227. Chapter 227 Arrangement of Destiny

    In the dark alley, Ivan looked forward to seeing her.

    It can be seen that this girl does not intend to bite her own blood, her purpose has been reached, there should be no reason to leave myself here.

    Time has passed for a long time, and the continued stalemate is very unfavorable to her.

    However, she did not act, nor did she unlock the magic of Ivan. She stared at the red eyes and looked at Ivan, as if she was in a daze.

    "What else do you want to do?"Ivan was unlucky, and the Vampire girl was really bad. She seemed to have other things to say to herself.

    "Nothing, just after eating this piece of sugar, I seem to be more hungry!"She picked up a bloody lollipop and looked at it for a while. It was contained in her mouth and said vaguely. "The taste is a bit like, but there seems to be no real blood inside."

    Of course, there will be no real blood in the bloody lollipop, just this taste.

    If Honeydukes Sweetshop dares to use blood to make candy, it has long been to seal up.

    Ivan hid behind, and he noticed that the girl couldn't help but look at her neck position, as if there was a great attraction for her.

    Look at her look, at any time, it is possible to pounce on yourself.

    "Are you afraid?"The girl joked that her mouth was slightly upturned.

    "Not afraid, I am thinking about what you are going to do to let me go…"Ivan said hard, while trying to gather magic power, but it didn't work.

    The strange magic power fluctuations emitted by the red iron chain on his body prevented the magic power from running in his body.

    Because of the different sources of power, Vampire's magic is very different from normal wizard magic. If you don't know the magic principle, it's hard to crack.

    "Your courage is really big. My uncle said that ordinary people like you have natural fears for us, fear of contact with us, and jealous of our strength!"The girl's cold little hand touched the skin of Ivan's neck and said slowly, "If you are not afraid, let me take a bite. I haven't eaten anything since this morning."

    When the girl finished, she did not get the consent of Ivan's, and she lowered her head and approached Ivan, like a cute kitten lying on him.

    Ivan was able to see the two sharp teeth in her slightly open mouth, not very prominent, just like the normal girl's tiger teeth, but more obvious.

    "Wait a minute, don't bite…"Ivan hurriedly shouted. He looked at the girl who was getting closer and closer to himself and didn't know what to do.

    He struggled to shrink back, and the chain of his body made a constant noise.

    To be honest, he would rather face the sly Death Eater or the horrible Inferius than to deal with this unscrupulous Vampire girl.

    The strength of the other side is stronger than him, and there is no way to communicate.

    Ivan didn't feel it at Hogwarts before, but now I think about it, the magic circle is really full of danger everywhere.

    Who can think of, with the magic circle on the most prosperous street Diagon Alley, you can meet a Vampire casually? !

    It was a complete accident of Accio, an unexpected dangerous event.

    Fortunately fortunately, this girl looks a bit confused. If it is replaced by other Vampire, Ivan may have been sucked up to become a dry corpse.

    "My blood is not good. If you are hungry, I can lead you to find the blood of other animals. What flavor do you like?"Ivan said in a hurry.

    Waiting until the end, he realized that this topic is strange, he is actually discussing the taste of blood with the other party, as if to say what to eat this evening.

    "In addition to Dragon blood, I generally don't take the blood of other lower organisms. I just tried it. You are obviously scared, but you are not afraid! ”The girl swallowed again and forced herself not to stare at Ivan's neck. "My uncle said that it was true. The wizards were very embarrassed and there was no truth."

    Ivan is speechless. In fact, he can't tell at all whether the girl is telling the truth.

    Look at her appearance, it is almost hungry to faint, patience is very hard to resist blood, but can not honestly say no.

    Fortunately, if she is honest enough, it is a real misfortune for Ivan.

    The atmosphere is getting more active, not as embarrassing as the original, and girls are getting more and more words.

    "Don't worry, I will let you go."She curled up and sat next to Ivan, using her peculiar hoarse voice, and said pitifully, "I will leave here after I wait until that person." I will use Obliviate for you and let you forget what happened tonight. ”

    Damn, it’s Obliviate!

    In Ivan's opinion, this spell, though not a dark magic, is more evil than most dark magic.

    He didn't want to be an idiot who didn't know anything in the hospital like Lockhart.

    "Who are you waiting for?"He hurriedly asked, maybe this is an opportunity.

    Listening to the girl's tone, the person she waited for should not be Vampire. As long as it is a normal-minded wizard, I still have a chance.

    "I don't know. In the prophecy passed down by the family, I only mentioned that we will meet that person. He will help us and help the family out of the crisis."The girl shook her head. "I don't know where he is. Uncles have already set out to look for it. I want to help too. I will leave the family when no one is today." This street is the place with the most wizard. If it is fate, I believe I will meet him here…"

    Ivan blinked, and the girl's tone of speech is exactly the same as Professor Trelawny and the Centaur, but the illusion is prophecy.

    He doesn't know why there are so many magical creatures that believe in this kind of thing? !

    The result of prophecy is not absolute. This magical power that does not know where it comes from will only make people vaguely see some fragments. Each person has different understandings and understandings of these fragments, and adopt different coping strategies. The final result is very different.

    The most obvious example is about Voldemort and Harry's prophecy.

    If Voldemort didn't hear the prophecy and didn't take the initiative to choose Harry as his opponent, then a series of things would not happen.

    Ivan is not very convinced of these things.

    So far, counting the one that the girl just said, he already knows three true predictions.

    But compared with the first two prophecies he knows, this girl is too casual.

    Regarding the person she was looking for, although she said a lot, but think about it carefully, she actually knows nothing, just because she feels that she can meet someone who can be mentioned in the prophecy, she runs away from home. People came to all of the wizard's Diagon Alley and said that this is the fate of the arrangement…

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