Harry Potter and the Old Ones

: In memory of Mr. Kazuki Takahashi

It was confirmed yesterday that Mr. Takahashi died in a diving accident. As a poker player who has been in contact with Yu-Gi-Oh since the second or third grade of elementary school, I was a little stunned when I first heard the news.

The anime and comics of "Yu-Gi-Oh" can be said to have accompanied me throughout my childhood, junior high school, high school and college years. After I was admitted to graduate school, I slowly retired due to experimental reasons, but even so, Yu-Gi-Oh is still my favorite. My favorite anime works, no matter how many novels I write in the future, how high a degree I get, or how high an achievement I get, I can no longer forget the expectations when I turned on the TV every night in elementary school to catch up on Yu-Gi-Oh! Forget how excited I was when I put together my first deck.

The touches in these memories are precious, like the eternal imprints in our long life, or in other words, these small memories provide us with the courage to persevere in the face of setbacks, sadness and failure, our life It is supported by such little touches and joys.

The death of Mr. Takahashi is like the end of an era. Although the Konami who sells the brand is still there, in the future, when the 30th and 40th anniversary of Yu-Gi-Oh! Card, the theatrical version designed by Mr. Takahashi will never be seen again.

This is an extremely regrettable and sad thing for me and all of our Yu-Gi-Oh fans.

But no matter how much we can't accept this, we all know that the deceased Su Sheng does not exist in reality, we can only accept the reality and wish Mr. Takahashi all the best.

Finally, thanks to Mr. Takahashi and Nozomi for creating a happy Yu-Gi-Oh world for us.

PS: I also wish the father-in-law to die and the whole family.

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