571. Chapter 568 wand maintenance

    "My wand core is the same as my sister's, it is grandma's hair."Gabrielle said, some sad, "In my impression, Grandma is a very beautiful, very kind person, will tell a lot of interesting stories, and will do a lot of delicious dishes. Five years ago, after my grandfather died, she also left to return to nature. Before leaving, she left these two hairs as a commemoration. Since then, I have never seen her again. ”

    "Leave back to nature?!"Hermione couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you go find her?"

    "We don't know where she is, she hides and refuses to see us."Gabrielle said that the eyes are a bit red.

    "I'm afraid!"

    "It doesn't matter, I am used to it. Every year, she will send a message to us. As long as I know that my grandmother lives very well, my sister and I have already met!"Gabrielle said, his face had a lovely smile. "Only if you are still alive, there will always be a chance to meet in the future, isn't it?!"

    She stared at Fendur's wand in Mr. Ollivander's hand, recalling her grandmother.

    Fleur and Gabrielle's grandmother did not die, Veela is a magical power elf with a long life.

    They will become a young and beautiful woman and marry a human being, forming a family to settle down and have children.

    When the man's life is over, they will return to nature and never meet their children again.

    They live in forests, lakes, mountains and clouds, and even if they are found by future generations, they will not come out easily.

    Veela's hair is a rare core material, but it's undeniable to have a strong magic power, with strong features in transfiguration, healing magic, rejuvenation and flame spells.

    "Not bad!"Mr. Ollivander said, "Of course, I have never used Veela's hair. I think the wand made with Veela hair is too sensitive and willful, but everyone has their own hobbies, since it is right for you…"

    Mr. Ollivander licked the wand with his fingers, apparently checking for scratches and bruises.

    Then he whispered, "The orchid is in full bloom!"

    In the next second, a bouquet of flowers blooms on the head of the wand.

    “Very good, good condition!”Mr. Ollivander said that when the flowers were gathered, they were handed to Fleur with the wand, "Mr. Diggory, it’s your turn. ”

    Cedric's wand is a product made by Ollivander, one-twelfth of an inch, made of eucalyptus.

    This wand is elastic and the core is the male unicorn tail.

    "Yes, I remember very clearly."Mr. Ollivander said that there was a hair pulled from the tail of a particularly beautiful male unicorn. It was five or six feet long. I pulled the unicorn's tail hair, and it almost poked me with a horn. A hole, this wand's magic power is very strong, only a good wizard can control him. ”

    Mr. Ollivander praised Cedric's wand and nodded and expressed satisfaction.

    He waved gently, and a bunch of silver-white smoke rings spouted on the wand's head, and the smoke circle floated from the room to the other end.

    After Cedric, it was Viktor Krum.

    His body seems to have not recovered, and the damage caused to him by the last attack was great.

    Krum pulled his round shoulders, took the extra-footed feet, and slouched toward Mr. Ollivander.

    He stuffed the wand over, frowned and stood there, his hands in the pocket of the robe.

    “hmm…Mr. Ollivander said, “If I am not mistaken, this is the product of Gregorovich?!”

    Krum nodded and Hermione hurriedly wrote this on parchment.

    "When the four of you were just around, I have already completed an interview with Krum."Hermione whispered, shaking the densely packed parchment in her hand, all with information about Krum.

    "He looks hard to touch!"Colin is afraid to say.

    "I thought so before, but he just did it with you."Hermione said.

    Ivan watched Krum with vigilance. If you remember correctly, this guy seems to like Hermione!

    “Gregorovich is an excellent wand craftsman, although I don’t quite agree with his style, but…”

    Mr. Ollivander did not say anything, Gregorovich is one of the two major wand producers in Europe, which is the same as Ollivander.

    Very good.He raised the wand and turned over in front of him, carefully checking it.

    "The hornbeam, the heart of the dragon, is it?"He glanced at Krum and Krum nodded. Mr. Ollivander continued, “It’s much thicker than what people usually see, it’s very hard, ten and a quarter inches, and a flock of birds!”

    The wand of the hornbeams made a loud bang, like a pistol firing.

    A flock of birds fluttered from the wand's head and flew into the faint sunshine from the open window.

    "Great."Mr. Ollivander said that he handed back wand to Krum, "the last one, Mr. Weasley. ”

    Ron hurriedly stood up, a little nervous and looking clumsy.

    He passed Krum and walked to Mr. Ollivander to hand over his own wand.

    "This is my product again!"Mr. Ollivander said, slightly frowning at the wand in his hand, "fourteen inches long, wicker wood, unicorn tail hair. That's right, I still remember, it was a female unicorn, running very fast, only the purest women could touch it, although the length and magic power of this tail hair was greater than Mr. Diggory is a bit worse, but has a strong positive character. Only the heart of the good wizard can use this wand, using it to release dark magic and other negative effects of the spell will produce natural resistance, which is one of its characteristics. ”

    Mr. Ollivander did not wait for Ron to answer, he waved wand directly.

    “I have to say that you need to take care of him regularly and use it carefully.”Mr. Ollivander said, looking at the scar on the wand, "Remember, it is wand in the choice to ignore the wizard, Mr. Weasley, if you continue this way, you may need to change a new wand! Of course, it's currently in good shape, but you have to be careful. ”

    He said, let wand squirt a wine and return the wand to Ron.

    "Since I am here, I have to mention one. As the most important partner of the wizard, the importance of wand is beyond doubt! The maintenance of wand is a very practical text, I suggest that this course should be offered in the school. ”Mr. Ollivander said that the pale eyes looked at Dumbledore, Professor Karkaroff and Madam Maxime. "This is what young wizards need to learn."

    “Thank you for your advice, Garrick, students really need professional advice in this area!”Dumbledore said, suddenly turned his head and looked at Ivan, "Mr. Mason, Miss Granger, Mr. Creevey, Miss Delacour, a rare opportunity, I suggest let Garrick look at your four wand and see how much they are maintained. ”

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