445. Chapter 442 is angry

    The little kitchen was in a mess, and everyone was excited to talk about Dudley becoming a pig.

    Fred and George are complacent about the mischievous props they have developed this summer.

    They made a lot of transfiguration candy, which can make the consumer become a small animal such as pigs, rabbits and dogs.

    Perhaps because of the lack of magic power in the candy, the consumer can only make an animal special in an organ of the body.

    Not a complete change, but it makes these variants of mischievous candy more interesting.

    Harry and Ron think these things are great, and Charlie and Bill are also very interested.

    Only Hermione looked unhappy, and she thought that the things Fred and George made were very dangerous.

    She did not listen to Ivan's explanation, and it was obviously angry.

    Hermione was angry that Ivan knew that Fred and George's prank did not stop Dudley from eating the candy.

    In fact, she is not talking to Ivan now.

    She just squinted, her long eyelashes twitching slightly, glaring at Ivan without saying a word.

    Ivan had some guilty conscience and didn't look at her. Hermione is now like the serious Professor McGonagall.

    Just as Ivan thought about how to be happy with Hermione, there was a slight burst in the air.

    Then, Mr. Weasley's sound and shadow suddenly popped out of George.

    He looked mad, and his face with a smile was now full of anger.

    "This is not a joke!"He muttered, "Fred, George, what did you eat for the boy?"

    "We didn't give him anything."Fred said with a smirk on his face, "We just accidentally fell to the ground when we went upstairs to carry our luggage. Who told him to pick it up and eat it, can't blame us."

    "Yes, we don't know that the sugar was taken away by him. We just came back early!"George added.

    "Don't think I don't know, you deliberately gave that piece of sugar to him!"Mr. Weasley roared. "You know he will definitely eat. You know that the muggle boy is losing weight…"

    "What happened in the end?"Fred asked urgently, "Is he a pig?"

    "I only grew pig nose and pig tail, I have already changed him back!"Mr. Weasley said with no anger, "His parents were frightened and it was a mess."

    Thinking of Dudley's funny look, Harry and Weasley brothers laughed again.

    "Enough, this is not a joke!"Mr. Weasley shouted angrily. "You have seriously impaired the relationship between wizard and muggle!" I have devoted my life to the work of ill-treatment muggle, and my own sons…"

    "We didn't give it to him because he was a muggle!"Fred said angrily.

    "Yeah, we teased him because he specifically bullied people."George said, "Yes, Harry?"

    "Yes, he is like that, Mr. Weasley. ”Harry said very seriously.

    The issue is not that.Mr. Weasley whispered, "Let's wait, I want to tell your mother…"

    "tell me what?"There was a voice behind them.

    Mrs. Weasley just walked into the kitchen, her eyes narrowing, revealing a skeptical look.

    "Hello, Harry, dear, you are here!"She saw Harry and smiled and said hello.

    Then she came over and hugged Hermione and whispered, "Hello, Hermione, have a good holiday?!"

    When it is my turn, Mrs. Weasley's expression seems to be a bit stiff.

    It didn't look like Harry and Hermione with a smile, but it didn't look too happy.

    Obviously, she is also angry with Ivan's.

    Ivan was puzzled for a while, he didn't know Mrs. Why did Weasley see that she would be such an expression?

    What is going on today, how are you all angry with yourself.

    But in the end, Mrs. Weasley still embraced Ivan with a smile and seemed to forgive him.

    Then she turned her eyes on her husband.

    "Tell me, Arthur, what the hell is going on?"She doubted, "What are you talking about?"

    Although it is with Mr. Weasley spoke, but her eyes were always watching Fred and George.

    Mr. Weasley hesitated, and it can be seen that although he is angry with Fred and George, he does not really intend to tell Mrs. Weasley.

    In that case, the two of them will definitely be miserable.

    Mr. Weasley looked at his wife nervously, and no one spoke for a while.

    Ivan felt someone coming behind him and he looked back and saw Ginny.

    Like two months ago, Ginny's figure is still very petite, just becoming more beautiful.

    She smiled and greeted Ivan, then turned her eyes to Harry on the other side of the table.

    Harry also smiled at her, and Ginny immediately blushed.

    Everyone knows that Ginny is very fascinated by Harry, she is Harry's most loyal admirer.

    "Quickly say, Arthur, what the hell is going on?"Mrs. Weasley asked again, and the tone was a little scary.

    "Nothing, Molly," Mr. Weasley vaguely said, "Fred and George, I have already taught…"

    "What did they do this time?"Mrs. Weasley said, "If it's related to Wes Magic tricks…"

    Ivan heard a bad voice, he didn't know Mrs. How did Weasley know about this?

    Since visiting The Burrow two years ago, Fred and George have been working on making pranks.

    However, this matter is secretly carried out.

    To be precise, only Mrs. Weasley was alone in the drums.

    She certainly won't support Fred and George to do this kind of thing. In her opinion, this is a performance that is not doing business.

    Needless to say, the two things they make are all dangerous, which makes them even more unreliable.

    Think about it a bit, Ivan guessed Mrs. Weasley just saw that she would be like that.

    In the development of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, he can be said to be the most contributor.

    He gave Fred and George a lot of ideas, as well as initial research and development costs and sales channel support.

    Needless to say, he is also preparing to introduce alchemy.

    If Mrs. Weasley knows all about it, and she complains that Ivan is not an accident.

    To seduce their sons to do these unscrupulous things, she did not drive Ivan out of her home, it is already a kind enough performance.

    Maybe, this is just looking at Ivan's face.

    If you switch to someone else, things don't know how bad it will be.

    The atmosphere in the air is getting more and more nervous, watching Mrs. Weasley's more and more grim expression, everyone smells a little bad.

    Only Hermione stands alone at Mrs. On Weasley's side, she agreed to nod and seemed to think so.

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