531. Chapter 528 Temple of Oblivion (subscription)

    "How, Ivan?! Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the three of them like them very much, just hatched! ”Hagrid proudly said, "I thought about it. You can raise them personally this semester, we can make a big project!"

    From the expression and tone of Harry and Ron, Ivan doubts that they really like these Blast-Ended Skrewts.

    The three of them said that they just didn't want Hagrid to be sad.

    "How did you get these Blast-Ended Skrewt?"Ivan leaned over and looked at the group inside the box. A Blast-Ended Skrewt's tail exploded suddenly, and a slamming shot sparked. The splash was everywhere. He hurried back and frowned. "This should be a new one." The magical creature, I have never seen it in any book."

    "Yes, it's a new breed, the descendants of the hybrid between Manticore and Fire Crab. The name Blast-Ended Skrewt is still named for me. These little guys are cute, aren't they? ! ”Hagrid waved his hand and seemed to be happy that Ivan would ask, "I don't know, it's not easy. Manticore hardly let any creatures get close. It's not easy for them to cooperate with their offspring. I probably used this summer. More than sixty Fire Crabs were successful."

    It's hard to imagine how Hagrid did it.

    When all the wizards went to see the Quiddich World Cup, a man guarded a Manticore and a group of Fire Crabs.

    Use all the means to let them commit and give birth to future generations…

    These Blast-Ended Skrewts are not cute, but terrible, and things are terrible!

    Since the promulgation of the Ban on Experimental Breeding Act, the cultivation of new types of magical creatures has been banned.

    Subject to close monitoring by the Ministry of Magic Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, it is illegal for Hagrid to do so.

    Looking at his happy look, it is estimated that Ivan told him this, he would not care.

    Hagrid is now completely immersed in the joy of getting Blast-Ended Skrewt, just thinking about how to raise them.

    As long as you find the right food, these dangerous Blast-Ended Skrewts can grow up quickly and cause harm to all living things around you.

    They fully inherit some of the features of Manticore and Fire Crab and are even more dangerous.

    Of course, this is not a problem for Hagrid at all.

    Think about his past experiences, whether it's Dragon, three-headed dog or Acromantula, no more than Blast-Ended Skrewt.

    They are all in the eyes of Hagrid, all cute little babies.

    In the last semester, Ivan almost ended the Acromantula in the entire Forbidden Forest.

    Affected by eyeball monsters, they become more evil, and the body begins to grow abnormally and become a more pure dark creature.

    But Ivan let go of Aragog and hand it over to Hagrid.

    Without the supply of the power of evil god, this old spider can't live long.

    During this time, Hagrid has been busy taking care of the Aragog, which has a big injury, and has no energy to estimate the others.

    Unexpectedly, Aragog's health has just improved, he has made a lot of Blast-Ended Skrewt that may be more dangerous!

    Ivan sighed and gave up trying to persuade Hagrid's efforts and turned his attention to the Manticore he had just said.

    “Where did you find Manticore?”Ivan asked, “This magical creature is rare.”

    Manticore is a magical creature with a human head, a lion's torso and a tail of a scorpion.

    More accurately, it should be a monster with a red lion, human face, human ears and blue eyes.

    The upper and lower jaws each have three rows of sharp teeth, and the tail ends are like dead scorpions with deadly stingers. These stingers can be fired in any direction.

    This magical creature is native to Greece and is very rare and extremely dangerous. It is one of the most dangerous magical creatures currently known.

    Manticore's skin almost excludes all known spells, so it is extremely difficult to control it with magic.

    It is a sentient beast with superb language skills, but it cannot be classified as a person because of the violent nature.

    The history of magic has such a record that a Manticore has killed 30,000 muggles and used them as food.

    In ancient Persia, it is therefore called "Manticol", the "cannibal"!

    This terrible evil monster is seen by the muggles as a symbol of tyranny, contempt and jealousy.

    Within the magic circle, they are created by ancient wizards, using the magical creatures that guard the treasure.

    Manticore has become increasingly rare as the left behind remains of ancient wizards have been explored.

    According to reliable records, its last appearance was in 1926.

    A Manticore killed a person and was finally let go because no one dared to approach it.

    Since then, magic circle has never seen Manticore.

    So, Hagrid said that these Blast-Ended Skrewts are a symbol of Manticore and Fire Crab, which surprised Ivan.

    He didn't know where Hagrid found a Manticore? !

    “In the swamp deep in the Forbidden Forest, there is one!”Hagrid said, stood up, "There is its territory, no other creatures dare to approach." In addition to preying, the guy never left too far, as if guarding anything. ”

    The swamp in the deep of Forbidden Forest?

    Ivan still remembers the swamp. Eight hundred years ago, the greatest warrior of the Centaur tribe, Huguet, once found a huge vestige buried in mud, an ancient mysterious temple.

    The upper part is covered by a thick marsh, and the interior is a wide and secluded rotunda.

    The inside is quietly filled with many magical plants, and the marble walls are engraved with complex magic symbols and ancient magic language.

    On the floor are various patterns and spell lines, just like the top of the Moon Temple, but unfortunately absorb the power of natural stars.

    At the speed of Centaur Huguet, he was also galloping forward for more than twenty minutes in this empty hall to reach the center.

    There, there are scary statues that can summon the horrible evil god to the real world.

    Hagrid said that Manticore might be used to guard this sunken temple. I thought of it here. Ivan suddenly thought of going there to see if there might be something about the evil god left in that place.

    Especially the evil god statue in Voldemort's hands, this kind of exploration is even more necessary.

    The temple was buried under the marsh silt and was not discovered by the wizard and the Ministry of Magic.

    Only Huuguet had been there 800 years ago, and the place may not have been destroyed and is of great value.

    In addition to the evil god, the ancient warlocks may have left other treasures.

    Even if there is nothing, it is the remains of the ancient warlocks left behind, and it is worthy of Ivan to pay a visit.

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