Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 418: Umbridge's Black Magic Lesson

The first class in the fifth grade was Dolores Umbridge's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

But apparently, no one—

Even one, looking forward to this class as before.

Because everyone, all the Hogwarts teachers and students who attended Tiera's funeral remembered that prophecy of Tiera——

"A pink toad will appear at Hogwarts next semester..."

Obviously, this pink toad is Professor Dolores Umbridge.

As for the second half of the prophecy—

"She will send her own pink cat spy to monitor every corner of Hogwarts, everyone, be careful of the murals."

What means.

This is the main topic of discussion for every Hogwarts student before their Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

After all the students were seated in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, Professor Umbridge slowly walked out from behind the podium, from the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

She was wearing the fluffy pink cardigan from the night before, with the black velvet bow on her head.

Again, Harry thought strongly and vividly of a large fly foolishly landing on a larger pink toad.

After seeing Dolores Umbridge appear, the whole class suddenly became silent, and the whole classroom became silent.

Thanks to Tierra's prophecy, most of the classmates didn't have much affection for Professor Umbridge from the very beginning.

"Classmates, good morning!" After seeing the whole class quiet down, Professor Umbridge said with a smile, using her girly voice that worked.

"Good morning..." Several classmates muttered in response.

"Tut, tut, tut!" said Professor Umbridge sternly. "That's not good, is it? It's early morning, and you're so uninspired. I want you to answer: 'Good morning, Umbridge. Professor. 'Okay, please do it again. Good morning, students!"

"Good morning, Professor Umbridge," they answered in unison.

"That's right," Professor Umbridge said in a whimpering voice. "It's not too difficult, is it? Please put away your wand and take out your quill."

Many classmates exchanged depressing glances, and following the command "put away the wand" was never a class they found interesting.

Harry tucked his wand into his bag and took out a quill, ink and parchment.

Professor Umbridge opened her handbag, pulled out a surprisingly short wand, and tapped it **** the blackboard. Two lines immediately appeared on the blackboard:

"Defense Against the Dark Arts Back to Basics"

"Classmates, your teaching in this class has always been intermittent and unsystematic, isn't it?" Professor Umbridge turned to face the class, with his hands crossed and placed squarely on his chest. , then said, "The constant change of teachers, many of whom do not appear to be teaching to the standards of the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Magic, has unfortunately left you far from where you should have been in O.W.Ls."

"However, you will be pleased to know that these problems are about to be corrected. This year, we will be taking a well-planned, theory-focused, Ministry-approved course in Defense of Magic. Please copy these words down. ."

She tapped on the blackboard again, and the two lines of words just now disappeared, replaced by "Course Objectives".

1. Understand the basic principles of magic defense.

2. Learn to identify situations where you can legally use defensive magic.

3. Assess defensive magic in the context of practical application.

Only the rustling of quills writing on parchment could be heard in the classroom, and two or three minutes later, when each classmate had copied down Professor Umbridge's three lesson goals, she asked, "Did everyone Do your classmates have a copy of Wilbert Slinka's Defense Theory of Magic?"

There was a murmur of affirmation in the class.

"I think we're going to do it all over again," Professor Umbridge said. "When I ask you a question, I want you to answer 'Yes, Professor Umbridge.' Or 'No, Professor Umbridge.' .' Again: Does every classmate have a copy of Wilbert Slinka's Defense Theory of Magic?"

"Yes, Professor Umbridge," the class answered loudly.

"Very good," said Professor Umbridge. "I want you to turn to page five and read 'Chapter 1, Getting Started Fundamentals'. Don't whisper while you read."

Professor Umbridge left the blackboard and sat down in the chair behind the podium, staring at everyone with those toadlike eyes with droopy eyelids.

Harry turned to page five of his Defense Theory of Magic, ready to start reading.

But to Harry's surprise, Hermione, who had always liked to read seriously, did not read carefully as she usually did, but like counting pages, she quickly completed the whole book with her fingers, and then— —

Harry swears he's never seen such an ugly look on Hermione's face in all the time he's known Hermione—

Even before the Christmas ball last year, when Tiera invited Luna to the ball in front of Hermione, Hermione's expression was not as ugly as it is now.

