216. Chapter 216 discovers Regulus

    Dumbledore knows that he must be careful, the temptation of power is infinite, and the more talented wizards on the path of magic, the easier it is to go astray.

    For most wizards, magic is just a wand and a few spells.

    Only a handful of wizards with superior talents know exactly what the essence of magic is and what the powerful magical power will bring to them.

    Powerful power and unconstrained ambition bring only disaster and destruction.

    Voldemort is the most obvious example, excellent casting talent and from Salazar Slytherin himself lineage, let him think he is Unique.

    He is superior, the arrogant heart has been expanding, and even at the end he thought he was God.

    Everything he does is self-centered, not considering the feelings of others, the dark growth trajectory, so that he does not know what love is.

    Look at the things he did in the past, want to kill others, advocating pure blood wizard's status power over the mudblood and muggle and so on.

    These things are not as noble as those promoted by Voldemort and Death Eater.

    In Dumbledore's view, the reason he did this was entirely because he wanted to do that. He wanted to prove that it was different.

    He therefore abuses his magic power and ignores life.

    In order to obtain eternal life, he even split the soul to make Horcrux.

    As early as twenty years ago, when Riddle, who had been missing for a long time, returned to Hogwarts with his new face and applied for the title of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Dumbledore felt keenly unstable.

    Dumbledore suspected that Riddle was doing some sort of evil dark magic research, and later showed that he was making Horcrux.

    The least hopeful thing happened, and Dumbledore didn't know how many times Voldemort had split his soul.

    This evil dark magic makes him an undead monster.

    Dumbledore looked at Ivan again, and so far they have destroyed two pieces of Horcrux.

    And these things are related to this child, this is a coincidence, or…

    In addition to this kind of coincidence, what surprised Dumbledore is that Ivan has already touched the path of strength. He is only the time.

    Ivan is as good as Tom Riddle in his school days, too much beyond his peers.

    The only thing to be thankful for is that he is different from Riddle. He has a complete family, has his own friends, knows what love is, and understands the meaning of life.

    From the current observations, Ivan cannot be the second Voldemort.

    Dumbledore's mouth showed a smile, what happened in Hogwarts a few days ago, although he didn't appear until the end, but he knew it all.

    What is most gratifying to him is Ivan's last choice in Peter Pettigrew's life and death.

    Even in the face of the threat of Acromantula, Ivan did not give up Peter Pettigrew to escape, but insisted on taking him away with him.

    Dumbledore was very pleased with Ivan's performance that night.

    He thought, maybe he should give this child more help.

    His age is already great, and once he has not succeeded in finding all of Voldemort's Horcrux, Ivan will be an indispensable boost.

    In the middle of the island, Ivan let go of the control of the stone giant while calculating his magic power consumption. With his current ability, it is still impossible to turn this cyan boulder into something more complicated, but it is no small success to be able to activate it.

    He is going to try other magic. If not everyone is here, Ivan interrupts and tries to summon the Demon's spell recorded in Secrets of the Darkest Art, which is the first time he has seen this magic.

    On the island, more and more Inferius emerged from the lake in all directions.

    Under their attack, everyone went backwards and gathered around the stone basin.

    Inferius is hard to destroy, their magic power has been exhausted, and Sirius, Ivan, Harry, and Hermione use various spells to delay their steps.

    The pressure is still getting bigger and bigger, and when everyone is about to hold on, Dumbledore shot, and his spells are exactly the same as Ivan.

    He waved wand, and four heavy black boulders floated from the ground, with huge friction, and instantly turned into four huge Trolls.

    It's not the unfinished state of Ivan. They are exactly the same as the real Troll. They barely see traces before the deformation. The four Trolls make a rude roar and hold a thick big stick in their hands as a weapon.

    Ivan looked at Dumbledore with surprise and found Dumbledore looking at himself calmly and signaling Ivan to pay attention to his next move.

    The wand in his hand danced in a strange trajectory, as if he was conducting a band.

    Under the control of Dumbledore, the Trolls rushed in four directions from the center of the island, ramming in the Inferius group.

    There were a few loud noises, and they were so powerful that many Inferius were directly hit back into the dark lake.

    The strong impact of the picture in front of the eyes, so that everyone feels a hearty feeling from the bottom of my heart.

    The Trolls were covered with Inferius, but they didn't take a step back. They were using their own bodies and Inferius to fight hard.

    Ivan looked at Dumbledore with horror, and he couldn't imagine how much magic power it would consume.

    After Dumbledore's shot, everyone was under a lot of pressure, and they focused on looking for Regulus in the dense Inferius group.

    Ivan's eyes swept over a dead, pale-faced, dead body, looking at them, unable to describe what it felt like in words.

    If you want to say something, it’s definitely awful.

    At this moment, Kreacher suddenly shouted, "Master Regulus, Kreacher found Master Regulus!"

    Ivan hurriedly looked in the direction of house elf. He saw a body of a 18-year-old boy who had just climbed out of the lake, wearing a black wizard robe different from the surrounding muggle, and a particularly obvious Black family on his chest. Family emblem.

    Regulus's appearance is very similar to that of the young Sirius. Under the influence of magic, he still maintains the moment before his death. There is almost no change. Compared with Sirius, it looks darker, but it is also healthier. ,Energetic.

    His body has been somewhat swollen because of the long time in the water.

    Like other Inferius, he looked around and walked toward the stone basin in the middle of the island, not recognizing who these people were standing in front of him.

    He is not the one who bravely resists Voldemort's hero, but a body that guards Voldemort's soul fragments under magical control.

    “Regulus !!!”Sirius shouted sternly, and the heartbreaking sound echoed in the dark cave.

    When other people haven't reacted, he has already rushed over. He desperately rushed into the Inferius group and wanted to pull Regulus out.

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