175. Chapter 175 ambushing the rabbit

    As Peter Pettigrew's sharp shouts echoed in the dimly lit hall, Snape's memories returned to the night of twelve years ago.

    That night, when he got the news and rushed to the house, it had become a ruin.

    He had already made up his mind to protect Lily under the Dark Lord, and he was willing to pay any price for it.

    Even if it is openly opposed to Voldemort, even death is not hesitating.

    But what he saw was only her body, lying there without life.

    She is dead, she was killed by Voldemort!

    In the next few days, when all the wizards were celebrating the news of Voldemort's downfall, Snape kept himself alone in the house. He is blaming himself. If he didn't tell Voldemort about that prophecy, Lily wouldn't die, all of them killed her.

    At the thought of this, Snape can't wait for the dead to be himself.

    Later, Dumbledore told him that after getting his own warning message, Lily and Potter originally intended to hide with the loyalty of the daring, this ancient magic can hide the secret forever in a person's soul.

    Unless the secret person voluntarily leaks, this secret will never be discovered.

    Under the protection of this spell, even Voldemort himself could not find them. This was the most foolproof way, but they chose the wrong secret person and wrongly believed the Sirius Black.

    Black betrayed them and he leaked the location of the house to Voldemort.

    If the student days were just disgusting with each other, then after Black killed Lily, the emotion of hatred grew in the depths of Snape. Over the past 12 years, countless days and nights, Snape can't wait to kill Black to avenge Lily.

    But now he hears the truth, and everything is done by Peter Pettigrew.

    The hatred of Black's almost instantly shifted to Peter Pettigrew and moved to a small guy he had never noticed before.

    Snape clenched the wand in his hand and he was going to kill the despicable traitor.

    He moved a little and hesitated immediately. He didn't want others to know his feelings for Lily. In the dimly lit hall, the conversation gradually ended. Black wanted to kill Peter Pettigrew. Maybe he would be the best choice.

    Ivan hid behind the credit, and he looked at Snape with a strange look.

    Snape seemed to be taking action, but stopped immediately. He didn't know what he was thinking, his face was gloomy and terrible, his body was constantly shaking, and he said in his speech that he was angry with his heart.

    Ivan didn't have the time to guess the true thoughts of Snape's inner world. His attention was entirely on Peter Pettigrew. He had to find a way to catch this guy and not let him run or die again.

    He sneaked out and looked at it. This was undoubtedly the strangest feeling in his life: standing behind the credit on the second floor, he saw himself in the foyer on the first floor.

    "Sirius, you can't kill him!"

    "Harry, do you know what you are doing, this gangster has made you lose your parents!"Black growled. "This dirty guy who is kneeling and kneeling, watching you die will not be tempted. You heard what he said, his own stinking skin is more important than the life of your family. ”

    "I know.Harry gasped and said, "He killed my parents. He framed Professor Lupin. He controlled Ron. He also tried to kill Ivan. I won't forgive him for doing it. It will never! But you can't kill him, Sirius, I think my dad won't want his best friend to kill! Especially killing such people, it is not worth it! ”

    The conversation in the hall continued, and Ivan saw Harry stop Sirius.

    They decided to hand Peter Pettigrew to Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic for the price they deserved. Then, Ron, who had been standing in the corner, began to walk over to Peter Pettigrew, who fell to the ground. Ivan knew what was going to happen soon. He wanted to stop Ron, but he didn't know what to do.

    He must be careful not to be seen by himself.

    Ivan hesitated a moment and gave up his intention to act. He must act within the scope of the rules. If there is an accident, it will have irreparable consequences.

    There have been countless similar things in history. The wizards are confusing in time. They attacked the sudden emergence of themselves. Many people are insane, killing themselves or their future, and even leading to time and history. There is a distortion.

    Can't change the time, this is one of the most important rules of the magic circle.

    To catch Peter Pettigrew, or to find a way in Forbidden Forest, Ivan is ready to wait until Peter escapes into Forbidden Forest.

    He glanced back at Snape again, then turned and gently slammed onto the side sill and slid out of the castle.

    By night, he slid along the lawn in the direction of Forbidden Forest.

    The shape of Ivan Animagus is a black cat, and the sky outside is dark enough to basically be found. Even if you accidentally find it in the hall, you can only see the shadow of a small animal gliding through the grass.

    In the grass next to Forbidden Forest, Ivan was not in a hurry to enter Forbidden Forest. He saw Peter Pettigrew holding Ron out of the castle and they quickly approached Forbidden Forest. Peter Pettigrew's face was the excitement of the rest of his life. The original sluggish expression on Ron's face suddenly became painful and distorted.

    Ivan knows that Ron is about to break away from the control of Imperius Curse.

    Right next to his hidden grass, Ron suddenly rebelled.

    He held Peter Pettigrew's right hand with one finger and struggled with his strength to snatch his own wand.

    "sorry Sorry!"Ron rebelled against Peter Pettigrew and cried out loud, "I'm sorry, Harry! Sorry, Ivan! Sorry, Hermione! It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t doubt you, I shouldn’t believe you, see what I have done…”

    "Damn, damn, what are you doing?!"Peter Pettigrew screamed, he whispered his spell and waved wand to stop Ron.

    Ivan, who had been hiding in the grass, quickly rushed out. He passed under Peter Pettigrew's feet and smashed the other side, interrupting Peter's spell.


    Peter Pettigrew and Ron fell heavily on the floor, splashing a lot of dust.

    Ivan saw himself, Harry, Hermione, and Black being close, and he hurried back to the grass next to him.

    Next, Peter Pettigrew will be forced into a desperate situation, using the powerful evil dark magic. Ivan knows that there should be nothing on his own. He must enter the Forbidden Forest to ambush in advance, wait for the rabbit, and wait for Peter Pettigrew.

    By the way, there are those painful eight-eyed giant spiders waiting for him to solve.

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