1592. Chapter 1587 Crazy Scrimgeour

    "Sell?! How can I do that, I will not sell it for the rest of my life. ”Ron said, "I just want to convert it into gold so that I can accurately know its value. Do you understand what I mean? You are an expert in this area, Ivan, help me estimate the price, you know, I rarely touch such valuable magic items. ”

    "If I let me bid, I am willing to pay 10,000 gold galleon for this light-off!"Ivan perfunctorily, try to enter magic power into the evil god statue in his hand. "Of course, no one will sell it at this price, so this is only a theoretical price, and Dumbledore will take it…"

    What I said later, Ivan couldn't remember.

    As his magic power enters the evil god statue, he feels his thoughts drift out of the body, following magic power.

    At this moment, his thoughts, soul, senses, everything is integrated with magic power.

    Ivan's magic power took these things from the statue's most singular position into the interior of the statue, passing through the evil god statue, as if he had been stuffed into a narrow rubber tube, pressure was pressed from all sides, squeezing he.

    He is driven by magic power and flows forward like a liquid along a non-existent pipe.

    Forward, forward, move forward!

    Ivan really entered the statue and the pressure was getting stronger!

    Just as he was about to breathe, his eyes suddenly opened up, his pressure disappeared, and he passed through the evil god statue.

    Inside the statue is a misty world, and the mist of whiteness covers everything and does not reach the end.

    Ivan's magic power forms a golden curved trajectory that stretches across the fog and extends deeper along the established trajectory.

    Thought followed the magic power forward, and Ivan looked around curiously.

    Although the surrounding space is monotonous, but full of mystery, dreamlike, real and illusory exist at the same time, a bit like the feeling of waking up in sleep, Ivan can feel his body, hear the Ron next to the bed Speaking, but his consciousness is immersed in the illusion of fog in front of his eyes.

    He can feel that there is anthing hidden in the deepest part of the fog?

    Ivan wanted to go deep into it and explore it carefully, but at this moment, the whole world began to shake violently, and his thoughts returned to reality.

    Ivan opened his eyes and saw Ron, who was shaking his body in front of him.

    "Don't shake, Ron!"

    "You're fine, Ivan?"Ron asked nervously. "You just didn't feel right. I was asking you how much the value of Caduceus and Gryffindor sword is, but you didn't answer. It seems to be asleep. I thought you were asleep at first, but I turned around and looked. The statue is shining in your hands…I realized that something went wrong. I really don't know what to do. If you don't wake up again, I will call people. Fortunately, you wake up, isn't it…What did the dark wizard become a monster for you? ! ”

    Ivan felt that his body was sinking now because he was used to the embarrassing state.

    He only felt dizzy and disgusting.

    Ron's sound rang in his ear, which felt a bit like the discomfort after Apparition.

    Ron still described the awake, Ivan shook his head, sat up and raised his voice and said, "I'm fine, Ron, not Herpo the Foul, I just tried to gather magic power on the statue and found the statue connected. A strange space, my thoughts come into it with magic power."

    "You said that there is a strange space in this statue? WhatÕs Inside

    "Except for the fog, nothing!"Ivan stared at the statue in his hand and muttered. "I think…This statue…Can directly cross the space. ”

    "what are you talking about? How can I not understand…"

    Ron slammed down and heard a loud noise downstairs.

    What was that?

    "Probably Charlie, my mother fell asleep and secretly let her hair grow again."Ron wasn't sure, he looked up at the yard outside the window and looked nervous. "It's all this, why didn't Harry come back?"

    Ivan also looked up and looked out. In the dark night, the tent in the garden gave off a faint orange light.

    Just as he was about to regain his gaze, suddenly a burst of shadows, some people appeared from the darkness to the side of the tent.

    Strange, who is watching this time at The Burrow? !

    "Look, Ivan, who is here!"Ron said, hurriedly near the window, "is Lupin, what is he doing this late?"

    "Maybe there is something."Ivan said that he also saw the visitors.

    Lupin looks serious, it is a bit strange.

    Ivan suddenly had a bad premonition, and nothing really happened.

    Lupin got into the Sirius' tent and soon Harry was driven out of the tent.

    He seems to be protesting with Sirius and Lupin.

    "Let's go see!"Ivan said that the evil god statue was collected.

    "No, the two of us will wake up with my mother's footsteps."Ron said, "Believe me, if she finds that we haven't slept yet, it will definitely lose our temper when we run around outside. The mother of the groom cruelly kills five people, which will make the whole wedding a bit awkward…"

    "Don't say it, Ron, go from here, Mrs. Weasley won't find it. ”Ivan said that he jumped out of the window and jumped out.

    Ron looked at him in surprise, his mouth wide open.

    The three people who had been arguing in the garden also listened and watched Ivan stunned from the sky.

    In the air, Ivan fell straight down.

    He swung a lot of wand, his body fluttering out in a curve and falling steadily beside Harry.

    "This hand floating is really beautiful, Ivan!"Sirius appreciates.

    "Thank you, what happened?"

    "It's not something that matters…"Lupin hesitated and continued. "Well, telling you nothing, it's Scrimgeour. We got the news. He called All Aurr after leaving the Ministry of Magic in the afternoon, and he was studying the plan to attack Malfoy Manor. Plan to act tomorrow morning."

    "Scrimgeour intends to fight Voldemort!"Harry said in surprise.

    "He seems to have this idea."

    "Yes, he finally does not intend to stand still."Sirius snorted heavily.

    "But in the face of Voldemort, the Ministry of Magic has no chance of winning."Ivan frowned. "Scrimgeour knows this very well. Why did he do this?"

    "Who knows, maybe he is crazy! Or what kind of stimulation was there in the afternoon! ”

    "What did you say in the afternoon? I heard that Scrimgeour sent you Dumbledore's relics. Is there anything inside? ”Lupin asked.

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