533. Chapter 530 Scared Snape (Subscription)

    On Wednesday, Ivan and other third-year young wizards learned a simple magical language in the first section of the ancient magic language.

    This is an extinct text that was once spread on the Nordic Earth. It is an entry-level ancient magic language, expressed in black and white letters.

    In the past, it has risen with the prosperity of the medieval dark magic in Europe.

    It is said that the dark wizard will still have a specially arranged, such as the magic language note, still at the victim's door, waiting for them to pick it up.

    Or mail it directly to the victim, the note is actually a curse.

    After receiving the note, the victim will show an abnormality.

    He always feels something behind him, like a dog.

    But looking back, nothing can be seen.

    Around him, there will be constant bizarre things.

    They wrap around the victim until one week before dying, all abnormal performance disappeared and everything returned to normal.

    But by then, he can clearly hear the footsteps of death…

    There are many curses such as the use of magical spells, which used to be very popular.

    This kind of ancient magic language is not used in alchemy, but because it is relatively simple, it is suitable for beginners to learn.

    Ivan saw the relevant records in "Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms" given to him by Nick Flamel. It was very interesting to learn systematically in the classroom and gave him a lot of inspiration.

    Now, no matter where he gets there, Ivan is wearing a parchment full of ancient magic language.

    He is ready to master the simple magic language as fast as possible, and based on this, learn the more profound ancient magic language.

    After that, the next few days were flat and there were no accidents in the school.

    Kreshkov's fake Moody is more and more like, there is no doubt in the school, but he is more and more admired.

    Throughout the castle, you can hear about Moody's past experiences and the voices of the three Unforgivable Curse.

    Moody is very popular with young wizards. Although he looks terrible, everyone thinks he knows how to do work outside and how to deal with the dark wizard, which gives a very fresh feeling to the young wizards in school.

    In fact, the same is true. In terms of dark magic and dark wizard, Kreshkov is not much worse than Moody.

    As the evil Vampire, his existence is taboo.

    The perennial life experience is also in the magic circle edge gray area, and a variety of intrigues, fierce dark wizard and dark creature and other frequent contacts.

    Now tell these things to the young wizards, it’s all about it.

    Snape's temper is more violent than the more handy Moody.

    His revenge seems to be a new high in the summer, and every student who dares to make mistakes in his class is severely punished.

    For example, Neville, he burned his cauldron again on Potions, which is the sixth cauldron he burned.

    After a mean depreciation, Snape ruthlessly punished him for staying in school.

    On Friday night, Neville had to go to a large bucket of long-horned toad.

    When he came back at nine o'clock in the evening, his nerves almost collapsed.

    Sitting around the warm fire, everyone was surprised to see Neville squatting into the common room with tears on his face.

    "Neville, what the hell is going on?"Harry asked.

    "For more than five hours, he kept me cleaning up in the underground classroom and scooping out their internal organs."Neville said with a low voice, weak and weak, "Those things are disgusting, I have already spit out dinner."

    “These long-horned toad blood is slightly corrosive and should be cleaned up quickly!”Ivan said, looking at the viscera inside Neville's nails, "I know an effective descaling spell, you can give it a try."

    "Snape is too much, you know why his temper is so bad, isn't it?"Ron told everyone, staring at Neville's miserable look for a moment.

    "This is still to say, definitely because of Moody!"

    Since Moody took Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe to the Snape office, he has become like this.

    Entering the irritated state, sprinkle all the fire on the young wizard that hit the muzzle.

    Everyone knows that Snape especially wants to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. He has not been able to get the job many times in a row.

    Snape was dissatisfied with the teachers of the previous Defence Against the Dark Arts, and wrote this emotion on his face.

    This situation reached its peak at Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, who fought directly in front of the students.

    However, for Mad-Eye Moody, he seems to be extra careful not to let this dissatisfaction stand out.

    All young wizards have noticed more or less that whenever Snape and Moody are together, when they are eating or in the hallway, they try to avoid Moody's eyes, whether it's a magical eye or not. That normal eye.

    It seems that Snape seems a little scared of Moody.

    "I don't understand why Snape is afraid of Moody?"Harry said.

    "It's also used to say if Moody turns Snape into a long-horned toad!"Ron looked up and said, his eyes were full of fascination, "and commanded him to jump around in the underground classroom, this picture must be awesome…"

    Since knowing Moody a short while ago turned Malfoy into a white ferret, Ron has recently done a lot of work on transfiguration.

    He also wants to learn this spell, but it doesn't make much progress. Turning people into certain animals requires a very high level of Transfiguration knowledge, which can only be reached after passing the Ordinary Wizarding Level.

    "Snape is not so weak, it won't be easily deformed like Malfoy."

    "It's hard to say, think about it, Moody is very powerful, definitely more than Snape." When he read Killing Curse, the spider died, and he immediately broke his breath. I never thought there would be such a dark magic…"

    The fourth grade went to the first section of this semester, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and they were all shocked.

    Ron is still talking about it, but Harry feels bad about Killing Curse.

    He didn't dare to think that his parents were killed by this spell. There is no way to talk about this dark magic in a relaxed tone like Ron or others. He can't do it. In others' view, this may be A wonderful burlesque performance, and Harry thought it was not very interesting.

    After a few seconds, Ron noticed Harry's anomaly. He hurriedly shifted the subject. "Don't discuss these things. Harry, we'd better start the prophecy of the Professor Trelawny layout tonight. The complicated forms will cost a few. Hours!"

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