525. Chapter 522 Transfiguration Hall Explosion (subscription)

    The next section is Transfiguration, although everyone is immersed in what just happened, want to discuss Moody's practices, the three Unforgivable Curse, and finally Ivan defeated Moody, but no one dares to do so in the Transfiguration Hall.

    Professor McGonagall is stern, and people who don’t listen carefully will be asked to go out directly.

    She checked everyone's summer homework and revisited the content and deformation principles of the last semester.

    Then everyone is assigned to a teapot, which is turned into a turtle before class.

    For the third-grade young wizard, this is hard to do, and they may need to spend a full semester to learn this skill.

    The best student in the classroom is just to make the teapot mouth change.

    Except for Ivan, he just took out wand and tapped the tea party gently. A slowly crawling turtle appeared in front of his eyes.

    The third-grade Transfiguration process is too simple for him.

    Ivan looked up and Professor McGonagall was guiding Hufflepuff students on the other side of the classroom.

    Everyone focused on the teapot in front of them, waving wand constantly, trying to make it change.

    Ivan leaned to the right and covered his desk with his body.

    He looked at the tortoise slowly moving forward, and the wand in his hand tapped it on it.

    The tortoise's body twisted and began to deform quickly. The horror monster that was just seen in Moody's memory reappeared.

    "Is this anything anything?"Ivan stared at it with anxiety.

    He felt that his thoughts were in a mess, and he couldn't figure out what he was doing. He didn't see the whole picture of this monster.

    There are many places that are ambiguous and hidden in the endless darkness around the monster.

    But just seeing these is enough to make people feel shocked.

    The white-bone spine extends down the center of the blurred humanoid object, each section corresponding to a strangely shaped torso.

    It is plausible by the mixture of the flesh of a variety of magical creatures.

    Ivan still remembers that at the bottom of the spine is a huge dark blue turtle shell.

    It is abruptly there, looks very hard and protects the inside of this monster body.

    But the most shocking thing is the humanoid body in the center.

    He has a feeling that this monster is centered on this humanoid organism and develops around.

    It is the core of this monster, the specific look can not be seen clearly, but the top is densely covered with barnacle-like holes.

    It is like a shell soaked in the sea, slowly corroded by sea water, and parasitized by countless plankton.

    Ivan originally thought that since I saw the evil god, there is no thing in the world to surprise myself.

    However, seeing this monster in Kreshkov's memory, he found himself wrong.

    This may be a new evil god, and the evil god that I saw before.

    Looking at the monster in front of me, Ivan couldn't help thinking, is this thing alive, or is it dead? !

    Also, will this monster be the difficulty that Kreshkov and his people need to face? !

    Kreshkov is a direct descendant of Slytherin's. Is this monster related to Salazar himself? !

    From the current known news, Salazar left Hogwarts alone in his later years.

    He took away the evil god created by Herpo the Foul and took away the remaining two parts: the brain and the torso.

    Will this monster Ivan see be the body of the evil god that was taken away? !

    The huge ruins below Aragog's lair, and the abyss that extend deep into the ground, have plenty of room to house this monster.

    Before Salazar left Hogwarts, it might have been placed there.

    This also explains why Salazar had to dig a deep pit in the Forbidden Forest underground.

    If it is only used to seal the eyeball monster, he can find a place, and does not need such a big project.

    So speculate that the humanoid organism in the center is Herpo the Foul himself? !

    He used the evil dark magic to transform his body into an evil god, which became the immortal existence, where is the rest of his body.

    There is such a possibility, but everything is a mystery, Ivan can only guess.

    Suppose this monster is the evil god created by Herpo the Foul, and he begins to think about Slytherin's story.

    As everyone knows, because of the social wizard's educational philosophy, Salazar's disagreements with the other three founders in his later years have finally left school.

    This is the official statement, but in fact, will he leave Hogwarts related to this evil god? !

    Perhaps, the matter of evil god was discovered by the other three giants, and they had a disagreement on how to deal with it.

    The evil god should not be destroyed. With the tyrannical power of the ancient warlocks, it can only be sealed.

    If you leave it in Hogwarts, it is definitely a hassle, so Slytherin eventually leaves with two parts of the remaining evil god.

    Since then, no one has ever seen him except for many legends.

    So where did he hide this guy, why would it be the trouble that the direct descendants of became a Vampire had to face.

    There are many conjectures in Ivan's mind, and each one is incredible.

    If he can clearly see the specific shape of the humanoid creature in the middle of the monster, he may be able to make a judgment.

    He used the wand to gently tap the monster in front of him, and its parts of the body became more and more visible.

    Ivan tried his best to remember and magically show what he had just seen again.

    There are a lot of details that he didn't pay attention to before. He just took a quick look.

    Seeing this time, it may be decisive.

    Just like being magnified by a magnifying glass, the details on the monster are getting clearer and clearer, Ivan can see it right away…

    The next second, a loud bang, the monster in front of him suddenly exploded.

    It turned into a teapot, and the debris splashed everywhere.

    All the young wizards were shocked and they looked up and looked at Ivan.

    There was a whisper in the classroom and everyone was wondering why Ivan's teapot exploded.

    Because I was just busy deforming my teapot, no one noticed what happened to Ivan here.

    "Mason ?!"Professor McGonagall walked over and glanced at the debris on the table and grinned. "You have to learn to control your magic power. You have entered too much magic power, which exceeds the tolerance of the teapot itself. Transfiguration is just right, not the strength is the better, you need to learn a lot. ”

    Ivan replied and returned to the front to re-take a teapot.

    He is still thinking about this in his mind. It is better to talk to Kreshkov directly than to guess it yourself.

    Since this has happened, it does not make sense to continue the stalemate.

    Ivan decided to ask him directly about this monster is anything, its origins, and what plans they have, how to get Harry out of school.

    Since it is Kreshkov, not Barty Jr.
· Crouch, then direct cooperation is the right choice.

    Continue to fight can only hurt both sides, let Voldemort profit.

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