Harry was glad he had escaped from Snape's office.

Or rather, Harry was thankful that Tiera interrupted him suddenly.

Because if Tiera showed up even a second later, he'd probably have a fight with Snape—

In that instant, the instant Snape scolded him, Harry suddenly became exasperated for some reason.

It was clear that Snape had used the same, even excessive, method to reprimand him before, but at that moment, Harry felt as if his anger was going to be uncontrollable.

Harry felt terrified and disgusted at this situation—

Fear that his uncontrollable emotions were under the influence of Voldemort.

Disgusted with Snape's vitriolic and almost humiliating teaching methods.

"If only another teacher could teach me brain defense..." Harry thought helplessly.


The first candidate Harry thought of was Tiera, but he quickly denied himself—

"No, no, no, I've asked him twice, and he just refused. What if I ask him again and he refuses?" Harry quickly shook his head and denied his thoughts.

"But Tierra has so many...so many...let one of them teach me Occlumency...should...should be fine... ..." Harry began to struggle again.

"But Tiera has definitely rejected me twice, and if she rejects this time..." Harry tangled up the stairs leading to the Gryffindor common room.

Harry, who was thinking about how to get Tiera to agree to teach him Occlumency, was completely unaware that Hermione was holding a book and walking down with her head lowered until—



Harry and Hermione collided with each other.

"Ah...Her, Hermione?"

"Oh, Harry!" Hermione was knocked back a few steps, fell down on the steps, and looked at Harry in surprise, "Why are you still in the castle so late?"

"I go to Snape's Occlumency class every Saturday night, have you forgotten Hermione," said Harry. "Why are you still wandering around the castle so late?"

"Oh... me... I went to the library to return the book. It was borrowed before Christmas, and it's due soon." Hermione said and put the book in her hand. The book shook Harry.

"Interpretation of dreams?" Harry asked curiously, noticing the title of the book, "Didn't Tierra just tell it yesterday?"

"Oh, I found this book before Christmas, and I thought it was quite interesting, so I borrowed it and read it when I was preparing for the Christmas break." Hermione said, "I thought it was about magic that can fall into a dream, result......"

"It turned out to be a Muggle psychology book." Harry smiled and helped Hermione finish the next sentence.

Hermione also laughed at herself.

"By the way, Harry, what are you doing wandering around in the castle after playing like this?" Hermione asked.

"I have Snape's Occlumency class on Saturday night, have you forgotten, Hermione?" Putin replied helplessly.

"Oh, yes, Harry, sorry, I almost forgot," Hermione asked immediately. "How...I mean...how's it going?"

"Ugh..." Harry sighed. "Seriously, it sucks."

"Oh my god, that's so unfortunate," Hermione asked worriedly. "Snape didn't embarrass you, did he?"

"Ugh...here," Harry sighed. "If it wasn't for Tiera to show up in time, I'd almost have a fight with him."

"So bad?" Hermione asked.

"Worse than the worst you can imagine," Harry said.

"That's too bad," said Hermione, tugging at Harry's sleeve. "Come on, Harry, come with me to the library."

"Yeah." Harry nodded in agreement.

It seemed like a good idea to accompany Hermione to the library for a walk around the library anyway.

Ever since Harry learned during the Christmas holidays that Hermione was trying to get back into that dangerous dreamland, Harry began to avoid conversations with Hermione, intentionally or unintentionally.

"So Harry...you almost got into a fight with Snape?" Hermione asked as she walked away.

"Um..." Harry replied dully.

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing..." Harry replied vaguely. "He... he spoke ill of Sirius..."

Harry couldn't say it was because Snape called himself stupid and lazy.

"Oh... well." Hermione smiled shyly, "You guys seem really out of character... I don't know why Tiera chose him as your personal teacher. ."

"Yeah, I don't know," Harry replied.

"By the way, Hermione." Harry suddenly remembered something. "Um... lately... has Professor Slughorn been busy lately?"

Harry asked reluctantly. He knew from Tierra that Hermione was kicked out of the Philosopher's Stone research team, so at this time, I asked Hermione if Horace Slughorn was busy now. Harry felt somewhat guilty.

But he had to ask again, although he also hated Horace Slughorn's over-enthusiasm, but over-enthusiasm was better than being humiliated in person by Snape.

"Ah...I don't know," Hermione said, then lowered her head and blushed, "You know...I...I dreamed of Kardas, So Tiera has been kicked out of the research group."

"What's the matter? You want to ask Slughorn to teach you Occlumency?" Hermione guessed Harry's intention at once.

"Um..." Harry nodded.

"Snape and I really don't get along," said Harry, "so I want someone else to teach me. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Can't Tierra?" Hermione asked.

"He didn't agree, he rejected me twice," Harry said disappointedly.

"So I think Horace Slughorn maybe Professor Dumbledore... maybe teach me Occlumency," Harry added.

"Um..." Hermione gave a long "um", "Perhaps you can ask Horace to mention it in class one day?"

"I've seen him a lot more in the halls of Hogwarts after Christmas," Hermione said. "Maybe he's free."

"Ugh..." Harry sighed, he found himself sighing more and more recently, almost like a little old man, "Hope, I really can't stand learning from Snape anymore. Occlumency, he is simply unreasonable!"


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