192. Chapter 192 Kreacher the House Elf

    Leaving the portrait of Mrs. Black, they walked through the door at the end of the corridor and into the basement.

    The basement level seems to be the kitchen, which is almost as dim as the upper foyer, a cave-like room surrounded by rough stone walls.

    Most of the light comes from a few short candles around the big fireplace at the end of the room. The walls around the pipes are all smoked black, and the heavy iron pots hanging from the dark ceiling are in the dark. It looks ugly and horrible.

    Close to the kitchen is a small dining room with a sink in the corner and two wooden cupboards with spider webs on either side, filled with silver cutlery.

    Through the moldy carpet, you can see that the green marble floor is engraved with beautiful patterns. The center of the house is a table that can accommodate many people sitting down and a lot of chairs. The temperature here is much lower than the above. The mildew in the mold is more serious.

    "Go here!"Sirius towed a green tapestry with the Black family logo on the north side of the restaurant, revealing black brick walls.

    He knocked on a wall with wand and opened a hidden secret door.

    Just as Leaky Cauldron leads to the Diagon Alley wall, the walls whirl open, revealing a narrow, steep staircase that continues down.

    Ivan noticed that there was a silver snake on the brick, but it was not obvious. If you didn't look it up, it was impossible to notice.

    "In the ancient pure blood wizard family, there is usually such a secret room, hiding some unknown secrets of the family."Sirius said as he bent over and walked in. "The following is the place where the Black family collects books. At the very least, when I left this home, it was still here."

    His words said half, and immediately stopped.

    Over Sirius ' shoulder, Ivan saw a house elf standing in the Andao.

    Not a decoration hanging on the wall, but a living house elf.

    The house elf looks old, the skin is full of folds, several times more than what his body actually needs, although his head is as bare as all house elf, but the two bat-like big ears There was a lot of white hair growing inside.

    His eyes were full of blood, the water was gray and the nose was very big, just like the nose of a pig.

    His waist was surrounded by a dirty rag, like the waist cloth used by men in the tropical countries to cover the body. In addition, the whole body was almost naked.

    Ivan, of course, this guy should be Kreacher the House Elf, he was still thinking about when he could see each other.

    Kreacher is like a statue, standing on the corner of the dark road and standing still.

    He bent over, his head up, and looked at Sirius Black with amazement, his face mixed with a strange expression that was unclear, and then he began to whisper with a hoarse, low voice like a bullfrog.

    "Poor old Kreacher saw what, the young master who had disappeared for more than ten years came back, and led a group of nephews back to spoil the house of my hostess."Kreacher's voice was very slow, and the eyes were full of disdain. As he spoke, he yelled at Sirius as if he had instinctively asked him to do so.

    "Long time no see, Kreacher, I didn't expect you to be alive."Sirius said calmly.

    Although he saw an acquaintance, his voice was a little happy.

    Who's he?Harry whispered.

    "Kreacher, house elf for the Black family."Sirius paused and added, "A crazy guy."

    "The young master always likes to make some jokes. Kreacher is not crazy. Kreacher just didn't see three young masters."Little elf bowed again to Ivan, Harry, and Hermione, and then said in a light, but clear voice, "Kreacher smelled the mudblood, and if the poor hostess had knowledge, the young master actually did this. The dregs got into her house, what would she say to the old Kreacher? It’s a shame!”

    "Shut up, Kreacher, don't call them mudblood in the future."Sirius shouted angrily.

    No problem! This house elf doesn't seem to know what he is talking about. ”Hermione looked at Kreacher with fear, and she stepped forward and tried to say, "Hello, Kreacher! I am Hermione Granger, this is Ivan Mason, and the one next to it is Harry Potter. ”

    Seeing Hermione talking to him again, Kreacher's two light-colored eyes suddenly widened, and the words in his mouth were more full of fire than before.

    "The scorpion scorpion brought back by the master actually talks to Kreacher again, pretending to be a casual, as if she is my friend. If the hostess of Kreacher sees him with such a person, oh she will say What, think about it…"

    "I will say it again, shut up, Kreacher!"Sirius said that he was gnashing his teeth.

    Upon hearing the Sirius' command, Kreacher immediately closed his mouth.

    He walked up from the dark passage, his eyes slid over Hermione, Ivan, and Harry, and then his eyes slammed wide, and he began to whisper again.

    "Is this true? Really Harry Potter?! Kreacher saw the car, it must be true, the boy who blocked the Dark Lord, Kreacher didn't know how he did it…"

    "We all know what is going on."Sirius said aloud.

    "Kreacher only knows that the young master has just returned from Azkaban."Kreacher's gaze turned back to Sirius. "My poor hostess, she vowed not to recognize his son. Now he is back. It is said that he is still a murderer…"

    "Sirius proved to be innocent, he did not kill, he is now a hero!"Hermione hurriedly explained.

    "You don't need to tell me this!"Sirius was very disgusted with Kreacher. "He won't listen. He used to be like this, a hateful house elf."

    "How can the young master say Kreacher, Kreacher has never done anything out of the ordinary, Kreacher just obeys the master's orders and works for the noble Black family for the rest of his life!"Kreacher said that he had bowed again, and then he lowered his voice and said, "Even if the young master did not kill, he was also a nasty, ungrateful billet that broke his mother's heart…"

    "My mother has no heart, Kreacher."Sirius said with no anger, "She lives entirely by resentment."

    " Anyway."Kreacher muttered indignantly. "The young master didn't even give his mother a shoe sole. My poor hostess, if she saw the young master returning, she would say how much she hated him!"

    "Enough, what are you doing here?"Sirius said scornfully, "Don't think I don't know, as soon as we enter the house, you discover us."

    “Kreacher is guarding the last legacy of the Black family.”Kreacher around the sirius, he was just still on the floor of the tapestry picked up, "the master came back to destroy everywhere, if this tapestry was thrown away, the hostess will never forgive kreacher, it has been in this home for seven centuries, Kreacher must keep it, Kreacher must not let the young master and these three sons to destroy the Tapestry. ”

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