115. Chapter 115 Dark Attack

    Before the Hogsmeade Owl Post, Ivan successfully convinced Hermione and told her about her plans for tomorrow night.

    It was still early, and there was no need to rush back to school. He had planned to return to the Madam Puddifoot Teahouse with Hermione and continue to do half the things that had just been done.

    The atmosphere there is very good, maybe you can take the opportunity to express your confession.

    But Hermione didn't give him another chance, she was always hiding herself. Whenever Ivan talked about the key places, she hurriedly opened the topic.

    It can be seen that Hermione is very nervous.

    There seemed to be a boiling hot water rushing through her body, giving her a burning sensation, and Hermione's cheeks felt stinging in the cold wind.

    She bit her lip gently, avoiding Ivan's burning gaze, and the depths of her heart twitched.

    The development of the matter was totally different from what she imagined. When I was looking for Animagus information in the library, Hermione originally planned to teach him if he decided that the abominable black cat was Ivan's.

    Now I finally decided that Ivan is the black cat. On the last day of the summer vacation, I don’t just hold this wicked guy in my arms, still in front of him…

    Hermione turned red and didn't know what to do next. What happened just now at the Padamdid Teahouse and the Owl Post Office in Pa, made her suddenly scared, afraid that Ivan would make the move that made her heart beat again, or confess to herself, she had not thought about whether to promise the other.

    Although the depths of my heart have already been promised, is this speed a bit faster? !

    Also, how to tell Harry and Ron about this, Hermione feels weird and very embarrassed when thinking about this.

    She really likes Ivan, but she is not sure if she wants to develop a relationship with her.

    Maybe you can wait another one or two years and wait until your fourth or fifth grade.

    She listened to Angelina and Alicia, and the girls in the college started to associate with boys at that time…

    In short, Ivan can't be promised so quickly.

    Hermione took a deep breath and clenched her fists, and decided to make a secret decision.

    She sneaked at Ivan and suddenly found that she had no experience in the matter of love.

    If Ivan made a request for a relationship, she didn't even know how to reject the other person.

    Maybe you should go to the library to flip through the book and see what it says, or talk to Ginny.

    In addition to Ivan, Peter Pettigrew is the Ron's mouse Scabbers, which also worried Hermione.

    Unbelievable, an evil murderer lurks among them.

    For three years, no one actually found out!

    From a rational point of view, Hermione believes that this news should be told to Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall as soon as possible, seeking the help of teachers, this is the most sensible choice.

    But she promised Ivan that she would not say it out for the time being.

    She is not sure if Ivan and Sirius Black's plan will succeed, she has a strong sense of uneasiness, and maybe things will not be as smooth as I expected.

    Seeing Hermione's look, Ivan knew what she was worried about.

    He knew what he had to say to distract Hermione's attention and keep her from getting nervous.

    As for what is confession, don't rush for a while, since the atmosphere has been destroyed, or look for opportunities in the future.

    "Hermione, aren't you going to buy a Christmas present? We can go to the store over there and have a look."Ivan said, "Yes, are you going to send anything to me?"

    "This is a secret, Ivan, you will know when you receive it."Seeing that Ivan didn't mention the topic just now, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. She looked good and smiled slightly. "Your gift doesn't have to be bought here. I have already prepared it. I have been preparing for a long time. I believe You will definitely be satisfied."

    Seeing Hermione's look, Ivan suddenly groaned in his heart, and he remembered that he hadn't thought about sending Hermione anything.

    He originally intended to send a "Practical Mantra" to Hermione, but now it seems that this is too out of date.

    Since Hermione's gift to himself needs to be carefully prepared for a long time, it is obviously too shabby to send an ordinary spell book.

    Ivan racked his brains, what do girls like, candy, plush toys or other cute things?

    According to her own understanding of Hermione's, she seems to only like to read books. If it can only be a book, it is best to change it again.

    Next, Ivan and Hermione walked through the entire Hogsmeade and bought a lot of things.

    Time has passed and the winter night is coming early.

    After four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky began to dim, and the young wizards returned to Hogwarts one after another. The shops on both sides of the street lit up with lights.

    Ivan drilled from the Invisibility Cloak at the door of the Windy brand clothing store away from the main road.

    There are only two of them in this alley, and there is no need to worry about being discovered.

    "Ivan, the time is almost, we should go back to school."Hermione is satisfied that she spent the day at Hogsmeade and made her feel very happy.

    "Yeah, I am hungry, I really should go back to dinner."Ivan looked up and saw a huge full moon in the sky.

    I don't know how Harry and Ron are doing, yes, and Professor Lupin, who must be hiding in his office now.

    "When I see the auditorium, I pass the secret passage of the Duke of Candy…"

    Ivan suddenly stopped, and he saw a ragged, fierce man Disapparation appearing in the alley, about ten meters away from himself and Hermione.

    He was immediately alert, and he felt a dangerous breath from this person.

    By the dim candlelight in the store, Ivan noticed that the man had slender limbs, gray hair and a beard were tied together, and a broken black robe was very uncomfortably tied to his body, dirty fingers. There are long yellow nails on it.

    He looked extremely excited and raised his hair with a screaming roar.

    This voice is very weird, Ivan has never heard of it before. In addition, he also smelled a strange smell of scent on the other side, mixed with earthy smell, sweat, and…No doubt, it is bloody!

    “The delicious little child is really happy!”The man saw Ivan and Hermione and suddenly grinned, revealing pointed teeth.

    Looking at the other person's gaze, Ivan saw the danger. He and Hermione seemed to be his prey. He hurriedly pulled out the wand.

    "Be careful, Hermione!"Ivan suddenly said.

    "What?"Hermione stunned and didn't respond.

    "This guy is a little bit wrong, hurry up and take the wand out."Ivan put Hermione behind him, he waved wand and shouted, "Stupefy!"

    A thick red light flew out of the wand in his hand, and the other side still kept a sneer, and it seemed that Ivan had not suddenly thought of attacking.

    The next second, he was hit by Ivan's curse and flew down to the ground.

    He quickly climbed up, wandering through the next curse, and making a terrible roar in his mouth.

    Seeing the performance of the other side, Ivan's pupils shrank fiercely. Not only did he not faint after being hit by his own curse, but he spared the effort to avoid the next spell.

    Ivan can be sure that the power of Stunning Spell can't be so weak!

    This only shows that this man's body is very resistant to the spell.

    Strong beyond imagination, far more than ordinary people, and even some are not like humans!

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