465. Chapter 462 Ivan's Trouble

    Behind Wood, they also saw Cedric and their sons, who were preparing to visit the Quiddich venue in advance.

    Cedric Diggory is about seventeen years old and is a very handsome boy.

    At Hogwarts, he is the captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff House Quiddich Team.

    To put it simply, it is the enemy of the Gryffindor Quiddich team.

    Especially considering that they defeated the Gryffindor team in the first Quiddich competition last year, which made everyone not so welcome.

    Fred and George didn't even say hello, they haven't forgiven him until now.

    Cedric's father is Amos Diggory, a red-faced wizard with a brown beard.

    He works in the Ministry of Magic Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and Mr. Weasley is very familiar.

    I can see that he is proud of his son.

    Amos stared at Harry and Sirius very politely for a long time, especially the scar on Harry's forehead.

    "Of course, Cedric talked about you."Amos · Diggory said, "He told us about his game with you last year. I told him that this thing can be told to your grandchildren when you are old. It's amazing, you defeated Harry Potter!"

    Defeating Harry Potter, this is indeed a provocative discourse.

    Sirius looked at him unfriendly, and Fred and George frowned.

    It’s a bit embarrassing that only Cedric is standing there.

    "Harry fell from the broom, Dad!"He whispered, "I told you, it was an accident…"

    "Yeah, but you didn't fall, right?"Amos affectionately loudly, while patted the Son's back, "you are always so modest, a gentleman, can understand the weak sympathy is a rare virtue, but the winner is always the best, I am sure Harry will say so, one from the broom fell down, the other steady on the top, Without the brains of a genius, you can tell who is the better flying home! ”

    This sentence is really ill, and almost everyone's look becomes ugly.

    "Okay, I need some water!"Mr. Weasley hurry and said, take out a large bottle full of dust. "Children, can you bother to come back? You can take this opportunity to stroll around the camp without paying attention to time."

    In Mr. Weasley's insistence, they set off very quickly, and everyone looked unhappy.

    "Unbelievable, that guy actually said that he defeated Harry, if not those dementor…"Ron complained.

    "Dad is always like this, he is too old and good!"Fred shook the kettle hard.

    "If it were me, just rush to the Cedric and give him a lesson!"George followed.

    The rest did not express their opinions, but they did not object to what George said, even including Hermione.

    Of course, she looks a bit abnormal today and is no longer eager to express her views as before.

    Since the incident last night, she has been trying to avoid Ivan all morning and has not spoken to him.

    Even with occasional gaze, it was quickly turned away from the face.

    Hermione is embarrassed, the girls are like this, the face is thin…

    This is the main reason for her abnormality. She is not angry because Ivan climbed into her bed. This is a good omen.

    Even if Ivan is stupid, I know that I should be chasing after this time, and it may have an unexpected effect.

    However, there is no chance!

    From the morning to the present, there are no opportunities for two people to be alone.

    If you have anything, you can't say it in front of so many people.

    All in all, the two people have always maintained this eccentric relationship.

    They walked through the camp and went to the waters, where a small team had been lined up.

    Fred and George saw Lee Jordan, who was their two friends at school and often got into trouble together.

    The three of them got together for a while, and they left the team in advance with a smirk and didn't know what to do.

    "What are they going to do?"Ron said puzzledly, looking at the back of their three.

    "Don't know…"Harry shook his head and picked up the Fred left behind kettle.

    They lined up in the team, and in front, the two men were arguing fiercely.

    One of them is very old, wearing a long printed pajamas.

    The other, obviously, the wizard working in the ministry, holding a pin-striped trousers in his hand, was so annoyed that he was crying.

    "You're it will be alright, let's put it on, Archie. You can't walk around like this, the muggle at the gate has begun to doubt…"

    “My pants were bought in a muggle store,” the old wizard said stubbornly. “The muggles are also worn.”

    "Muggle women wear it, Archie, men don't wear, men wear this."The wizard working in the ministry said that he was waving the pinstriped trousers.

    "I don't wear it!"Archie said angrily, "I am willing to let the healthy breeze blow my ass, thank you."

    When I heard their conversation, everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

    Especially Hermione, she couldn't help it. She stooped away from the team and waited until Archie was full of water to leave.

    After a few minutes, everyone went back through the camp, and because of the water, they went much slower.

    This kettle is very large and very heavy after being filled with water.

    In the absence of magic, they are very hard to move.

    Hermione and Ginny couldn't get the kettle, and Ivan, Harry, and Ron took turns to take a walk.

    Along the way, they saw many Hogwarts students.

    One of the most impressive is Qiu Zhang, who just came over.

    Autumn is Ravenclaw's Seeker, a very beautiful girl.

    She waved to everyone and Harry waved her hand to her, panicking and pouring a lot of water on the front.

    "Hello, I just saw Cedric, he said you are fetching water here!"Autumn said happily, her face was red and full of concern and excitement. "Ivan, how are you, since you left school early in the last semester…"

    She specifically asked about Ivan's status, which is obviously very concerned.

    Ivan has a good relationship with Autumn, and since the two people met for the first time, they have become very familiar.

    Autumn seems to have a crush on Ivan, but speaking, most girls in the school have a crush on Ivan.

    "Thank you, I am fine, nothing!"Ivan replied with a smile, "You have been in the summer…"

    Before he continued, he saw Hermione appear behind him.

    After seeing the autumn, Hermione, who had been hiding for a day, chose to approach her, and her face was full of vigilance.

    Ivan smelled a bit of tension and it seemed that something was wrong.

    Fortunately, the unexpected bloody rain did not happen.

    After seeing Hermione's look, the autumn was quickly separated from them, and the small face was still red.

    Looking at the back of the autumn, Ivan sighed a little, but did not think of the real trouble but was waiting for him behind…

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