Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 302: sad morning

That night, Tiera and the rest of Gryffindor sparred late, and when Tiera returned to the bedroom, Harry and the others were already asleep.

Tiera didn't feel sleepy either, grabbed a book and went back to the Gryffindor common room to read it—

Anyway, sleep is no longer a necessity for Tiera now. Rather than wasting time on sleep, Tiera prefers to spend on reading, especially when the situation has changed greatly, Tiera is more You will need to change your plans accordingly.

And until she devised a complete plan that could take all the cheapness out of the corners, Tiera couldn't sleep at all—

Now Tiera feels that she has lost her sleep for a while.

Just as Tiera was reading a book and thinking about what to do in the future, one after another house-elves appeared in the Gryffindor common room and began to clean up the mess left by the carnival.

Tiera saw these house-elves suddenly have an idea—

A nasty preliminary plan gradually emerged in Tiera's mind.

"Mister house-elves." Tiera laughed and stopped the cleaning house-elves.

But in exchange, the house-elves looked at each other with sincerity and fear.

A few house-elves seemed to be frightened by Tiera's "Sir".

"Little Master Lockhart..." said one of the older house-elves. "My name is Kirby, you can just call me Kirby... We can't afford the word sir..."

Several other house-elves stood behind Kirby and nodded wildly.

"Okay, Kirby." Tiera sighed helplessly, and then said, "Then please help me deliver the news, Kirby."

"What news? Little master." Carbone asked.

"Help me tell Ravenclaw's third year student, Luna Lovegood, that Tiera Lockhart wants to meet tomorrow morning on the lawn east of Black Lake after breakfast, Talk, I don't know if she can appreciate it."

"Okay, little master." Kirby said, bowing his head and bowing his head, "Kirby will definitely convey the words of Little Master Lockhart to the ears of Little Master Lovegood."

"Thank you then." Tiera said with a smile.

"Oh... no, no thanks." Kirby lowered his head more humbly and said, "It is our honor to serve the little masters of Hogwarts."

"It is also my luck to be served by you." Tiera responded with a smile—

Tierra's behavior flattered the house-elves.

The next day was Sunday, although Harry didn't get much sleep, but due to a series of changes that happened yesterday, Harry was too tired, so Harry still slept until the sun was up.

When Harry woke up, he lay vaguely in bed for a while before he remembered why he felt so sad and anxious.

Then, the events of last night suddenly came to mind. He sat up and pulled the curtain of his four-poster bed, trying to talk to Ron, forcing Ron to believe him—

Only to find Ron's bed empty, he had apparently gone downstairs for breakfast.

Harry looked the other way again—

Harry wanted to talk to Tiera.

But Tiera's bed was also empty...

No, to be precise, Tiera's bed was neat, and there was no sign of sleeping—

Harry hurriedly dressed and walked down the spiral staircase to the common room below, where his classmates who had already eaten breakfast cheered enthusiastically as soon as he appeared.

He shuddered a little at the thought of going into the Great Hall and facing the rest of his Gryffindor classmates, who regarded him as a hero.

But if he didn't go to the auditorium, he had to stay here, and let himself be entangled by the Creevey brothers, and Harry's fans, big and small, were desperately waving at him, hoping that he would go to their side.

So Harry walked decisively to the hole behind the portrait, pushed it away, and walked out—

Face to face with Hermione.

"Good morning," said Hermione, holding up a wad of bread wrapped in a napkin in her hand. "I thought you might not want to eat in the Great Hall, so...would you like to go for a walk?"

"Good idea," Harry said gratefully.

They went downstairs, and without even looking at the auditorium, they hurried through the foyer.

Soon, they were striding on the lawn that stretched out to the lake.

Durmstrang's ship was moored on the lake, casting a dark reflection in the water.

It was a cold morning, and they kept walking, chewing their bread, and Harry told Hermione exactly what had happened since he left the Gryffindor table the night before. To his great relief, Hermione accepted him without reservation.

"Of course I know you didn't sign up yourself! Only a fool would think you put your name in." Hermione said resolutely when he finished telling what happened in the room next to the auditorium, "Look at Dumbledore That look on your face when you say your name! You can't fool me."

"Um... well, thank you for believing in me, Hermione." Harry said gratefully.

"The question is, who put your name in? You know, Moody's right, Harry...I don't think a single student can do that...Students can never cheat on the Goblet of Fire and get past the Dumbledore's—" Hermione said as she walked, and suddenly, Hermione was stunned, stopped, and quietly stepped back a few steps, moved a few steps to the left, and then stared intently. on the east bank of the Black Lake.

Harry followed Hermione's gaze as well—

Harry saw Tiera at a glance:

Tiera was sitting and lying on the root of a willow tree on the east bank of the Black Lake. UU was reading www.uukanshu.com while talking and laughing.

Beside Tiera, there was a thin girl with pale blond hair, looking up at Tiera with a smile and a smile.

"Who is that girl?" Harry asked.

"Looks like crazy...cough...Luna Lovegood." Hermione said after thinking about it. "What are they talking about?"

"Come on, let's go take a look," Harry said, then walked straight to Tierra's—

"Hey, Harry, wait!" Hermione called after Harry, looking like she was trying to stop Harry, but she followed.

When Harry and Hermione got closer to the lake, Tierra and Luna Lovegood's exchange seemed to come to an end—

"Then it's settled then!" Harry heard Tiera say.

"Well, then we're done." Luna also responded with a smile, and then made an OK gesture.

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