290. Chapter 290 Buckbeak and the new plan

    Ivan and Hermione walked over to the fire and heard Ron trying to comfort Harry.

    "You will perform well!"Ron said, "You have Firebolt!"

    Yeah.Harry nodded as if his stomach was groaning. "I have Firebolt, but Malfoy…"

    Harry didn't seem to have much confidence. Before Ivan and Hermione said anything, Wood suddenly stood up and shouted, "Team, sleep!"

    This seems to be a signal, and everyone feels like a sigh of relief.

    Suddenly, the entire public lounge became empty. In order not to disturb the rest of the players, other students also returned to their respective bedrooms early.

    Ivan visually checked Hermione back to the bedroom. He sat alone in the unoccupied common room for a while, and his thoughts moved from the upcoming Quiddich final to Acromantula.

    Just when he thought about it, the door to the public restroom was opened.

    Colin panted out from the outside and held a thick table in his hand.

    "What is in your hand?"Ivan asked curiously.

    "With regard to the electives next year, you know, the third grade needs to add a few lessons."Colin pulled out a form and handed it to Ivan. "I just returned from the Professor McGonagall office. She originally planned to come over and announce it, but considering that tomorrow is the Quiddich final, let me bring the form and promotional materials back."

    He walked over and posted a big notice on the bulletin board next to the fireplace, and Ivan saw the first one on Divination.

    Like the cover of Unfogging the Future, after introducing the information about Professor Trelawny and Divination, the notice shows a huge black dog standing in the fog, like the Sirius' Animagus form, representing the misfortune and disaster. Ominous.

    If you can, Ivan didn't want to waste any time on this class.

    But when he thought of those unpleasant prophecies, he had to change his mind and decided to follow Professor Trelawny as much as he had planned before, so that he could keep abreast of the clues and deal with the illusory future that he had changed by himself.

    "Which course are you going to choose?"Colin said, "I just looked at it briefly. There are a lot of options to choose from. Professor McGonagall suggests that we should consider it carefully."

    "I haven't thought about it yet, but Divination is a must!"Ivan grabbed the quill on the table and made a check in front of Divination.

    "You actually chose Divination!"Colin said with amazement, "I thought you, like Hermione, always thought that Professor Trelawny was a liar."

    "Most of the time, but there is no denying that in rare cases, she can really make real predictions, and it is extremely important. This is why I chose this course."Ivan explained, “And I have to admit that this class is very easy to get high scores. Whether you really see what the future is, just keep predicting that you will be unfortunate, and Professor Trelawny likes to look at it. ”

    "I don't have any idea, but I know that Harry also chose Divination. Since both of you have chosen, it should not be wrong."Colin also made a stroke on his own form and asked indefinitely, "Right, what class did Harry choose?"

    Looking at him, he seems to be planning to choose exactly the same course as Harry. Although they are very familiar with each other, Colin is still the most admired supporter of Harry in all the young wizards of Hogwarts, and he is even more fanatical and persistent in some respects than Ginny.

    “Care of Magical Creatures, Hagrid is a professor of this course, and he is always loyal to bringing some bizarre magical creatures to the classroom.”

    "Yes, I remembered it!"Colin slightly raised his voice and suddenly realized, "Hagrid and his monster friend, the hippogriff called Buckbeak. I've read the articles you and Hermione wrote, and at the beginning of the semester, I learned Malfoy's meal and did what I wanted to do. ”

    "hippogriff!"Ivan suddenly flashed in the mind.

    "Buckbeak is good, but I hope that Hagrid still doesn't bring it to the classroom. It looks terrible."Colin went on to say, "I saw in the book that ancient wizards usually used this flying monster to travel. In medieval Europe, such legends were often circulated, some people riding one…"

    Colin began telling Ivan about a legend that he had heard of when he was a child, about the monsters like hippogriff circulating in the muggle world.

    Ivan can be sure that Colin is absolutely confusing the magical creatures of hippogriff and griffin, because the protagonists in these legends are all griffin, a lion-like body with claws, an eagle's head and Wings, creatures with feathers and coats of the sun.

    Magic circle It is widely believed that griffin is the result of an ancient warlock's test in a dangerous enchantment, which is far more dangerous than hippogriff.

    In recent years, through the research of magical creature scientists, another new theory has emerged, that is, hippogriff is the descendant of griffin and horse, and male griffin mates with the mare to produce hippogriff.

    However, the credibility of this statement is very low. It can be seen from the historical documents handed down that griffin has always despised the horses, so their combination is unusual.

    There is even a saying in the medieval magic circle: don't try to match griffin and horse, meaning nothing.

    Therefore, as a descendant of the combination of the two, the hippogriff itself is also a symbol of miracles or love.

    These are purely academic conjectures. The current magic circle can hardly find a living griffin to verify this. This historically famous magical creature has long since disappeared and is only circulated in the magnificent myths and legends.

    Ivan didn't have to say this to Colin. They weren't doing academic research, but Colin mentioned hippogriff and Buckbeak, but he gave him a wake up. He could use Buckbeak to fly into Aragog's Lair.

    There are many drawbacks to broomstick, such as the inability to carry around, the unstable performance caused by driving, the inability to safely exit after killing Aragog, etc. There is no such problem in riding Buckbeak.

    Hippogriff's highly intelligent, able to hear the language and expression of the white wizard, it can bring Ivan to the territory of Acromantula, and after all things have been done, take him away.

    Moreover, Buckbeak itself has some attack power, which can help Ivan, not Ivan, when fighting with Acromantula, to worry about it.

    Using hippogriff Buckbeak instead of broomstick, Ivan thought more and more that this idea worked.

    If it is not too late, he wants to try it now.

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