485. Chapter 482 is all chaotic.

    No one knows where Barty Crouch is, and no one knows what happened below.

    According to the plan, it should be the time for the award ceremony and celebration.

    Under a dazzling glare, the top box is magically illuminated.

    The two panting wizard even carried a large gold cup into the box, which was the Quiddich trophy.

    But at this moment, there was a silence in the small box.

    No one is concerned about the Quiddich trophy, and everyone is listening to the deafening shouts below.

    Unlike the sound of the previous refueling, these shouts have become even more fierce, painful sorrow and cry for help.

    A few of the high-ranking, pampered wizards were pale, and they have never encountered this before.

    Below, in the face of a sudden attack, most of the first reaction of the wizard is to pull out the wand to counterattack.

    But they can't find where the enemy is. There are so many people below. 100,000 people are crowded in such a small place. This is a disaster. The spell that is sent out in a panic is just hurting more innocent people.

    The Ministry of Magic Official is in vain to maintain order, and no one listens to them.

    In front of so many people, they are now like a boat in the sea, pushed and pushed by the crowd, and it does not work.

    Those wizards with deep red hoods are laughing out loud and raging with powerful magic.

    The battle is rapidly upgraded, and the scope of the spread is rapidly spreading. The magic power of the flying is getting stronger and stronger.

    On the field, Leprechaun and Veela all stopped and watched the battle in the stands in horror.

    If it was just a melee between the fans, the scene has now completely heated up and turned into a war.

    The red, blue, and white magical lights are constantly flashing, and they are also interspersed with dark green dark magic rays.

    Ivan is sure that he saw Killing Curse and Cruciatus Curse in it!

    But this is not all, and there are bursts of explosions from time to time in the stands.

    Most of the wizards who did not have much combat power screamed in despair, and they screamed at the headless flies.

    The children are crying, people are nervous, anxious shouts and painful mourning, echoing in the field.

    In the few minutes after the game ended, it changed from a place of joy to hell, and there were crazy pictures everywhere.

    The crowd tried to rush out of the arena and tried to escape.

    This area is protected by magic, you can't use spells such as Apparition, only hope to escape.

    Hundreds of wizards with crimson hoods and icy scent are caught in the crowd, using dark magic.

    They are creating chaos, causing people to escape slowly.

    There is also a part of the wizard that has been intimate, and it has begun to smash and smash. The scene is a mess.

    Among them, a small group of people is particularly obvious.

    They also took masks and hoods, and they quickly rushed from the stands to the main corridor.

    Ivan sees from the top, these dark wizards seem to be ready to get together.

    Their goal is here, the topmost box!

    These guys are definitely Vampire, and Ivan even recognized the leader is Kreshkov.

    His magical power is extraordinarily powerful, and there is hardly anything to stop him.

    They want to rush to save Barty Jr.
Crouch, even further robbed Harry.

    It was all messy, Ivan didn't think that Voldemort would be so crazy after getting help from Vampire.

    He actually made such a big battle, completely ignoring the lives of others.

    When everyone is the most relaxed and the weakest defense force, he chooses to shoot, using the simplest and most violent method!

    Everything was too sudden, and after the end of the incident, the Ministry of Magic might not be able to find a clue.

    Then again, will Voldemort, who has successfully recovered his strength, fear the Ministry of Magic? !

    "What do we do now?Hermione said in panic.

    "Take out wand!"Ivan gasped and said, pull out his wand.

    Sirius and Mr. Weasley is gone, they have to prepare themselves for the battle.

    Everyone has come up with their own wand, only Harry is still looking for it.

    He looked for his wand in the pocket of his coat, but the wand disappeared and only the panoramic telescope was found.

    "My wand is lost!"Harry shouted. "How is this possible, I just saw it?!"

    You’re kidding!

    Ron and Hermione hurriedly helped Harry find wand, and everyone was nervous.

    Ivan knows where his wand is, and he looks at the location where house elf shines.

    After entering the box, Harry was only there when he was talking to the flash.

    However, there is no one there, sparkling and Barty Jr.
· Crouch disappeared.

    Inside the box, someone was yelling at the rush to escape and the door was opened.

    Barty Jr.
· Crouch must have taken the opportunity to leave with Harry's wand.

    Or sparkle with his direct Apparition to leave, house elf's magic and wizard are not the same.

    The use of Apparition is prohibited in the venue, but house elf is fine.

    Ivan closed his eyes and felt it, and could feel Barty Jr.
· Crouch is still nearby.

    He is walking down the crowd with the escape, and the speed is very fast.

    Ivan didn't have the energy to pay attention to this guy anymore, and the other people in the box were in a mess.

    The dark wizard target with the red hood below is the box, and everyone turns into an ant on the hot pot.

    They simply did not intend to stick to it, but planned to rush to escape before the other party came up.

    Fudge, Ludo, Malfoy and Bulgarian Minister for Magic quickly left under the guard of several Aurors. They asked Ivan to keep up with them before they left, ready to flee with everyone.

    Ivan hesitated to act, and Harry, Ron, hermione, Fred and George did not move in a glance.

    Kreshkov is not a fool, their goal was originally Harry.

    It’s just like sending a big crowd of people.

    Ivan doesn't think that the use of Fudge and the Ministry of Magic's Aurr will be useful in front of the dangerous Vampire.

    But it is obviously not good to stay here. Without the help of others, Ivan can't live with them.

    Although Ivan originally intended to rely on this place to delay the terrain, it is no longer possible.

    Others have left, and a few of them staying here are simply waiting to die.

    "Ivan, what should we do?"Hermione asked again.

    "We all listen to you!"Harry said directly, "What do you do if you say what to do!"

    Ron, Fred and George glanced at the Ministry of Magic who left, and hesitated and nodded.

    Ivan's past experience and performance have made everyone choose to believe in him.

    At this time, he is the backbone of this place.

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