195. Chapter 195 Family Tree of the Black Family

    Just as Ivan destroyed Horcrux, Sirius, Harry, and Hermione were hovering down the stairs in the dark passage.

    "Where Ivan went, he didn't keep up?"Hermione asked worriedly, looking back and forth from time to time, nothing but darkness.

    "He may want to say a few words to Kreacher, or visit this house. Don't worry, there is no danger except for the portrait of my old mother. I will go to him later."Sirius said easily, "We are coming soon."

    After a dozen seconds, they came to a wide room deep underground.

    The scene in front of you is very spectacular. This room is like a huge library. The rows of bookshelves are full of books, all precious magic books.

    On the surrounding walls, there are green tapestries with black family badges and patterns. Although many places on the tapestry have been bitten by Doxy, the gold thread embroidered on it still shines like starlight.

    The most striking thing is the tapestry facing the stairs, which is very large and covers almost the entire wall.

    Sirius walked over and Harry and Hermione hurried to keep up.

    The more you go forward, the more you can discover the magnificence of this tapestry. Harry clearly sees a family tree with branches and branches, which can be traced back to the Middle Ages.

    But this is still not the top, there are still many branches.

    On the right side of the tapestry, top down, embroidered with a few golden characters: the noblest oldest Black family is always pure.

    “This is the genealogy of the Black family!”Sirius whispered, "In addition to this one, there is another piece in my mother's room. She regards these two genealogy as the most beloved baby. It is the most direct proof of the family's pure lineage history. She is still alive. At the time, only she can touch them, and no one else can touch it!"

    "You don't seem to be on it!"Harry hesitated and said that he looked at the bottom line of the genealogy.

    "I used to be above."Sirius pointed to a small round hole in the tapestry, like a burnt cigarette. "After I fled from home, my dear old mother destroyed me. I guess the same thing in her room. No accident, with my understanding of her, she will definitely do this."

    "You escaped from home?"Harry was amazed.

    "Yes, I was about sixteen that year."Sirius said in a plain tone, "I left home because I was fed up."

    "Where have you been?"Harry stared at him and asked.

    "Your father's house, Harry!"Sirius said, "Your grandparents are very understanding, they almost treat me as the second son. Yes, when I was on school, I lived in your father's house for the time being. When I was seventeen, I found a place for myself. My uncle Alphad left me a considerable amount of gold, and he was cleared from here, probably because of this. ”

    Sirius pointed to another small round hole in the tapestry and continued. "In any case, I have taken care of myself since then, but Mr. Potter and his wife always welcome me to dinner at their home every Saturday. They are all good people. ”

    "But why are you?"

    Moral crimes Running awaySirius smiled. "Because I hate all of them, they also hate me." You don't know, Harry. My parents, they are crazy about obsessive pure lineage, they believe that people who are Black are born to be noble. And my fool brother, his temperament is too weak, actually believe their words, that is him…"

    Sirius held out a finger and pointed to the name of the bottom of the family tree: Regulus Black.

    There is a date of death after the date of birth, about 13 years ago, that is, Voldemort fled, and Sirius was arrested a year before Azkaban.

    "He is smaller than me!"Sirius continued, with a hint of disdain in his mouth. "But, someone reminded me that his son is much better than me."

    "But he is dead."Harry said.

    "Yeah, I don't feel any surprise at all."Sirius said, “Stupid idiot, he joined the ranks of Death Eater.”

    You got to be kidding me.Harry and Hermione said in unison.

    "Hey, have you seen the situation of this house, don't you understand what kind of wizard is my family?"Sirius said impatiently.

    "Your, is your parents also Death Eater?"Harry hesitated and asked.

    "No, no, but believe me, they think Voldemort's claim is correct. They all agree to maintain the purity of the wizard lineage, get rid of the muggle heritage, and let the pure lineage people have the power."

    Harry and Hermione's look paler when they hear Sirius' words.

    "In this matter, they are not unique. Before Voldemort reveals his true face, many people think that his claim to some things is correct. Many pure-blooded wizard families who believe for a long time believe him and think that he Can re-direct them to find the glory of the past. However, when they found out that he had no choice but to gain power, they were timid and retreating. But I think, my parents must think that Regulus joined in the beginning, and he is a brave little hero. ”

    "Is he finally killed by Auror?"Harry asked not surely.

    "Oh, no!"Sirius said that the disdainful smile on his lips grew stronger. "He was killed by Voldemort, or more likely to be killed under Voldemort's instructions. I suspect that Regulus is not that important, and Voldemort needs to go to him. From what I learned after his death, he was already deep, and then he was afraid of what others wanted him to do and wanted to quit. Hey, this fool, it’s so naive when you were young, you can’t give Voldemort a resignation report. Either sell for life or die. ”

    It can be seen that although Sirius' tone is full of ridicule, there is still a trace of grief, and he is very concerned about the death of his younger brother.

    Otherwise, Sirius will not go to great lengths to investigate his death.

    Harry still wants to say something to comfort Sirius, but his scar suddenly hurts.

    He couldn't help but screamed and held his forehead with his hand.

    "What is it, Harry?"Sirius asked with concern, "Are you…"

    His words were not finished, and a scream of screams that suddenly passed down on the stairs was a scream of a man before his death.

    Sirius snorted and hurried to the top. Harry and Hermione followed, and Ivan was still there. Did he encounter any accidents? !

    They didn't know what was going on, especially Harry, who had an unusual ominous premonition, as if anything was approaching.

    This feeling he once had twice, that is, when facing Voldemort in the first grade and Tom Riddle's in the second grade, the voice just sounded like Voldemort's voice. At the thought that Voldemort might be in this house, Harry was almost suffocating and couldn't imagine it.

    They took out all the strength of the body, rushed to the top of the stairs at the fastest speed, and then collided with anything on the stairs.

    They all fell, and Sirius jumped up with the wand.

    Through the light of wand, he saw Ivan standing in front of himself in perfect condition, calm and not at all like a dangerous look.

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