140. Chapter 140 Sybill Trelawny

    Just when Ivan, Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid discussed Azkaban, the door of the hall was opened again.

    Coming in is Professor Trelawny, she glide to everyone, as if standing on the wheel.

    She wore a green dress decorated with metal discs that made her look more like a shiny, oversized enamel.

    "Good afternoon, everyone!"Professor Trelawny said that she used her most vague and distant voice. "I have been watching my crystal ball on the tower. What surprised me is that I saw that I abandoned my own lunch and came to join you. Dinner. Who am I, how can I refuse the urge to die? I immediately walked out of my building, and I sincerely ask you to forgive me for being late…"

    No one spoke, everyone looked at her with surprise.

    Ivan noticed that Professor McGonagall's mouth was tight and his face became more ugly.

    Professor Trelawny didn't sit down directly. She turned around the table for half a turn, bringing invisible pressure to everyone. She stood behind Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ivan for a long time, and her eyes were always on the table.

    Suddenly, she screamed low!

    "What's wrong, professor?"The first-year student in front of her asked uncomfortably.

    "Dear child, you can't believe it, I saw it…"Her eyes only stared at Ivan, and the expression seemed like he was dead.

    "Sit down, Sybill!"Professor McGonagall suddenly interrupted her. "The owls and howlers are enough to be upset, and you don't need to put extra pressure on everyone!"

    "I can't sit down, Minerva!"Professor Trelawny seems to have just noticed Professor McGonagall, she said in a panic tone, "I can't do this. If I sit down, there are thirteen people at a table!Nothing is more unlucky than the thirteen!Never forget that if thirteen people eat together, the first person to stand up after a meal will die first!"

    "We are willing to take this risk, Sybill."Professor McGonagall said impatiently, "Sit down and watch for the Christmas holiday!"

    Professor Trelawny groaned, then she sat down next to Ivan. Ivan had a bad feeling, and he could feel that Professor Trelawny had chosen this position. She is looking at herself with the big, watery eyes, and seems to have something to say to herself.

    Don't guess, you know, this is definitely not a good word!

    Ivan’s understanding of her, what she wants to say to herself, is definitely something that is unclear and ominous.

    Ivan tried not to look at each other and concentrate on the plates in front of him. The situation was already enough, and he didn't want to accept the curse of Professor Trelawny until this evening's action.


    "Do you want beef belly, Sybill?"

    Professor McGonagall interrupted her again, and she reached a large spoon in the nearest large bowl.

    Professor Trelawny didn't pay attention to Professor McGonagall. She looked at Ivan, then looked up and looked around. He gently asked, "I didn't see Dear headmaster and Professor Lupin. Where did they go?"

    "Obviously, everyone knows what happened in the castle last night! Also know where Albus and Lupin are now! ”Professor McGonagall raised his eyebrows and said impatiently, "Even if no one tells you, you know for sure, are you?"

    "Of course I know!"Professor Trelawny looked at Professor McGonagall very coldly. "But people don't show off that they are omniscient. I often behave as if I don't have a sky, so others won't feel nervous."

    "This explains a lot of problems."Professor McGonagall said bitterly, "What do you call the Sky…"

    "If you must know, Minerva!"Professor Trelawny’s voice suddenly became less blurred. “I saw the end of poor Professor Lupin from the crystal ball two months ago. He stood there alone, everywhere. A place full of fear and despair."

    Obviously, the place in her discourse refers to Azkaban Prison.

    The place is full of dementor, and there is only fear and despair everywhere. When you heard Professor Trelawny, everyone took a breath of air, which seems to have predicted the tragic ending of Professor Lupin, who will spend the rest of his life in Azkaban.

    Except for Snape's mouth still sneer, the faces of others have become very poor.

    Harry looked at Professor Trelawny for a while, and it was rare to argue with the other person. Maybe he thought it was not worth it.

    Throughout the semester, Professor Trelawny was prophesying his death, but nothing happened, and Harry was used to it.

    It is now predicted that Professor Lupin will be placed in Azkaban, which is simply a pediatrics for her.

    Ivan heard that Harry and Hermione started talking to Hagrid about Azkaban. They asked about the details of Azkaban and tried to imagine the life of Professor Lupin and Sirius Black being locked up. Then the topic went to hippogriff Buckbeak and Hagrid Christmas. After the course.

    Ivan turned his head and didn't look at Professor Trelawny, listening to Harry's conversation absent-mindedly.

    Harry and Hermione seem to be desperately searching for something to divert their attention away from Ron.

    Except for the three of them, no one spoke on the table, and the atmosphere was sore.

    This is definitely the most unpleasant lunch experience Ivan has ever experienced. He used his fastest speed to eat up the dishes and whispered a few words with Harry and Hermione, restraining himself from seeing Professor Trelawny.

    Good until the end of the lunch, Professor Trelawny's manner is almost normal.

    About ten minutes later, Ron finished eating and left the table.

    Ivan, Harry, and Hermione looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

    "Christ! Who are the four of you, who was the first to leave the seat? Who is?Professor Trelawny suddenly screamed loudly.

    ‘I don’t know!Ron said quietly.

    "I don't think there is any difference!"Professor McGonagall said indifference, "Unless there is a mad knives waiting outside the door, I have to cut the first person who walked out of the auditorium."

    Everyone smiled a little, and Professor Trelawny stopped talking, and seemed to be greatly offended!

    She glanced at Professor McGonagall with a scorn, grabbed a bottle of sherry from the table, and left the auditorium without looking back.

    Followed by Ron, Ivan, Harry and Hermione also rushed to follow up, according to the plan of three people discussing at the school hospital this morning, they decided to talk to Ron first. While learning more, try to keep Ron and Peter in the Gryffindor common room.

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