232. Chapter 232 Firebolt

    By the time Ivan returned to Leaky Cauldron, Hermione had already returned, and she was sitting at the bar, absent-mindedly listening to Harry beside him.

    In front of the two people are filled with two large glasses of orange juice, constantly blowing bubbles.

    It looks very delicious, but neither of them seems to have a heart to drink juice.

    Hermione's face was ruddy, unconsciously playing with her own cup, and her mind repeatedly recalled the picture of Ivan kissing herself under the mistletoe.

    She did not expect that they really kissed me at the time! ! !

    That feeling seems to be good, Hermione still remembers the smell of Ivan.

    Of course, in addition to sweetness, now calm down and think about it, this behavior is too embarrassing.

    The more Hermione wanted to be redder, the more messy inside her head, and she didn't notice what Harry was sitting beside him.

    She doesn't know how to face Ivan in the future, is it going to continue like before, or…

    Because she was too shy, Hermione ran back to Leaky Cauldron without thinking about it. I thought Ivan would be back soon, but now that I haven’t seen Ivan’s for so long, she’s Become restless.

    She wasn't sure if she should go out and look for Ivan. He might still be waiting for himself in that alley, or because he suddenly left, Ivan was angry? !

    Maybe, you should explain it…

    Unlike Hermione, which is suffering from loss, Harry is now very high in nature.

    He looked around excitedly and laughed happily. It was the first time Harry had attended a Christmas party, and he was alone with Lupin, Sirius, Ivan, and Hermione. He was completely free and free from scruples and didn't have to talk so much.

    In his past 13 years of life, this kind of thing is simply unimaginable.

    At Dursley's house, every Christmas he was sadly sitting next to Dudley, eating aunt Petty to give him those bad food, enviously watching Dudley show off the Christmas gifts he received, or hiding under the stairs. In the cupboard, a person is alone in a daze.

    Even if you have been at Hogwarts for Christmas in the past two years, there is no such feeling.

    In Harry's opinion, this year's Christmas is the best. Even better, he just received a Christmas gift from Sirius.

    He originally thought that Sirius had forgotten this thing, and he still had some loss.

    He knows that this does not blame Sirius. There are so many things happening today, especially after the events of Regulus, Sirius must be sad.

    Harry never dreamed that Sirius not only did not forget this, he did not prepare a Christmas gift for himself.

    And this gift is still a real Firebolt, exactly the same as he used to watch and dream of every day during Diagon Alley.

    It was incredible, and Harry couldn't believe it until now.

    He knows the price of Firebolt, which is an astronomical number. As Ivan said, a Firebolt may be more expensive than the brooms of all Hogwarts students, even if Malfoy would not receive such a valuable Christmas gift.

    Firebolt has gone beyond the general gift range, and the amazingly world-class broomstick is an art collection.

    Only those genuine Quiddich players are eligible to own it.

    Now, I actually have a Firebolt!

    Harry had dreamt countless times, but eventually he woke up in a cruel reality. He thought he would be satisfied with his beloved Nimbus 2000!

    When the Nimbus was smashed into wreckage by Whomping Willow two months ago against Hufflepuff, Harry once thought that his life had lost its meaning.

    But now, Sirius gave him a Firebolt.

    Harry will never forget the scene in his life, although Sirius has repeatedly explained that this Firebolt is the compensation he had previously appeared in the Quiddich venue in the form of Animagus, scaring himself to accidentally slide down the broom.

    But Harry knew that it didn't blame him. He just wanted to see what he was doing during the game, all because of the dementor, and his Nimbus 2000 eventually became shattered.

    Looking at the restless Sirius, Harry didn't know what to say.

    He just held the other side, exhausted all his strength, mixed with joy and moved tears out of control.

    From Sirius, Harry felt a long-lost relationship.

    He sat excitedly in front of the bar, staring at the passage of Diagon Alley, ready to wait for Ivan to come back, and Ivan was the first to look at his Firebolt.

    Ivan just pushed the door open into Leaky Cauldron and saw that Harry and Hermione ran towards themselves. Both of them were very fast, as if there was anything to say.

    He is kneeling in the same place. What is the situation? !

    He now has his head filled with things related to Vampire, and he is ready to pay attention to collecting some magic books about Vampire and learn more about their magic.

    If that is called Elaine's girl, he will not be so passive.

    Ivan's thoughts forcibly removed from Vampire and looked at Harry and Hermione, who looked strange in front of them. I don't know what happened to them. !

    Harry smiled as if he had something happy.

    Hermione standing behind him was ruddy and looked very unnaturally. This girl must still be thinking about what had just happened.

    Ivan just looked at her and she hurriedly removed her gaze.

    As if she realized that her behavior was wrong, Hermione took a deep breath and shook her fist in the air.

    In the next second, her gaze moved back and she took the courage to look back at Ivan.

    Hermione's expression also returned to normal, except that before the face was a little rosy, the others looked exactly the same when it was peaceful.

    In fact, the surface of Hermione seems to be unpredictable, but deep inside is choppy.

    When Ivan finally stopped looking at herself, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

    Ivan didn't know the actual state of Hermione. To be honest, he was slightly disappointed.

    If it wasn't for the Vampire girl who didn't know where it came from, he was going to confess to Hermione tonight.

    This is a rare opportunity, but now I missed it!

    Although it is a pity, Ivan thinks about it, this is the familiar Hermione.

    The Japanese leader, he suddenly looked forward to the ball next Christmas…

    Beside them, Harry didn't notice the anomaly of the two people. He said happily, "Come on, Ivan, I will show you something…"

    He glared at Ivan and went upstairs, and Hermione followed behind the two.

    To see whatIvan said strangely, "What happened, why are you laughing so happy?

    “I just received the Sirius gift, it’s incredible. Guess what Sirius sent me?”Harry turned to look at Ivan.

    "I know, it's Firebolt!"Ivan is amazed, no wonder Harry is excited to be like this.

    He had known this for a long time. If it weren't for so many things happening today, Sirius estimated that he had already taken the gift out and didn't wait until now.

    "How come you know?"Harry looked at Ivan in surprise.

    "You forgot, on the last day of the Christmas holiday, I used to secretly accompany Hermione to Hogsmeade. I saw Sirius, who was fleeing there, and saw him risking being caught. He went to the Owl Post Office to order the broom. ”Ivan explained, "I thought you had already received it!"

    I heard Ivan's explanation and thought that Sirius had paid so much for himself, and Harry looked even more moved.

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