455. Chapter 452 The Gates of the New World

    Several people gathered around the portkey and held a finger to touch the quaffle.

    It’s time to go, they are waiting quietly…

    Mr. Weasley took out his pocket watch, staring at the time with one eye, whispering, "three, two, one!"

    As soon as the voice fell, several people began to spin up quickly.

    Under the traction of portkey's strength, they were spinning, their feet left the field and flew into the air.

    This time without the curse, Ivan was keenly aware of the change in magic power in the air.

    The scene around them began to blur and fade away.

    The next second, Ivan found that she did not go directly to the destination, but entered a strange space.

    Everything around seems to be composed entirely of magic power, and the colorful light is distorted in everything.

    Ivan has a strange feeling that can't be explained. This place, this space has a strange familiarity.

    Harry, Hermione, Sirius and others disappeared, only Ivan was here.

    He looked around and soon remembered that it was like the soul in the fallen Centaur vestige, which was drawn into the quirky illusion space.

    Although the surrounding scenery is different, the two places seem to be the same in nature.

    Nothing wrong, Ivan still remembers the sky he had seen at the time, exactly like this.

    There, all colors and objects are distorted, and distance, time, and space seem to have lost meaning.

    In the physics theory of muggle, there is the concept of "high dimensional space".

    Unlike the real world where human beings live by three-dimensional space and time, high-dimensional space is more advanced.

    In general, it is like you painted a tiger on paper.

    If you want to trap it, just draw a circle around the tiger on paper.

    The tiger on the paper can't come out from inside because it only exists in two-dimensional space.

    And so on, three-dimensional tiger plus height.

    That way, a real cage is needed to trap it, and the two-dimensional cage has no effect.

    In terms of dimensions, 3D is obviously more advanced than 2D.

    The three dimensions are combined, which is the limit that humans can perceive.

    The fourth dimension is time, which is a more advanced dimension.

    Although humans don't perceive it, time affects everyone all the time.

    Time can be recorded by the clock.

    With Time-Turner, the wizards can travel at different times.

    But because this dimension is more advanced, the entire shuttle process is extremely dangerous and has many taboos.

    Ivan has returned to Hogwarts before the millennium, which is already very, very deep magic.

    He didn't feel much at first, but the more he knew about it, the more he could feel it.

    How incredible it was to experience the experience two years ago.

    Perhaps, as long as the high-level wizards of the four founders of Hogwarts can use that kind of magic.

    Of course, time is the fourth dimension, not the end of everything.

    Going up, there are still more advanced dimensions.

    There, the low-level dimension, whether it is the space or time that humans are familiar with, will lose its meaning.

    Just like a real tiger and a tiger on paper, the tiger on paper is naturally lower.

    For everyone, it is just a painting.

    So the living creatures living in high-dimensional space will also have this feeling when looking at humans living in low-dimensional space.

    The more advanced the dimension is, the more difficult it is to describe it in words.

    But with the launch of portkey, Ivan is now entering this different space, as if it were in a higher dimension.

    He looked around curiously and found such an absurd idea in his mind.

    Here, his senses are completely ineffective, because this is beyond the limits that his body can perceive.

    For others, whether it's using Apparition or portkey, there will be a short gap in memory.

    That gap, which happened in this different space, because they could not perceive it.

    I don't know if Ivan was once brought into a different space by evil god, or because he is now more sensitive to magic power changes.

    All in all, Ivan is now able to clearly see everything around him.

    Instead of using the eyes, but from the soul, he is using the soul to perceive.

    He is not lost like everyone else, just feels a flower in front of him and arrives at his destination.

    Through the perception of the soul, Ivan can clearly see the panoramic view of this different space.

    Undoubtedly, this belongs to the real world, but it does exist.

    Ivan had a strange thought in his mind, and he remembered where the evil god said they were born.

    Ancient warlocks once entered it, and apparently do not belong to the real world, otherwise the evil gods have long destroyed the world.

    Perhaps they exist in such a high-dimensional heterogeneous space.

    Just like the different space that the wizard has to enter every time Apparition and portkey are used.

    Compared to all magical creatures, the power and presence of evil gods is clearly more advanced.

    And they and the shape of the monsters created are mostly unspeakable.

    This is because they are creatures that exist in high latitudes and cannot be represented in low dimensions.

    By the way, Slytherin left a slate map of the temple where Herpo the Foul was located.

    Ivan originally thought that there was ancient Greece, but he and Hermione carefully compared, that place does not exist in the real world.

    Inferring along this line of thought, there may be a different space that is different from reality.

    Think about it, as the historical cruelest dark wizards, Herpo the Foul transformed his body into an evil god.

    This gives him the ability to use certain evil gods, such as entering a dream, directly acting on the mind, and so on.

    If so, he may also be able to use the ability to cross different spaces like the real evil god.

    The temple he built is in such a different space.

    This is incredible, but the complicated ideas in Ivan's mind have become extraordinarily clear.

    To understand this, all the ambiguous mysteries can be put together to form an amazing truth.

    A wider world of magical world, slowly opening in front of Ivan's eyes.

    He feels that his inspiration is becoming clearer and clearer. The evil god is coming to the world, that is to say, from this different space to the real world, in addition to the need for enough flesh and blood, there is also a large supply of magic power in Philosopher's Stone. .

    Whether it's Philosopher's Stone or evil god, it's in the Book of Abraham.

    This is currently the only magic book that ancient warlocks have survived in the world.

    It is the only way to know the powerful forces that once had the power to destroy the land, and the wizards of many magical magic.

    Thousands of years ago, they had entered the space where the evil god was, perhaps this is the clue they left behind.

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