemptuously, "When did this—uh!"

Lucius Malfoy's words had just been said, when suddenly a sharp pain came from his arm and face.

"Watch your tongue, Lucius—"

A hoarse voice suddenly came from Lucius Malfoy's mind, and then Lucius Malfoy felt as if a pair of dry, cold palms touched his neck.

Lucius Malfoy looked at Tiera in shock—

In his line of sight, Tiera's face changed, from a normal child's face to a snake-like terrifying face.

"Uh...cough, hello, Arthur." Lucius said honestly, and then pulled Draco Malfoy, who looked at Tiera defiantly, to find a seat and sit down.

"Why is this nasty guy so honest all of a sudden?" Ron muttered.

Harry glanced at Tiera, but Tiera ignored Harry and just sat there as usual.

Immediately afterwards, Ludo Bagman rushed into the box.

"Are you all ready?" he said, his round face shining like a giant ball of cheese, "Mr. Minister, can we begin?"

"Get started, Ludo," said Fudge kindly.

Ludo Bagman drew his wand, pointed to his throat and said, "Boom!"

Then his words resounded like thunder, resounding through the packed stadium.

His voice echoed over their heads, loudly to every corner of the stand.

"Ladies and gentlemen... Welcome! Welcome to the 422nd Quidditch World Cup Final!"

But the audience's performance was far less intense than the ones he expected——

There were only a few places where there were sparse cheers, and then the cheers spread throughout the audience—

The audience gradually burst into cheers and applause.

Thousands of flags were waved at the same time, accompanied by a chaotic national anthem—

But soon, the cheers became sparse again——

Whenever the monocle appeared in one area, the cheers disappeared in one place.

Tiera's "Eye of the Dementor" flies around the entire arena with the help of "Heir."

Where the cheers are the strongest, where the joy is the strongest, the "Eye of the Dementor" appears.

I thought the cheers would last for at least ten minutes, but I didn't expect it to last less than five minutes before the cheers disappeared——

So Ludo Bagman had to continue:

"Okay, without further ado, allow me to introduce - the mascot of the Bulgarian national team!"

On the right side of the stand was a neat bright red square, and loud cheers erupted at this moment.

"I don't know what they brought," said Mr. Weasley, leaning out of his seat. "Ah!"

Mr. Weasley exclaimed, and then he snapped his glasses off and wiped them hastily on his robe. "Veela!"

"What is Mei-"

I saw a hundred veelas have already slid into the arena.

Veela is a woman—

Those were the most beautiful women Harry had ever seen in his life.

But they're not... they can't be real people.

Harry was puzzled for a moment, unable to guess what they were: why their skin was as soft as the moon, and why their hair fluttered behind their heads without the wind...

Just then, the music started, and Harry stopped thinking about whether she was real—

To be precise, Harry's brain was like a mess, full of surprise and joy.

Harry blushed, and quietly glanced at Tiera who was sitting beside him——

Tiera looked as usual, sat upright, and clapped a little boringly.

And the others on this floor—

Mainly wizards, all of them were flushed and excited, and many people were even dancing.

Like Ron, Fred, George, Draco.

The music gradually stopped, and Harry felt his head awake a lot, and blinked a little blankly.

Ron stood on the edge of the box railing, as if he was about to dive from the diving board, and stayed motionless.

The gym was filled with angry roars.

Apparently people didn't want the Veela to leave.

"Now!" Ludo Bagman's voice sounded like a bell. "Please hold your wand in the air! Welcome to the Irish national team mascot!"

Then, with just a swish, a huge, green and gold thing flew into the stadium like a big comet.

It flew around the pavilion before splitting into two smaller comets, each heading towards a set of goalposts.

Suddenly, an arched rainbow appeared throughout the arena~www.wuxiamtl.com~ connecting the two shining balls.

Exclamations of "Oops Oops" erupted from the crowd, as if watching a fireworks show. At this point, the rainbow disappeared, and the large gleaming **** connected and merged to form a huge, gleaming clover that rose high into the air and began to hover over the stands. Something crackled down from above, like golden raindrops—

At this time, Tierra moved.

Harry noticed that Tiera's face was flushed, her eyes were wide open, and there was a frantic look in her eyes, and then—

In full view, in the presence of the Minister of Magic, the Head of the Ministry of Magic Auror Command, the Head of the Ministry of Magic Law Enforcement, the Ministry of Magic Accidents and Disasters, the Deputy Head, the Magical Creatures Management and Control Head, the International Magic Cooperation The Director of the Department, various officials of the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic and other high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic, drew out his wand——

Then Tiera waved—

All the gold coins in the audience flew towards Tierra’s box like golden meteors——

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