Then Hermione raised her hand high and stared at Professor Umbridge without blinking.

Harry remembered that Hermione had never been able to resist the temptation to open any book that came before her when her teacher asked her to read.

Harry looked at her inquiringly, but she only shook her head slightly, indicating that she did not want to answer the question now, and continued to stare at Professor Umbridge, who was looking equally firmly at the exact opposite. direction.

After a few more minutes, Harry wasn't alone watching Hermione.

The chapter the teacher told them to read was so boring, and more and more classmates were more willing to watch how Hermione silently caught Professor Umbridge's eye than to gnaw on it. What "Introductory Fundamentals".

Later, when more than half of the class was staring at Hermione instead of their textbooks, Professor Umbridge seemed to think she could no longer turn a blind eye to the situation.

"Dear, do you have any questions about the content of this chapter?" Professor Umbridge asked hypocritically, as if he had just noticed her.

"No, it's not about the content of this chapter." Hermione said firmly, with some kind of dark, inexplicable emotion in her eyes.

"Oh, we're reading now," Professor Umbridge said, showing his small, pointed teeth. "If you have any other questions, we can talk about it after class."

"I have a question about your course goal." Hermione seemed to be completely disrespectful and said firmly.

Professor Umbridge raised his eyebrows.

"What is your name?"

"Hermione Granger," said Hermione.

"Well, Miss Granger, I think these course objectives are very clearly written, as long as you read them carefully from cover to cover," Professor Umbridge said in a firm squeak.

Harry felt like sparks flickering where Hermione and Umbridge's eyes met.

"I don't think so, though," Hermione said bluntly. "It doesn't even mention the use of defensive spells."

After a brief silence, many students in the class turned their heads and looked carefully at the three curriculum objectives that were still written on the blackboard.

"Using defensive spells?" repeated Professor Umbridge with a chuckle. "Gee, I can't imagine a situation in my class that would require you to use defensive spells, Miss Granger. You wouldn't think that. Will you be attacked in class?"

"The Ministry of Magic believes that pure theoretical knowledge is enough for you to pass the various exams." Umbridge continued, "After all, this is what the school exists for."

"But how can we fight against threats from outside just relying on theoretical knowledge?" Hermione continued to ask aggressively.

"There's no threat outside, my dear." Umbridge said with a smirk, walking closer to Hermione, "Who do you think would attack a child like you?"

"Voldemort!" Hermione stood up and said coldly and sharply, "Voldemort is back! We must—"

"Enough!" Umbridge shouted suddenly, her face was no longer the fake grinning expression, but an extremely hideous expression.

Ron gasped, Lavender Brown let out a low scream, and Neville almost fell off the bench. The other students either looked at Hermione secretly or looked at Umri. strange.

Harry didn't react at all—

He had never seen Hermione refute a teacher like this in any class. Even in the third grade divination class, Hermione just swept the crystal ball and pulled Tiera away.

The confrontation between Hermione and Umbridge happened so quickly that it was almost lightning.

It wasn't until Hermione called out that name that Harry could barely react.

"Ten points from Gryffindor, Miss Granger!"

There was silence and silence in the classroom~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Everyone was staring at Umbridge or Hermione.

"Okay, let me figure out a few things," Umbridge said. "Someone told you that a dark wizard has risen from the dead—"

"He's not dead!" Harry also stood up angrily and interrupted roughly, "But yes, he's back!"

"Miss Granger has already cost you ten points, don't make it worse, Mr Potter!" Professor Umbridge said in one breath without looking at Harry. " As I said, someone told you that a certain dark wizard has come out again. It's nonsense."

"This is not nonsense!" Harry also began to say aggressively, "I saw him, I fought with him! And at the end of last semester, Professor Dumbledore also showed enough evidence, that is Tierra-"

"Lockdown, Mr. Potter! And Miss Granger!" Umbridge interrupted gruffly. "This afternoon, five o'clock! In my office, I repeat, this is nonsense. The Ministry of Magic assures you that you will not be in danger from any dark wizard. If you are still in doubt, be sure to come to me after class. If anyone scare you with the dark wizard story, I would love to hear it . I'm always ready to help you. I'm your friend. Well, please continue to page 5, 'Getting Started Fundamentals'."


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