582. Chapter 579 Sirius' Reasoning

    "I think someone is trying to stop Moody from coming to Hogwarts."Sirius said, “It must be done by Death Eater or Vampires, and Karkaroff may be involved. I really can't say about this…With my impression of Karkaroff, unless he knew that Voldemort was strong enough to protect him, he would not rush back to find him. ”

    He sat down in front of The Shrieking Shack's decaying steps, frowning and thinking.

    "But it's undeniable that Death Eater and Vampires are more active than usual. There are Voldemort's shadows behind these things, you must know this."Sirius continued, “They are definitely going to do something when Hogwarts hosted this Triwizard Tournament, so it will stop Moody. Because they know that if Moody is on the side, it will be much harder to get started. No one will investigate this matter very seriously, and Mad-Eye heard that someone invaded him in three days. But this does not mean that he can't see through the abnormal situation. Moody is the best Auror of the Ministry of Magic. ”

    Sirius' reasoning is really good, but unfortunately he doesn't know Barty Jr.
· The existence of Crouch.

    Or more precisely, is not to believe Barty Jr.
· Crouch is still alive.

    Ivan told him before, but Sirius and Mr. were present at the time. Weasley thinks this is a fantasy.

    The only Moody that Ivan said is reasonable, has been attacked and locked in a box.

    Of course, these are not important. What Ivan really cares about is what Sirius said about Vampire doing abroad.

    These things have gone beyond Ivan's control and are moving in an unpredictable direction.

    Time has passed ten minutes, no one is talking, everyone is digesting what Sirius just said.

    Gabrielle didn't talk, and the little face was full of worry.

    She sat down next to Hermione's side, listening silently to these appalling things.

    Just Ivan, a few of them guarantee that Gabrielle will not reveal the secret, she can stay here.

    "Sirius, you mean…"Hermione said slowly, "It is Karkaroff or a Death Eater, Vampire mixed into Hogwarts, and put Ron's name into the Goblet of Fire."

    "At the moment, things are like this."Sirius nodded.

    "Why are they doing this?!"Ron stood up straight, like a cat whose tail was slammed, and said angrily, "Let me be a champion, then let Dragon kill me. What does this mean?"

    "Obviously, their purpose is Harry or Ivan!"Sirius said, "They probably want to kill Harry, avenge Voldemort or do other purposes; as for Ivan, Voldemort probably wants his Philosopher's Stone!"

    "It's me who can become a champion. It's me who wants to face Dragon right away!"Ron shouted, "Not both of them!"

    He looked at Harry and Ivan and turned his eyes to Sirius.

    He couldn't believe that the reason for becoming a champion and facing Dragon was because someone wanted to frame Harry and Ivan.

    "The exact reason is not known. This can only be guessed. Ivan and Harry have been watching under the watch of Dumbledore and other professors. It is difficult for the guy hiding in the dark to start with them."Sirius said, "But it's much easier to put your name in the Goblet of Fire. There will definitely be something happening in the game, and they will be involved."

    Upon hearing Sirius' reminder, Ivan suddenly thought that the second competition would require the champion to complete with his most precious person.

    He doesn't worry about himself, but if Ron chooses Harry…

    It’s not too easy to do something under the water in the second step.

    "I prefer the goal to be Harry than Ivan!"Sirius turned his head and looked at Harry with concern. "Your strength is too weak. If anyone wants to poison your hand and wants to make everything look like an accident, then this hegemony is a great match." Opportunity."

    "That's really a seamless plan!"Harry smiled reluctantly.

    Ron also gasped and sat down in vain.

    Sirius' words are obvious. If there is any accident, then he will be a funeral.

    Or it may not be so troublesome, he may not even be able to smash the Dragon, and will soon be torn into pieces.

    "If that's the case, what are those people going to do?!"Hermione asked, she was more sober than Harry and Ron at this time.

    I'm not sureSirius shook his head and continued. "Be careful of the strangers around you, especially the Karkaroff and Durmstrang champions. If something happens, you can go to Dumbledore or Moody."

    He glanced at Gabrielle in disbelief and quickly turned his gaze away.

    "Sirius, you should tell me about this Dragon!"Ron suddenly said.

    "Right, those Dragon!"Sirius said, “There is a trick to deal with them. Don't stand the temptation to read Stunning Spell, Dragon is powerful, and has a very powerful magic power. It can't be defeated by a Stunning Spell. It takes seven or eight wizards to spell a uniform at the same time. ”

    "That's great!"Ron said, "How can I have a magic power of seven or eight people!"

    "Of course you don't have it, but you can deal with it alone!"Sirius said, “There is a trick, you just apply a simple magic, aiming at their eyes using Conjunctivitis Curse, Ron, that's their weakness.”

    "Conjunctivitis Curse ?!"Ron hurriedly said, "Ivan taught me, but I haven't learned that, the spell is hard. As long as you master this spell, you can deal with Dragon? ! ”

    "Just temporarily let them lose sight, the eyes are the most vulnerable places on the dragon's body."Sirius waved his hand. "It's too far away to completely defeat or kill them, but it's enough to get you done with the school."

    Next, they discussed Conjunctivitis Curse for a while, and Ivan personally demonstrated it several times.

    Ron seems to regard this as a lifeline, and he studies very seriously.

    But the effect is terrible, it has not been successful, there is no way to successfully cast Conjunctivitis Curse, this magic is too difficult for him.

    And Ivan suspects that even if Ron learned the spell, it would be a problem to have the courage to use it.

    In the face of the terrible Dragon, he may be directly scared to stumble.

    "Your movement is too stiff, Ron, and don't read the spell so fast."Ivan said that pointing out Ron's mistake, "The posture of waving wand is not right, and the right hand is below."

    While Ivan, Hermione, and Gabrielle urged Ron to practice Conjunctivitis Curse, Sirius was also teaching Harry.

    He believes that the ultimate goal of this incident is Harry, of course, let him become stronger as soon as possible.

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