327. Chapter 325 attempts to interpret

    Even if it can't compete with the horrible monster and the strength of Salazar Slytherin, the sudden increase in power still makes Ivan's confidence increase.

    He was immersed in joy and happy, just like Harry won the Quiddich Cup.

    Now is not the horrific era of war, the dark wizard and the dangerous magical creatures that existed thousands of years ago. The wizard no longer needs powerful magic power and combat skills.

    As civilization progresses, the overall strength of the magic circle is gradually weakening.

    Don't talk about evil, the dark magic that everyone smells, and the white magic that is so complicated and demanding, such as the Patronus spell. Even the most common duel spells are not mastered.

    Speaking, no one can believe that many of the Ministry of Magic employees can't even use Shield Charm.

    They only know the common spells related to their work and life.

    It is undeniable that with the development of the times, these convenient curses have indeed made great progress, and after continuous experimentation and modification, they have reached the perfect state. With them, the wizard can do almost anything that he wants to do.

    The negative effect that comes with it is that the ancient, esoteric, and unpopular magic is gradually forgotten.

    The wizard has lower and lower requirements for its own magic power. In addition to the refining potion, they no longer need complex casting materials to assist the casting. Most wizards even think that casting is as simple as casting a spell and waving a wand.

    In this case, Ivan's current magic power level is enough to squeeze into the ranks of first-class wizards.

    Considering his age, it is even more promising.

    As long as you don't encounter Dumbledore, Voldemort, or a horrible monster hidden in an underground cave, in theory, he is now fearless.

    After trying to use a few spells that he couldn't cast in the past, Ivan, who was in ecstasy, thought so, but he quickly found himself wrong. He is still afraid of one person, that is Hermione!

    Lying in the hospital bed, Ivan had a headache and looked at Hermione with a cold face, especially when she saw her stubborn little face and tears in her eyes, she didn't know what to do.

    As usual, Hermione first said Ivan a few words.

    He didn't dare to refute, oh Hermione didn't pay attention, and made a face to Harry and Ron, hoping to mix it.

    But he apparently misjudged the severity of the situation, and Hermione cried as she spoke, which was beyond Ivan's knowledge.

    "You promised me before, if you go to risk doing something, you will be notified."Hermione wiped her tears and choked. "When you hear that you are alone in Aragog's Lair to save Malfoy, do you know how worried I am?"

    "Sorry, Hermione, the situation…"Ivan explained with a headache.

    “Sirius just told me that there are powerful dark forces in addition to the group of Acromantula, which is very evil!”Hermione sobbed. "The monster, not the young wizard of our age…"

    "I am very good, Hermione, I came out safely, not only did not get hurt, but also got a lot of gains."Ivan comforted and hurriedly asked Harry and Ron for help.

    But the two of them stupidly stood there and didn't know what to do.

    "Ivan, you are such a bastard!"Hermione slammed Ivan.

    Then when everyone didn't respond, her whole person suddenly squatted on Ivan, her arms around his neck, completely collapsed, and crying badly.

    "Yes, I am still a jerk!"Ivan gently said.

    There was a blank inside his head, and he patted her head to show comfort.

    The process lasted for a long time, and Hermione squinted her nose and stood up blushingly. Harry and Ron hurriedly pretended not to see anything.

    After venting, she looks much better, at least able to communicate sensibly.

    Ivan was able to tell the three of them about their experiences in Aragog's lair, and he would repeat what he said to Dumbledore and the other professors.

    "Salazar Slytherin's apparition has subdued that monster?!"Harry said puzzledly, "But why did he leave this stuff in Forbidden Forest?"

    "Do you still use it? I know that it is the old madman. He must want to kill all the students."Ron said in a sigh of relief, "The first is basilisk, then the eyeball monster. Who knows how many such monsters he has hidden in the school?!"

    "Maybe I will bring back those stones to help answer this secret, we can try to interpret it."Ivan took a few pieces and said, "I promised Dumbledore. If there is anything new, I will inform him the first time."

    What are we going to do?Ron hurriedly asked.

    After listening to Ivan saying that there might be a powerful magic spell left by Salazar, he kept staring at the stones.

    Although he does not like Slytherin, he does not reject the hope of becoming stronger.

    "Because Salazar's last cast is using Parseltongue."Ivan explained, “So, I suspect that the text above can only be identified with Parseltongue!”

    "Parseltongue ?!"Harry snorted.

    "I don't know the text of Parseltongue."Hermione is close to some, not sure, "but at the very least, I have never seen such an ancient magic language."

    "This is definitely not a magic language. I have checked it before. They are exactly the same as the words on Slytherin's locket."Ivan took out the locket too.

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione took another look at the locket, and their faces were different.

    Just as Sirius was still there, they had already tried it and knew that Ivan was getting powerful magic power from this locket.

    But no one except Ivan can feel the power of it.

    Despite this, everyone dare not underestimate this humble locket.

    It is Salazar Slytherin's personal belongings, and was once selected by Voldemort as Horcrux, this time in the underground remains to help Ivan defeat the horrible monster.

    This locket is not ordinary, no accident, it may be the most magical item they have ever seen, most likely a legendary magical artifact.

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione stared at Slytherin's locket for a moment, trying to sense the power of it.

    But as before, there is still nothing to feel.

    What are we waiting for?

    Ron regained his gaze and pointed to the stone with the words urging. "Harry, give it a try, see if you can recognize what is written on it."

    How can I contribute?Harry wondered, he couldn't understand what was written on the stones, and the words couldn't be connected.

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