469. See also chapter 466 for Elaine

    In the narrow, quiet corridor, a weak girl stood behind Kreacher.

    She is very slender and thin, about the same height as Ginny, wearing a light blue dress.

    The skirt was very thin, and it was wet by the sudden rain outside, and it was tightly attached to the body.

    The girl's face is hidden under a pink straw hat, and the brim is pressed down very low, so I can't see the specific look.

    Ivan could only see her with long, pale yellow hair, curling slightly.

    The raindrops fell down the hair, and the ground was already wet.

    She didn't seem to think of a heavy rain. Because of the cold, the body kept shaking and looked very pitiful.

    Ivan wondered for a while, this girl gave him a familiar feeling.

    But to be sure, she is neither autumn nor Gabrielle.

    When I saw the straw hat on her head, Ivan remembered it.

    On Christmas Day, he and Hermione went to Diagon Alley for a celebration, and the shops on the street were celebrating.

    As the magic fireworks sounded, a large number of Christmas presents fell from the inside.

    Hermione was at the time looking at this pink and lovely straw hat. They ran in Diagon Alley for a long time, just followed the straw hat down, into the alley where a huge Christmas tree was placed, and then… …

    After a short kiss, Hermione fled, and the straw hat was smashed by Elaine and finally taken away by her.

    Ivan's eyes wide open, and the guy who was drenched into a soup is Elaine Slytherin!

    In the next second, Elaine lifted the edge of the straw hat up slightly and Ivan saw her look.

    As in memory, Elaine's exquisite facial features are reasonably matched together, like a cute porcelain doll.

    Her skin is white, she can't see the slightest blood, but it's not as disgusting as other Vampire.

    The most striking thing is Elaine's eyes, wine red, red very pure and very thorough.

    It seems that with an innate magic power, as long as you take a look at it, you will be deeply involved.

    "Ivan, I…"Elaine said.

    The sound is very special, with a little hoarseness in the crisp.

    "Wait, what's the matter, come in!"Ivan pulled her in and looked at the ends of the quiet corridor, then bowed down to Kreacher and said, "Remember, don't tell anyone about it!"

    Given the sensitive identity of Vampire, the news of Elaine's arrival must be kept confidential.

    "Know, Master Ivan, old Kreacher will keep secrets!"Kreacher groaned deeply and disappeared.

    Ivan closed the door and looked at Elaine in front of him, only to realize that this guy might be more troublesome.

    Since the last time Diagon Alley separated, Ivan thought that two people might never have a chance to meet again.

    Who would have thought that she would come to the door now.

    Ivan still remembers that this guy was always thinking about biting himself and sucking blood.

    Of course, in return, Elaine will do his first embrace with Ivan.

    Expending his own blood and magic power, returning a certain percentage of blood, making him also a Vampire.

    The blood of two people is so mixed and blended together…

    The first embrace will cause great damage to Vampire, and only if the relationship is intimate to a certain extent.

    Especially Elaine is the first time to carry out the first embrace, even the first time to bite the person,

    With this in mind, Ivan should be honored to be bitten, but he is not happy anyway.

    But when Ivan was found, the girl seemed very happy and her face was filled with a happy smile.

    "Elaine, how come you are here?!"Ivan said, taking a deep breath.

    "I said that I will come back to you, but my uncle is more strict, and I have never found a chance to escape!"Elaine said with a smile, "I heard my uncle say it. He saw you a few days ago. He is very high on you."

    His uncle is Kreshkov Slytherin, who helped Voldemort's leader of Vampire, and he was very strong.

    Previously in Centaur vestige, to help Voldemort get the half-Philosopher's Stone, they teamed up to set up bait, sucked hundreds of greedy dark wizards and adventurers with gold, and killed them with magic, using their flesh and blood. To crack the evil behind the evil god and the corrupted Centaur.

    At the last minute, Kreshkov was even able to confront Dumbledore and leave with Voldemort and the evil god statue.

    From this point of view, he is indeed a horrible guy.

    Like Voldemort, it is very pure evil, powerful, and existence itself is taboo.

    However, this group of Vampire seems to have any difficulties, they are not really helping Voldemort.

    A few days ago, at the last minute, Kreshkov even helped Ivan get Philosopher's Stone instead of Voldemort.

    This is really worth pondering, but I have to admit that Ivan really owes the other person a big favor.

    He did not think that the other party would have a high opinion of himself.

    "My uncle finally agrees with my point of view. He thinks that you may be the one who appeared in the prophecy and will help us out of the woods!"Elaine said, "But he thinks you are still weak now, not the opponents of those monsters. And that guy is also possible, everything is hard to say, he has to think carefully. ”

    "That guy?!"Ivan snorted and asked quickly, "Is Voldemort?!"

    "Yes, this is the name! They brought him back from the Albanian forest. He is said to have the same ancestors as us, and everyone is ready to help him recover his strength. ”Elaine lowered his voice and his face looked extraordinarily white. "To tell the truth, I don't like him. He is too scary, giving people an inexplicable fear!" Everyone was extra careful when talking about him, and everyone didn't even dare to call his name directly. ”

    Seems to think of something, Elaine looks very bad.

    It seems that even for Vampire, Voldemort is a terrible, evil existence and has to be treated with care.

    "Elaine, where is your uncle and Voldemort now?"Ivan asked.

    Harry's dream shows them together, what plots are being planned.

    "Just in this camp!"Elaine said, "They seem to be planning something, but my uncle is not letting me participate. He just let me see the Quiddich world. At noon, I heard other people say that I saw you here, so I came over…"

    Ivan looked at Elaine in amazement and didn't have the heart to listen to what she said next.

    He did not expect that Voldemort and Vampires would be in the camp and hidden in the World Cup crowd.

    They are definitely planning another plot, which is not a good thing.

    The horrors in the fallen Centaur vestige are still vivid, and Ivan didn't expect to be so quick to confront Voldemort again.

    It is said that there are more than 100,000 wizards who came to watch the World Cup this time. Most of them are old and weak women and women, and they have no fighting power.

    Ivan expects that they don't make any crazy moves, otherwise…

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