350. Chapter 348 Challenge begins

    Since you can't escape, you can only choose to face the so-called evil god.

    Ivan made up his mind and decided to face it calmly. He thought that the Centaur Presbyterians would reveal some information and tell them about each other's specific situation.

    But unexpectedly, the other party did not speak again.

    The old Centaur and the Margaret standing beside him all looked up and looked at the night sky quietly.

    Following their gaze, Ivan noticed the unusually bright Mars, and the moon of blood that was not far below.

    After watching it for a while, he looked back at the crack on the statue…

    About twenty minutes later, Sirius, Harry, Ron, and Hermione rushed over and they were shocked by the huge statues in front of them.

    Sirius is okay, he has seen it once.

    But Harry, Ron, and Hermione were the first time, and they couldn't help but talk.

    This time, the elder Centaur did not explain it any more. He looked particularly tired and didn't even say a word. He just waved his hand to mark Margaret.

    "If you want to get the above thing, you must pass the test."Margaret said loudly, he stepped forward and pointed to an obsidian table with a complicated pattern in front of the huge statue. "The people who want to challenge just stand there in the past."

    This seems to be the core of the Gryffindor's magic, and Ivan can feel the most intense magic power response except for the top item.

    All the power from the stars is gathered here and then transmitted to the top of the statue.

    Margaret said it was simple, and Sirius explained the method in detail.

    "It sounds very simple. Just stand on this table and you can do it."Ron wrinkled his nose and said, "I thought I was going to fight Troll to prove my courage…"

    "That is a complex phantom magic, and it must show unparalleled courage in it to pass the test."

    "I know that no matter what you see, just don't be afraid!"Ron nodded. "It's not that hard, is it?!"

    Several people whispered a moment, because Ron volunteered, and finally decided to let him go up and try, then Hermione, Harry.

    Ivan is the last one because he wants the most.

    Ron gazed at the red glow above the statue and couldn't wait to get to the front of the table and stepped up and stepped up.

    In the next second, the red light group above flashes clearly.

    Along the lines on the platform's ground slate, countless bright lights quickly come together in all directions.

    The flamboyant pattern glows and the ancient magic is activated.

    Standing in the center of Shitai, Ron's expression was sluggish and his eyes were full of confusion.

    He seemed to be somewhat confused, and then became extremely frightened, as if he saw something terrible.

    His expression was twisted, struggling, and extremely painful.

    Ivan, they all stared at Ron, looked nervous, didn't know what he saw in the illusion, why did he show such an expression.

    Because of fear, Hermione involuntarily leaned against Ivan.

    On the stone platform, Ron has reached the limit and he seems to want to escape.

    The next second, a burst of blue brilliance flashed, he was bounced out and fell outside the stone platform.

    FailedMargaret said with a blank expression.

    "Ron, have you seen anything?"Everyone rushed to get past.

    "It's Acromantula, there are thousands of them, and they all come to me."Ron gasped and gasped, and there was a cry in his voice. "I told myself not to be afraid. These are just illusions. They are all fake, but they are really biting me. I want to tear me apart. I want to run away." …."

    "This phantom magic is similar to Boggart. It can look at the hidden fears in the deepest part of a person's heart and then clarify it."Sirius said, “Ron is afraid of spiders. All he sees in it is Acromantula.”

    "I originally thought that the other party was a blogger. I used magic, but it didn't work. ”Ron said his body was still shaking.

    "It's not that simple. I said before that the things inside are real and won't be cracked by a magic. Your experience has confirmed this once again."Sirius repeats, “No matter what you see inside, they are all real illusions!”

    Godric Gryffindor's quality is courage. In the face of any difficulty, only when you are brave enough to go forward, it is possible to pass his left behind test.

    But it's not as simple as not being afraid. Sirius said that everything in the illusion is real, and the courage of recklessness is just a dead end.

    "It's really hard. Those Acromantula want to tear me apart. I even feel the pain they bite on my lap, exactly the same."Ron said with dismay that he couldn't help but touch his right leg.

    There is where he was bitten by Acromantula in the illusion.

    "Well, the next challenger."Margaret urged the road impatiently.

    Ivan, Harry, and Hermione glanced at each other, and then Hermione walked cautiously forward.

    She was thinking about what she was most afraid of. On this occasion, if Professor McGonagall came out and told her that all the test scores were not passed, it didn't seem to be worrying.

    However, it must not be that simple.

    Standing in front of the black stone platform, Hermione seemed to hesitate, and she looked back at Ivan.

    "Come on, Hermione!"Ivan quickly walked over and hugged Hermione tightly.

    Feeling the temperature of Ivan's body, Hermione nodded and turned red on the stone. Just as Ron went up, a flash of light flashed.

    Except for a little surprise, Hermione's expression did not change much.

    Immediately, she frowned and her face was full of seriousness, like analyzing the professor's left behind question during class or reading a magic book.

    "You said, what will Hermione encounter?"Harry asked indefinitely.

    "I don't know, except that the exam failed, I can't imagine that anything would make her feel scared."Ron took a deep breath and objectively commented, "To be honest, she has almost no weakness."

    "I hope Hermione will succeed, or I may see countless dementors or…"Harry didn't go on, he was cold.

    What should he do if he encounters Voldemort in an illusion? !

    The time passed by, the expression on Hermione's face still did not change much, but the time to frown was getting longer and longer, as if there was any trouble that was difficult to solve.

    Everyone looked at him nervously, and Ron was still there to take Acromantula.

    From the Hermione station to the stone platform, it took about half an hour to go, and finally a burst of blue brilliance flashed, and Hermione was bounced off the stone platform.

    FailedHermione said calmly, not much surprised.

    "What did you see inside?"Everyone asked, "Is Acromantula, or Professor McGonagall?"

    None of theseHermione shook her head. "In the illusion, I returned to Hogwarts and returned to the castle. I have never seen a male professor give me a lecture in class, and then ask me questions…"

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