1596. Chapter 1591 is inexplicable

    Ivan, Harry, and Ron led Mr. Lovegood to the big tent and listened to him expressing his love for readers. He seemed to have no such thing as "Hogwarts Magic" in The Quibbler magazine. It’s as confusing as people think that bubble slug doesn’t exist.

    At this time, Luna ran from the garden.

    She is still a sly look, and there are some dirt and weeds in front of the robe.

    It seems that she has just fought with the goblins in the garden.

    "Ivan, Harry, Ron, how are you!"She said that when she came to the trio, "it seems that you and my father know each other!"

    "Ah, hey, my name is Barney, he is Bamo."Harry said in a panic, wondering why Luna recognized him and Ivan.

    "Oh, have you changed your name?"Luna asked happily.

    "Well, how do you know…"

    "See you from your expression."She said, and then used to sniff the nose around Ivan, "Of course, there is smell."

    Is this guy a feline?

    I can judge a person by smell, and Ivan can be sure that there is no strange smell on him.

    However, Luna's feelings have always been very sensitive, and I can always find things that other people can't notice. Everyone is not surprised.

    Today's Luna is like her father, wearing a bright yellow robe with a large sunflower on her hair. Once you've adapted to these bright colors, you'll feel that the overall effect is actually pleasing, at least not on her ears.

    But just because the color of the robe is too bright, it is easy to see the large dirt traces on it.

    "What did you do in the garden?"Ivan asked.

    "I want to catch a goblin, but it didn't work, and I was bitten."Luna said as if she suddenly remembered something important, and hurriedly turned to face Mr. Lovegood and raised a finger and said, "Dad, look…A goblin actually bit me! ”

    “Amazing! Goblin's saliva is especially useful! ”Mr. Lovegood said, grab Luna's finger and look at the bleeding point carefully. "Luna, my dear, if you feel that you have a talent today, maybe it is a sudden impulse, want to sing a play, want to use Merpeople Language reading, no matter what, don't suppress it! That may be the talent that the engineering soldiers have given you! ”

    "I know, I have a special feeling!"

    At this time, Ron finally couldn't help but screamed and was heard by Luna.

    "You laugh at it!"Luna said calmly, "But my father did a lot of research on the engineering magic."

    "That's amazing, we already know that your father is particularly talented in this regard. Come on, your seat is on this side. ”Ivan said that he looked at Ron and hurriedly led Mr. Lovegood and Luna to their seat.

    After so many years, no one is stupid to question the strange views of Luna and her father, everyone has long been used to it!

    It’s only embarrassing to continue to let Luna and Ron discuss his father’s magical skills.

    But then again, the wound on Luna's hand is quite worrying, and the saliva of the goblin has a certain corrosive effect.

    "Do you really need to paint something on the wound?"Ivan asked, "Or let me give you a healing spell?"

    "Oh, it doesn't matter, don't bother."Luna said that she was licking her fingers like a dream, looking up and down Ivan. "You look at the spirit. I told Dad that most people probably wear formal robe, but he believes that Sun should wear Sun-colored clothes. In order to discuss a color, you know."

    “It’s a bit different, but at least it looks beautiful!”

    "Thank you, I know you will appreciate it, Ivan."Luna is very happy to say, "I am a little like my father now."

    She said something inexplicable, and then walked away with Mr. Lovegood.

    What is "I am a bit like you like my dad now", Lovegood likes Ivan very much?

    Ivan stood there for a while, and when he went back, he saw an old witch standing opposite Harry and Ron, who was clutching Ron's arm. The old witch looks a little scary, with a hook nose, red eyes, and a pink feather hat, like a bad-tempered flamingo.

    "Your hair is too long, Ron, I thought you were Ginny."Witch said slyly, "Who is standing next to you?" I don't have to introduce it to me. I know that I know the hair, and it is the Weasley family. You breed as fast as the goblin. Speaking, I heard that…My God, what is Shino Felius Lovegood wearing? He looked like an omelette. Ok, who is this? ”

    "Murly aunt, he is Bamo, this is Barney, they are both our cousins."

    "It's another Weasley?! I want to take back what I said just now. You are breeding much faster than the goblin. How many children does the Weasley family want to have? One after another, do you want to rely on this to occupy the magic circle? ! I am not interested in another Weasley, are Ivan Mason and Harry Potter not here? In recent years, the newspaper has been talking about these two children, I thought I could see them. Ron, I seem to remember that they are your friends, maybe you just bragging yourself? ”

    "No, they…Can't come! ”

    "Looking for an excuse, isn't it? The two boys are quite smart, not as innocent as the newspaper photos. It’s right not to come, they need to hide now, but I am not afraid of Dark Lord. I have lived for too long. I have seen all the dark wizards. When Grindelwald was in the limelight, I was not afraid of it. Everyone Not afraid! ”She groaned and said, "Okay, okay, find me a good seat, Ron, I am one hundred and seven years old. It is best not to stand too long. You may not know, I have been teaching the bride how to wear my headwear in the house. It is best to see it, what Goblin did, know, very precious things that have been circulating in our home for centuries. She is a pretty girl, more beautiful than the bride I have met, but in the end it is…FRENCH

    When it comes to the French, she adds to her tone and seems to be very dissatisfied with Fleur's identity.

    Ron held the trembled Mulier's aunt and walked inside. He didn't show up for a long time.

    Fred and George did not show up again, they and the two French girls did not know where to go. Only Ivan and Harry, who pretend to be Weasley's family, stood in the welcome position, and they took a few strange passengers to the seat. Until the end, the big tent was almost full, and the outside was finally no longer queued.

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