170. Chapter 170 is planned

    In the winter, Sun fell early, and a golden sun passed through the leaves and slid into a hidden tree hole in Forbidden Forest, shining on a man.

    Inside the tree hole, Sirius Black's body twisted in a very uncomfortable position, fighting with the werewolf to make him scarred, dirty, tangled hair hangs to the elbow, long-term malnutrition and rushing to let him go The face was very thin and embarrassing, but his mouth was always with a smile.

    He was thinking about what he met at the Hogsmeade yesterday, the boy named Ivan's.

    As long as he washes his knees, he can return to the world and he can live with James' son, Harry Potter.

    Black, who has never been afraid of the weather, is suddenly nervous. He does not know how to perform the duties of the godfather.

    He has never had a similar experience before, and happiness is too sudden.

    In his mind, his father’s stern, old-fashioned, swearing face appeared. He shook his head. Since he left home at the age of sixteen, he has never seen his parents and never returned to the house. Known as the home.

    The most expensive and oldest Black family? !

    There was a sarcasm in Sirius's mouth. Except for the pure blood theory that was worthless, he seemed to never think of other things about his father.

    Maybe, you should be like James's father, funny, kind, friendly, with an encouraging, inclusive attitude…

    Just as Black thought about how he should get along with Harry, suddenly in the woods, there was a sound of treading in the snow and fallen leaves, and anything was approaching.

    He immediately became alert and jerked over and climbed from the ground.

    Black squinted, and by the afterglow of the setting sun, he saw a ginger figure appearing in the field of vision, which is Crookshanks, which seems to bring anything.

    Crookshanks walked over and arched the arch, and handed a piece of paper to Black, then jumped sideways to the side of the branch, screaming at the ground.

    Black squinted and looked at the note in his hand.

    Above is the new password for the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, which Ivan called Crookshanks.

    Unable to explain why, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

    He hesitated and turned into a huge black dog.

    Black is ready to go to the castle and he can't wait to catch Peter Pettigrew.

    As for Ivan's plan, he doesn't care, he has to act according to his own ideas.

    In the morning, he saw that the students had all left by train. There are no other people in the castle. No one can stop him from catching the mouse.

    Ten minutes later, a giant black bear and a ginger cat appeared on the Hogwarts site, both of which skillfully bypassed Hagrid's cabin.

    The scream of Fang came from the house, which was a hunting dog raised by Hagrid. It saw the Black and Crookshanks passing through the field from the window, it was reminding Hagrid, but Hagrid didn't look back, he was busy preparing Buckbeak's food, a large dead snow.

    He had to live with Buckbeak for the time being before the hearing of the Dangerous Biology Committee, and he had to make sure that it was not in trouble.

    Black and Crookshanks enter the castle and follow the empty staircase to the front of the Gryffindor common room.

    Standing in front of the portrait, Black shook his body.

    "A dog and a cat?! Do you know the password, without the correct password, I will not let you in! ”Sir Cadogan seemed to drink too much. He staggered and stood up. His armor made a loud noise. Finally, he had to insert the big and outrageous sword into the ground to support his body.

    "Underable mongrel dog!"Black voice said low, he has changed back.

    "You are the same, Mr. disguised as a dog!"Sir Cadogan took another drink and he didn't seem to recognize that Black was not a Gryffindor student at all.

    Or to be precise, as long as you have the correct password, he does not care who the other party is.

    The portrait whispered and Black climbed in.

    Behind him, the two former Hogwarts headmasters who had been drinking with Sir Cadogan looked at him with surprise, and they looked at each other and disappeared into the frame.

    Very quiet in the communal lounge, Black is ready to go into Harry's bedroom.

    He had seen it many times before, Peter Pettigrew turned into a mouse in the red-haired boy's jacket pocket next to Harry.

    He just walked two steps forward and saw Harry and Hermione faint on the floor.

    Black slammed down, and the tired face flashed a horror, and the bad feeling in his mind reappeared and became more intense.

    "Harry, Hermione, wake up, why are you lying here, what happened?"

    Black swayed Harry, his hands shaking uncontrollably because of over-stress.

    "you are……"Harry woke up and looked at Black in confusion, then he thought about it, and there was a glimmer of joy in his eyes, "Sirius Black?!"

    Black nodded, he was watching Harry, and tears swirled in his eyes.

    He seems to have a thousand words, but he doesn't know what to say. He only knows that this boy is the son of James, his best friend.

    The thirteen-year-old Harry looked very much like James, and Black almost had the illusion that he saw James in his school days.

    In addition to the green eyes, Harry's eyes are like his mother Lily.

    Looking at Harry, Black opened his mouth and closed, so several times, he seemed to have lost his ability to speak, and every time he spoke back to his mouth.

    "Oh, Mr. Black, Sirius?"Hermione's voice suddenly passed over, and she said timidly, "Can I call you that?"

    Black was shocked to hear such a name. He stared at Hermione as if he had forgotten this: someone would talk to him politely.

    "You shouldn't be here now, you will be discovered!"

    “Correct.”Harry seemed to have just thought about this. He hurriedly climbed up from the ground and said quickly, "I heard Ivan say, you should come here again at eight in the evening, if you are by someone else…"

    "I don't care, I don't care about being discovered."Black's voice is extremely hoarse, "Where is the mouse, where is Peter Pettigrew?"

    Harry and Hermione hurriedly looked at each other and looked at each other in panic.

    They suddenly found out that they didn't know where Peter Pettigrew was, he should be with Ron.

    Ron just stunned them with Stunning Spell, and then Peter Pettigrew, I don't know where to go.

    They are definitely planning a plot, and Black is in a very dangerous situation.

    "You should leave here right away, Sirius!"Harry said quickly.

    "I think he is too late to escape!"Harry’s voice just fell, and a cold voice came in.

    Three people hurriedly turned their heads. They saw that the portrait door was opened again, and Severus Snape walked in slowly, his wand pointing to Black.

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